Nanak Deva Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 14 Shlokas 7 - 13
पुण्यभूमिरियं हन्त कलिकालप्रचोदितैः |
व्याप्ता सर्वत्र यवनैर्दुराचारपरायणैः ||
यवनाः खड्गमुद्यम्य हयमारुह्य निर्घृणाः |
ग्रामे ग्रामे पर्यटन्तो जघ्नुर्धर्मपरान् जनान् ||
चिक्षिपुर्बालकान् कूपे हरन्ति स्म पतिव्रताः |
वैदिकानां शिरश्च्छेदं चक्रुस्ते कोटिशो बत ||
सर्वत्र गोवधं चक्रुर्नाशं देवालयस्य च |
जह्नुक्ष्चापि धनं सर्वं कनकाभरणानि च ||
एवं नानाविधां हिंसां विधाय यवनाः खलाः |
सर्वत्र स्थापयामासुः स्वराज्यमिह भारते ||
यवनैर्दूषिता नार्यो बन्धुभिक्ष्च तिरस्कृताः |
गङ्गातीरमुपाजग्मुर्मरणे कृतनिक्ष्चयाः ||
आविर्भूय तदा तत्र नानको वैष्ण्वोत्तमः |
अभयं प्रददौ तासां कृपयैव जगद्गुरुः ||
Alas! This great holy land of India was completely under the control of the mlecchas who were encouraged by the Kaliyuga ( to indulge in cruel deeds). Well armed and mounted on horses, the mlecchas went to all villages and cruelly massacred the people who had righteous ness as the only object of life. They threw children in to well; molested chaste women, and cut off the heads of crores of Hindus. They carried on cow slaughter everywhere, demolished the temples and robbed money, gold and jewels. Harming people in many ways, the wicked mlecchas established their rule all over India. The women who were raped by the muslims, and hence deserted by their kinsmen decided to commit suicide, and came to the bank of river Ganga. At that time, Guru Nanak, the greatest vaishnava appeared there and with great compassion, gave them refugee.