Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 24 - 30
तौ विलोक्य महाभागो जानकीरघुनयकौ |
परमानन्दसंयुक्तः संभ्रमात्समुपाययौ ||
सद्यो विदेतनया स्यन्दनादवरुह्य च |
कुशलं परिपप्रच्छ परिरभ्य सहोदरम् ||
विज्ञाय तां स्वभगीनीं परमानन्दसंयुतः |
भक्ष्यं निवेदयामास प्रेमवात्सल्यपूर्वकम् ||
तदुपादाय सानन्दं जगन्माता च जानकी |
बालकं लालयामस भ्रातृभावेन संयुता ||
रघुनाथोपि सानन्दमाक्ष्लिष्य च पुनः पुनः |
अन्तर्दधे सीतया च मूर्च्छितो बालकस्तदा ||
त्रिलोचनो नाम महान् राघवेण प्रचोदितः |
बालं प्रबोधयामास राममन्त्रं ददौ तथा ||
पुनक्ष्च मिथिलां प्राप्य पितामह्यौ न्यवेदयत् |
वृत्तान्तमात्मनो दिव्यं रामकारुण्यगर्भितम् ||
The moment he saw Shri Rama and Devi Sita, the most fortunate Prayagadasa ran to them with great joy and excitement. Devi Sita alighted from the chariot instantly, came near Her brother (Prayagadasa) embraced him, and made pleasing enquiries. Learning that Devi Sita was his sister, the overjoyed Prayagadasa handed over the eatables to Her with great affection. Devi Janaki, the Mother of the entire world, enthusiastically accepted that and fondled Her brother with sisterly affection. Lord Shri Rama also happily embraced the bhakta a number of times. As a result the devotee became unconscious. Immediately Shri Rama disappeared along with Devi Sita. Then, according to the command of Shri Rama, Thrilokadasa came there, woke the child up and taught him the Rama Mantra. Later Prayagadasa returned to Mithila, and narrated to his grandmother all that happened to him owing to the mercy of Shri Rama
Thus ends Chapter Seventeen entitled ‘ Maama Prayagadasa Charitam’ of Book IX of Shri Shri Vaishnava Sanhita composed by Shri Shri Premi Swamigal