Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 18 - 23
मुग्धभावं बालकस्य विलोक्य च पितामही |
भक्यं प्रदाय सातङ्कं सान्त्वयामास सादरम् ||
किन्तु प्रागदासस्तु वञ्चयन् स्वपितामहीम् |
येनकेनापि मार्गेण साकेतं समुपागमत् ||
नापश्यभगिनीं तत्र क्षुच्छ्रमेण च पीडितः |
क्वचिन्नीपतरोर्मूले प्ररुरोद स बालकः ||
तदा स्यन्दमारुह्य रत्नकाञ्चननिर्मितम् |
ददर्श बालको भक्तक्ष्चागतौ दिव्यदम्पती ||
दिव्यपीताम्बरधरौ नानारत्नविभूषणौ |
कर्णान्तदीर्घनयनौ कमनीयमुखाम्बुजौ ||
कोटिकन्दर्पदर्पघ्नौ कोमलामृतभाषणौ |
करुणापूर्णहृदयौ हस्ताभ्यामभयप्रदौ ||
Shri Sadguru continued
The innocence of the child moved the heart of his grandmother. She gave him some sweets and tried to console him. But, Prayagadasa somehow managed to reach Ayodhya without the knowledge of his grandmother. He could not see his sister there. Stricken with hunger, the child was standing under a Kadamba tree with eyes full of tears. At that time, the young bhagavata saw a graceful divine couple coming towards him seated on a chariot made of gold and precious stones. They were clad in gorgeous yellow silks. They were adorned with beautiful ornaments studded with valuable gems. They had beautiful eyes extending to their ears, and exquisite and attractive faces. Their grace and beauty were so great as to defeat a crore of Manmathas. The sweet melody of their words could be compared with the sweetness of nectar. Their hearts were filled with compassion. Their hands were raised in the posture of Abhaya.