Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 12 Shlokas 19 - 24

Tulasidasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 12 Shlokas 19 - 24

ब्राह्मणा ऊचुः |

रामनामबलेनापि स्वच्छन्दं पामरा नराः |

पापानि कर्तुमिच्छामि स्वधर्मत्यागमप्यहो ||

श्रीतुलसीदास उवाच

नैवं शङ्कां संलभध्वं रामरामेति कीर्तनात् |

क्षिप्रं भवति शुद्धात्मा न तद्भक्तो विनश्यति ||

ब्राह्मणा ऊचुः

यद्यप्येवं महाबुद्धे नामकीर्तनवैभवे |

नास्माकं जायते श्रद्धा वर्तते संशयो महान् ||

श्रीतुलसीदास उवाच

न हि मे संशयो विप्रा नामाकीर्तनवैभवे |

ब्रह्मघ्नोपि महात्मायं राम रामेति कीर्तनात् ||

पञ्पातकयुक्तोपि यः कुर्याद्रामचिन्तनम् |

तमेव वैष्णवश्रेष्ठं पूजयेन्न्न हि संशयः ||

यद्यस्ति संशयो विप्राः युष्माकं वेदवित्तमाः |

निदर्शयामि माहात्म्यं रामनाम्नस्तु सांप्रतम् ||

The brahmanas said

But, will not those, who are not well-informed, like to commit sins freely relying upon the redeeming power of the Divine Name of Shri Rama and thereby give up their righteousness?

Tulasidasa said

Do not entertain this doubt. If one chants the Divine Name of Shri Rama repeatedly, his heart gets purified very easily. A devotee of Shri Bhagavan never gets lost.

The Brahmanas said

Oh, man of great intelligence! All said, we are not convinced of the glory of Nama kirtan. Still we have great doubt about its power.

Tulasidasa said

Oh! Exponents of the Vedas! I do not doubt the excellence of Nama kirtan. Though this man has committed sin of brahmagatti, he has become a mahatma from the moment he chanted the Divine Name of Shri Rama. Even one who has committed the five worst sins, should be venerated as a great man if he meditates upon Shri Rama. It is beyond doubt. Oh! Masters of the Vedas! If you have doubts yet, I shall show you the magnificence of Rama Nama now.