Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 32 - 37

Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 32 - 37


इत्यिक्त्वा भगवान् कृष्णः परिपूर्णतमः स्वयम् |

रामावताररूपेण तस्मै संदर्शनं ददौ ||

पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षं मकुटोद्भासिमस्तकम् |

मणिकुण्डलसंयुक्तं कस्तूरीतिलकोज्ज्वलम् ||

विशालवक्षसं देवं दीर्घबाहुं महाभुजम् |

विचित्रकार्मुकधरं हरिचन्दनचर्चितम् ||

दिव्यक्षौमोत्तरीयञ्च दीप्तनानाविभूषणम् |

धीरोदात्तगुणं राम शरण्यं करुणार्णवम् ||

विलोक्य तुलसीदासः प्रहृष्टवदनोsभवत् |

पुलकाञ्चितसर्वाङ्गो बाष्पसंपूर्णलोचनः ||

तुष्टाव प्रणतक्ष्चापि परिपूर्णमनोरथः |

मूर्ध्नि बद्धाञ्जलिपुटो गद्गदस्तब्धभाषणः ||

Having spoken thus, Lord Krishna, the personification of perfection and contentment gave darshan as Shri Rama. Shri Rama appeared with eyes as beautiful as the lotus; with His head adorned with a crown and ears with mandalas studded with precious gems and with glittering matsuri tilak on His forehead. He stood there with a broad chest, long and graceful limbs and strong shoulders. He was holding an enchanting bow. His person was rubbed with fragrant red sandal paste. He was wearing a gorgeous silk attire, and a number of shining ornaments. Looking at Shri Rama, the courageous and savior of those who have surrendered to Him, and the ocean of compassion, Shri Tulasidasa’s eyes shed tears of joy, his face blossomed, and his hairs stood on end. Contented with the darshan of Lord Shri Rama Tulasidasa held his hands above his head, submitted his venerations to Him, and prayed to Him in a voice shocked with emotion.