Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 7 - 12
तौ दम्पती पुत्रहीनौ हरिकैङ्कर्यतत्परौ |
देवनाथं कृपासिन्धुं प्रार्थयामासतुः सदा ||
आज्ञया देवदेवस्य जगन्नाथस्य चक्रिणः |
अनयोः पुत्रभावेन जातः साक्षाद्भृगुर्मुनिः ||
गोपालदेशिक इति नाम चक्रे द्विजोत्तमः |
परमानन्दसंयुक्तः पुत्रवात्सल्यमोहितः ||
आजन्मवैष्णवः सोपि शठकोप इव स्वयम् |
नित्यानित्यविवेकेन वैराग्यं प्राप निर्मलम् ||
सन्ततं कीर्तयन् विष्णोर्नामानि मधुराणि सः |
त्यक्तक्रीडनको बालक्ष्चचार भुवि निर्भयम् ||
कान्तारेपि श्मशानेपि पर्वतेपि नदीतटे |
आसीनक्ष्चिन्तयन् कृष्णं प्रललाप स बालकः ||
These great devotees had no children and hence they prayed to Lord Devanatha, the ocean of compassion at all times for His blessings. As commanded by the Devadeva Jagannatha, Shri Chakrapani, saint Bhrugu himself appeared as their child. Overwhelmed by his parental love for the child, that brahmana named him Gopala Dashiki. As he was born vaishnava Bhakti like the great Nammazhwar, he was able to develop a blemishes discretion as to what is eternal and what is not, even in his childhood. He lived fearless, spending all his time in sweet chanting of the Name of Lord Hari. That child was not having any attachment - even to have play things. That small boy used to roam about the forest, the grave yard, the hill and river banks and get immersed in Krishna dhyana.