Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 12 Shlokas 25 - 29

Tulasidasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 12 Shlokas 25 - 29


इत्युक्त्वा तुलसीदासो दृढश्रद्धासमन्वितः |

उच्छिष्टमन्नं विप्रस्य नन्दिने च न्यवेदयेत् ||

यदि नामप्रभावेण वैष्णवत्वमवाप सः |

प्रसादं स्वीकुरु क्षिप्रं नन्दिकेश नमोस्तु ते ||

इति संप्रार्थितो नन्दी वैष्णवेन शिलामयः |

सद्य एव समुत्थाय तदुच्छिष्टमभक्षयत् ||

तद् दृष्ट्वा ब्राह्मणाः सर्वे परमाक्ष्चर्यमोहिताः |

श्रीरामनाममाहात्म्ये विक्ष्वासं प्रापुरुत्तमम् ||

ब्रह्मघ्नो ब्राह्मणः स्पोइ तुलसीदासपूजितः |

रामभक्तिमवापैव महापातकवर्जितः ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, with firm belief, Tulasidasa offered the remnants of what that sinner had eaten, to Nandikeshwara. He prayed” “Oh, Nandikeshwara! I prostrate before You. If it is true that the sinner is transformed into a vaishnava due to the glory of Rama Nama, then you must please accept this offering.” Nandikeshwara heeded to the entreaty of Tulasidasa, came out of his moorti form, and ate the remnant food. All the Brahmanas were astonished to see that. They developed very great faith in the resplendent strength of Shri Rama Nama. As he was worshipped by Tulasidasa, that brahmana, who had committed the sin of brahmahatti, was relieved of all sins and developed deep devotion to Lord Shri Rama

Thus ends Chapter Twelve entitled ‘Shri Tulasidasa Charitam IV’ of Book IV of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal