Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 30 - 31
अभयं ते महाभक्त पश्य मां रघुनन्दनम् |
वेणुं कोदण्डरूपेण पश्य मे करवारिजे ||
मयि भक्तिं दृढयितुं स्थूणाखननरीतितः |
एवं भूतोस्मि मे भक्त वस्तुतो राघवोस्म्यहम् ||
Shri Bhagavan said
Oh! The greatest of the devotees! I shall save you. Look at Me, considering to be Lord Rama. Consider the flute in My hand to be the Kodanda in the hand of Shri Rama. In reality, I am Rama only. A pillar is shaken to and fro before it is erected firmly. I just tested the strength of your devotion to Me, swaying you with My darshan as Lord Krishna