Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 6

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 6


लोकेस्मिन्नन्नवस्त्राय यत्नं कुर्वन्ति सन्ततम् |

न कोपि यतते हन्त कर्तुं श्रीकृष्णदर्शनम् ||

दृढविक्ष्वासयुक्तानां भक्तिमार्गानुगामिनाम् |

भगवान् सुलभो नूनमन्येषां दुर्लभोपि सः ||

मन्दाः सुमण्डमतयो मन्दभाग्यः कलौ नराः |

असमर्था हरिं द्रष्टुं प्राप्नुवन्ति हि संशयम् ||

किन्तु विक्ष्वाससम्युक्ता महात्मानो जितेन्द्रियाः |

वशीकुर्वन्ति गोविन्दं प्रेमभावेन केचन ||

अहीन्द्रनगरे कक्ष्चिदासीद्वैष्णवपुङ्गवः |

नाम्ना वेङ्कटरङ्गार्यो रामानुजकुलोद्भवः ||

तस्य पद्मावती नाम भार्याssसीत्गुणाकरा |

साध्वी शान्तस्वभावा च सज्जनार्चनतत्परा ||

Shri Sadguru said

People on this earth unceasingly strive for getting food and shelter. But, alas, no one tries to get the darshan of Shri Bhagavan. Shri Bhagavan is easily attained by those who match on the path of Bhakti with firm belief. But those who do otherwise never reach Him. In the Kaliyuga, the people who are generally dull-headed, unfortunate and are wicked, become incapable of trying to reach Shri Bhagavan and hence they doubt His very existence. But some exalted personalities, who have staunch faith and control of senses get Lord Govinda into their fold. In Thiruvahindrapuram, there was a great vaishnava named Venkataranga Iyengar born in the Ramanuja Kala. Padmavati, his wife, was good-natured, chaste, quite enduring and had keen interest in helping and respectfully attending to the needs of the sadhus.