Nanak Deva Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 14 Shlokas 14 - 18
नानक उवाच
स्वागतं वो महाभागाः शृणुधवं मम भाषणम् |
वदामि कृपयैवाहं युष्माकं वीक्ष्य दुर्दशाम् ||
साध्व्यः सत्कुलसंपन्ना यूयं ननु पतिव्रताः |
यवनैर्दूषिता हन्त बन्धुभिक्ष्च तिरस्कृताः ||
बलात्कारेण भुक्तानां यवनैस्तु दुरात्मभिः |
युष्माकं दोषलेशोपि हृदये तु न विद्यते ||
तथापि संपरित्यक्ता बन्धुभिर्धर्मभीरुभिः |
अवस्थामीदृशीं प्राप्य प्राणत्यागमपीच्छथ ||
दुर्लभं मानुषं जन्म त्यक्तुं नार्हथ योषितः |
प्राणत्यागं न कुरुत प्राणः प्रियतमः खलु ||
Guru Nanak said
Oh! Fortunate women! You are welcome. Please listen to me. Out of kindness I tell you this. You are all born in respectable families, and are adorned with noble character. It is a pity that you were spoiled by the yavana’s and hence deserted by your relatives. You are all blemishes. You have been molested forcefully by the wicked yavana’s. Yet deserted by the relatives who have faith in dharma, you have come to the stage now that you want to forsake your lives. Oh, women! Human life is invaluable. Do not abandon that. There is nothing more lovable than life.