Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 8 - 12
बहुधा प्रार्थितः पत्न्या कुटुम्बभरणं प्रति |
यथाकथञ्चिद्भक्तोsयं वस्त्रमेकञ्चकार ह ||
तच्चापि वस्त्रमादाय विक्रेतुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |
उपाविशत्क्वचिद्भक्तः पण्यवीथीमुपागतः ||
लोकातीतं मनस्तस्य व्यवहारे न वर्तते |
तस्माद्राघावपादाब्जे निमग्नमभवत्तदा ||
पृष्ट्वा पृष्ट्वा कबीर्दासं निमीलितविलोचनम् |
निद्रात्ययमिति स्मृत्वा जनाक्ष्च बहवो गताः ||
लब्धप्रज्ञो महात्मापि रात्रिकालमुपागतम् |
आपणं विजनं दृष्ट्वा प्रतस्थे भवनं प्रति ||
Once, as he was pressed hard by the repeated requests of his wife to take care of the household, he wove a sari with great efforts. With an intention of selling it, Kabir, the bhakta reached the market with that sari and sat in a place. His mind, which stood above the material world, did not take interest in business. Involuntarily, it got fixed at the holy feet of Lord Shri Rama. Many people came, made enquiries to Kabir about the price of the sari, got no reply, and hence went away thinking that he was fast asleep. When Kabir regained consciousness, he realized that night had befallen and all have left the market place. Hence the mahatma too went homeward.