Tulasidasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 12 Shlokas 13 - 18
ब्राह्मणा उवाच
ब्रह्मघ्नोsयं महाभाग जातिभ्रष्टः सुदुर्मतिः |
नायमर्हति पापात्मा त्वस्माभिः सह भोजनम् ||
तुलसीदास उवाच
ब्रह्मघ्नोपि सुरापोऽपि सर्वपापकरोपि च |
विमुच्यते हि पापेभ्यो राम रामेति कीर्तनात् ||
ब्राह्मणा ऊचुः
एवञ्चेद्धर्मशाश्त्रेषु विहितैर्मुनिपुङ्गवैः |
प्रायक्ष्चित्तैर्बहुविधैः किं फलं वद वैष्णव ||
श्रीतुलसीदास उवाच
श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणेषु तैरेव मुनिपुङ्गव |
रामनामापि संप्रोक्तं किं न जानीत वैदिकाः ||
प्रायक्ष्चित्तानि सर्वाणि पापान्येव हरन्ति हि |
रामनामप्रभावेन ह्रियते पापवासना ||
उपेक्ष्य भगवन्नामकीर्तनं शास्त्रसंमतम् |
कुर्वन्ति निष्कृतिं ये तु पापं कुर्वन्ति ते पुनः ||
The Brahmanas said (to Tulasidasa)
Oh, fortunate one! This man has committed brahmahatti (killing of a brahmana). He is an outcast. He is a sinner and a wicked man. He is not fit to have dinner with us.
Tulasidasa replied
Killing a brahmana or drinking wine or whatever be the sin a person commits, he will be immediately absolved of all sins, if he chants the Divine Name of Shri Rama
The Brahmanas said
Oh! Vaishnava! In that case, what is the use of the methods of redemption of a sinner (prayaschitta) suggested by seers in our Dharma Shastras.
Shri Tulasidasa replied
Oh! Exponents of the Vedas! Don’t you know that those very same seers have emphasized the greatness of Rama Nama in the Shastras? All other methods of deliverance wipe out only the sins. But the glory of Rama Nama roots out even the desire to commit sins. Those who neglect the chanting of th Divine Name of Shri Bhagavan, which is accepted by the Shastras (as the redeemer of sins) and seek the help of other methods of deliverance commit a sin again.