Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 1 - 9

Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 1 - 9


नानासिद्धान्तविभ्रान्तान्नास्तिकत्वमुपागतान् |

पाक्ष्चातयमतसंमुग्धान् भारतीयानिमान् जनान् ||

समुद्धर्तुं कृपासिन्धुः कुतर्कमलसागरात् |

क्षितिरामस्य पुत्रत्वामवाप भगवान् स्वयम् ||

धर्मं भागवतं शुद्धं संप्राप्य समदर्शनः |

विष्णोरंशावतारोयं पाराशर्य इवाबभौ ||

रामकृष्ण इति ख्यातिं प्राप लोके जगद्गुरुः |

यस्य कीर्तिध्वजोsद्यापि सर्वलोकेषु राजते ||

भगवान् रामकृष्णस्तु बाल्यादारभ्य केशवे |

दृढभक्त्यैव संयुक्तो नानालीलां चकार सः ||

ताते स्वर्गं गते दीनो दक्षिणेक्ष्वरमागतः |

राधाकृष्णस्तु पूजां कुर्वन् सुखमुवास सः ||

तत्रैव कालीकादेव्या मन्दिरञ्चापि वर्तते |

तस्या देव्यास्त्वर्चकस्तु म्रीम् प्राप यदृच्छया ||

तदा सर्वे जना देव्या मन्दिराध्यक्षतस्तथा |

पूजायै प्रार्थयामासू रामकृष्णं दृढव्रतम् ||

तदा श्रीरामकृष्णस्तु दृढचित्तो महामनाः |

उवाच मधुरं वाक्यं कृष्णभक्तिमतां वरः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Lord Almighty, the merciful, was born as the son of Kshitirama in order to rescue the people of India, who were disillusioned by the different streams of thought that pervaded the country and had become atheists attracted by the religious ideas of the West, and to draw them out of the filth of absurd reasoning. This man who was a partial incarnation of Lord Vishnu was characterized by equanimity like Vyasa, and he followed the Bhagavata Dharma very strictly. This universal preceptor named Ramakrishna gained high reputation all over the world. Even today, his flag of victory is throwing light that shines all over the world. Bhagavan Ramakrishna developed a very staunch faith in and devotion to Lord Yeshiva, even in his childhood and displayed it in Manny forms of Leela. After the demise of his father, the poor man reached Dakshineshwaram. He led a happy and peaceful life there, immersed in the Pooja and service of Lord Radhakrishna. There was a temple of Goddess Kali in Dakshineswaram. The priest of that temple died unexpectedly. Hence the trustee of the temple and all the people there requested the unswerving Shri Ramakrishna to take up the Pooja of the Devi. At that time. Shri Ramakrishna, the unshakeable believer, the broad-minded and the best of that devotees of Lord Krishna, gave the following reply in a very sweet manner.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 22

Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 22

कुपितो धनिकक्ष्चापि क्षितिरामस्य धीमतः |

धनं धान्यं गृहं सर्वं बलादपजहार ह ||

ग्रामाद्विद्रावयामास क्षितिरामं सुदुर्मतिः |

बालकैर्भार्यया साकं निर्दोषं ब्राह्मणोत्तमम् ||

एवं हि तेन दुष्टेन धन्येप्यपह्रते बलात् |

क्षितिरामो न तत्याज सत्यनिष्ठां दृढव्रतः ||

ग्रामान्तरमवाप्यैष क्षुधितैर्बालकैः सह |

वृक्षमूले क्वचित्तिष्ठन् रामाध्यानञ्चकार सः ||

तदा तु वैष्णवः कक्ष्चित्तं विलोक्य यदृच्छया |

गृहमानीय सप्रेम पूजयामास भक्तिमान् ||

तत्रैव निवसन्नित्यं रामपूजाधुरन्धरः |

तोषयामास तं विप्रमौदार्यगुणसंयुतम् ||

श्रीमानयं वैष्णवस्तु क्षितिरामे महात्मनि |

एवं रक्षति गोविन्दे स्वभक्तान् प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

किं वृथाsलीकवादेन भरन्ति जठरं खलाः ||

The rich man got angry and confiscated all the possessions of the Scholarly Kshitirama. That wicked man drove the innocent and great brahmana Kshitirama along with his wife and children, out of the village. Thus, even, when all of his property was seized by force by that cruel rich man, Kshitirama did not give up his attachment to truth. He reached another village along with his hungry children, sat under a tree and continued his Rama dhyana. At that time, a devoted vaishnava happened to meet him. He took Kshitirama home and served him, with love and reverence. Kshitirama provided that generous man great joy by accepting to take up the sacred responsibility of doing Pooja to Lord Shri Rama and stay in that village itself. That affluent vaishnava developed very strong attachment and reverence to mahatma Kshitirama. The benevolent vaishnava adored Kshitirama, offering him a house, land, wealth and the like. Surprisingly, the well-being of the poor and great vaishnava devotees is mercifully looked after by the Lord Almighty, Bhagavan Himself. Even when Lord Govinda is there always ready to guard His devotees with great mercy and affection, the wicked men fend themselves with the help of falsehood unnecessarily.

Thus ends Chapter One entitled ‘Kshitirama Charisma’ of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 7 - 12

Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 7 - 12

क्षितिराम इति ख्यातो महाभागवतोत्तमः |

रक्षितस्वीयधर्मक्ष्च राघवध्यानतत्परः ||

दरिद्रोपि प्रसन्नात्मा सत्यसन्धो महामतिः |

सज्जनान् पूजयन्नास गार्हस्थ्यं धर्ममाचरन् ||

सत्येन क्षमया चैवं शास्त्रज्ञानेन मेधया |

एवं परोपकारेण सर्वपूज्यो बभूव सः ||

कस्यचिद्धनिकस्यापि गृहे कैङ्कर्यमाचरन् |

कुटुम्बं पोषयामास दीनो वैष्णवसत्तमः ||

स कदाचिद् दुर्मदान्धः क्षितिरामं महामतिम् |

नीतिस्थालेsनृतं वक्तुमाह्वयामास निर्भयम् ||

क्षितिरामो धर्मभीरुः सत्यव्रत समाहितः |

नाङ्गीचकार तद्वाक्यं श्रीरामचरणाश्रयः ||

Kshitirama, a highly pious devotee was leading a life, protecting swadharma and having the only goal of meditation on Shri Rama. Truthful, intelligent highly contented and happy inspire of poverty, he led the life of a householder, patronizing the sadhus. He was held in high esteem by all because of his truthfulness, forbearance, knowledge, scholarship and philanthropic attitude. As the vaishnava was very poor, he was serving a rich man and was thus supporting his family. Once, that proud rich man without any hesitation urged Kshitirama, a man of wisdom to give a false affidavit to a court. Kshitirama, who had unflinching faith in the lotus-feet of Lord Shri Rama, who had pledged to be truthful and who was god-fearing, refused to do so. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 1 - 6

Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 1 - 6


सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयान इति श्रुतिः |

तस्मात्सत्यव्रतो भक्त्या विष्णुमाराधयेद्बुधः ||

जनाः प्रीतिं न कुर्वन्ति लोकेस्मिन्नप्यनार्जवे |

स एवं गर्हितो नूनं परलोकेपि दुर्मुखः ||

कायेन मनसा वाचा सत्यं तु परिपालयेत् |

सत्यं हि परमं ब्रह्म सत्यं हि परमं तपः ||

सत्यव्रतविहीनस्य निष्फलाः सकलाः क्रियाः |

दॆवाक्ष्च पितरक्ष्चापि द्रष्टुं नेच्छन्त्यनार्जवम् ||

सत्यस्वरूपो भगवान् सत्यनिष्ठे प्रसीदति |

सत्यव्रतविहीनस्तु नास्तिको भवति ध्रुवम् ||

सत्यसंरक्षणायैव भगवान् काननङ्गतः |

एतच्छ्रुत्वा वैष्णवस्तु सत्यनिष्ठां कथं त्यजेत् ||

Shri Sadguru said

The Vedas declare that the path to salvation is paved by truth alone. Hence a man of wisdom should arm himself with truth, and worship Lord Vishnu with devotion. He who is dishonest will not be loved by people on this earth. A liar will be certainly censured in the other world too. Truth should be safeguarded by the tongue, the mind and the body. Truth is god. Truth is the most solemn penance. All the acts of a man who is not truthful, become a waste. The devas and the ancestors in the heavenly abode too do not like to meet such a man. Shri Bhagavan, the embodiment of truth, favors only an avowed man of truth. He who is not strongly attached to truth becomes an atheist. Lord Shri Rama went to the forest in order only to protect truth. How can a vaishnava give up truth even after hearing this?

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 21 - 25

Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 21 - 25

अथापि विंशे भगवान् सरयूदासपूजितः |

स्वयमेव स्वचारित्रं स्वजनेभ्यो जगाद च ||

एकविंशेपि रुद्रस्य श्रुत्वा सुमधुरं वचः |

जज्ञे मत्स्येन्द्रनाथेपि रामनामरसप्रियः ||

एवं नवमभागस्य प्रोक्ताक्ष्चाध्यायसंग्रहः |

पठतां शृण्वताञ्चापि स्मरणाय पुनः पुनः ||

यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यमिमां वैष्णवसम्हिताम् |

स याति परमं धाम शाक्ष्वतं श्रॆपतेर्धुवम् ||

मङ्गलं सद्गुरुभ्योस्तु वैष्णवेभ्योस्तु मङ्गलम् |

मङ्गलं माधवायास्तु प्रेमिकायास्तु मङ्गलम् ||

In Chapter Twenty, Shri Bhagavan, worshipped by Sarayudasa, revealed His glory (explaining His charity) to His votaries. In Chapter Twenty One, listening to the pleasant teachings of Lord Shiva to Devi Parvati, Matsyendra, a very ardent lover of Shri Rama Nama was born. Thus, the subject-matter of Book IX is given in a nutshell to facilitate the readers and the listeners to retain it in their lasting memory. One who reads this Vaishnava Samhita with utmost concentration, reaches the eternal heavenly abode of Sripati Vishnu. Glory unto Shri Sadhuru. Glory unto the vaishnavas. Glory unto Lord Madhava and glory unto Shri Premika.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty Two entitled ‘Katha Sangraham’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Sanhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Mahaprabhu, who revels in the luscious sweetness of divine bliss emanating from the lotus feet of Shri Bhagavannama Bodhendra Swamigal, who descended the earth as the savior of all beings, the universal preceptor, the Parivrajaka (a wandering saint) and the Paramahamsa (a realized soul)

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 11 - 20

Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 11 - 20

दशमे तुलसीदासो बृन्दावनमुपागतः |

ददर्श रामरूपेण मुरलॆधरमेव च ||

एकादशेपि तं दासमानीय म्लेच्छभूपतिः |

चकारापि च निर्बन्धं रामदर्षणकाङ्क्षया ||

द्वादशे तुलसीदासो नाममाहात्म्यमद्भुतम् |

लोके प्रकटयामास भोजयन्नन्दिकेक्ष्वरम् ||

त्रयोदशे तस्करस्य भगवान् दर्शनं ददौ |

पावने तुलसीदासस्याश्रमे करुणानिधिः ||

चरुर्दशे तुरुष्कैक्ष्च पीडिता वीक्ष्य योषितः |

उवाच नाममाहात्म्यं कृपया नानको गुरुः ||

अथ पञ्चदशे रामदासं मलेच्छेन पीडितम् |

कृपया पालयामास जानकीरमणप्रभुः ||

षोडशेप्यगरदासेन साकेतं समुपागतः |

नाभादासो मात्मापि भक्तमालां चकार च ||

एव सप्तदशाध्याये जानकीं भगिनीं स्मरन् |

मामा प्रयागदासोपि साकेतं पुरमाययौ ||

अष्टादशे तु वात्सल्यभावेन रघुनन्दनम् |

गणेशदेवी सानन्दमानीय स्वगृहं ययौ ||

एको नविंशsध्यायेपि पीडितं तस्करैर्वने |

ररक्ष रघुनाथार्यं रघुनाथः कृपानिधिः ||

In the Tenth Chapter, Tulasidasa reached Shri Brindavan, and perceived Shri Krishna in the form of Shri Rama. In the Eleventh Chapter, Akbar invited Tulasidasa to his court, and compelled him to favor him with the darshan of Shri Rama. In the Twelfth Chapter, Tulasidasa made Nandikeshwara take what he offered, and thus established the excellence of Rama Nama on this earth. In Chapter Thirteen, Shri Bhagavan, the storehouse of compassion, gave darshan to a thief in the serene ashram of the pious Tulasidasa. In Chapter Fourteen Guru Nanak stated the grandeur of the Divine Name of the Lord to the women morally stained with atrocities committed on them by the muslims. In Chapter Fifteen, Shri Rama mercifully protected Ramadasa, who was suffering hardship under Danish's rule. In Chapter Sixteen, mahatma Nabhadasa, who came to Ayodhya accompanied by Agradasa, rendered the 'Bhaktamala'. In the Seventeenth Chapter, Prayagadasa came to Ayodhya taking Goddess Sita to be his own sister. In Chapter Eighteen, in great joy, Ganesha Devi took Shri Rama to her house with the untold love of a mother. In Chapter Nineteen, Shri Raghunatha, the storehouse of mercy, rescued Raghunathadasa from the thieves.

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 10

Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 10


ततो नवमभागस्य वक्ष्याम्यध्यायसंग्रहम् |

यस्मिन् श्रीरामभक्तानां चरितं परिकीर्त्यते ||

प्रथमे म्लेच्छसैन्येन पीडितान् सज्जनान् बहून् |

पालयामास कृपया रामानन्दयतीक्ष्वरः ||

द्वितीये तु कबीर्दासस्याश्रमे रघुनन्दनः |

वैष्णवान् पूजयामास नानारूप धरः प्रभुः ||

तृतीये तु स्वपत्नीञ्च कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

राघवस्य कृपां प्राप कबीरः सुदृढव्रतः ||

चतुर्थोपि कबीर्दासो गुरुभक्तशिखामणिः |

रामानन्दमुपाश्रित्य राममन्त्रमवाप च ||

पञ्चमेपि कबीर्दाससमुपेत्य रघुनन्दनः |

प्रेमभावं परीक्ष्यापि प्रददौ निजदर्शनम् ||

षष्ठेsध्याये कमलोपि कबीर्दासात्मजो महान् |

दृढवैराग्यसंयुक्तः पितृभक्तो बभौ भुवि ||

सप्त्मेपि च पीपाजिर्भवान्यापि प्रचोदितः |

रामानन्दमुपाश्रित्य रामभक्तिमवाप च ||

अष्टमे प्रेमभावेन वशीकृत्य रघूत्तमम् |

रोटीं ददौ बालकोपि धन्यो भक्तिमतां वरः ||

नवमे तुलसीदासो भार्यायैवानुबोधितः |

गृहान्धकॊपादुत्थाय जगाम तपसे वनम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Now I shall give you the gist of this Book IX, which narrates the stories of the Rama bhaktas. In the First Chapter, Ramananda mercifully protected the sadhus worried over the atrocities of the muslims. In the Second Chapter, Lord Shri Rama, taking innumerable forms, hosted and worshipped the sadhus, who assembled in the ashram of Kabir. In the Third Chapter, the firm believer Kabir, who prepared to mortgage even his wife in order to host the sadhus acquired the mercy of Shri Rama. In the Fourth Chapter Kabirdasa, the greatest of guru bhaktas, approached Ramananda and got the boon of Rama Mantra. In the Fifth Chapter, Shri Rama went to Kabirdasa, tested his devotion, and ultimately gave him darshan. The Sixth Chapter deals with the life of Kamala, the son of Kabir, who led a life of deep asceticism and unaltered devotion to Lord Rama. In the Eighth Chapter, the young Dhanya brought Shri Rama under the control of his prima Bhakti, and made Him accept the offering of 'Roti'. In Chapter Nine, advised by his wife, Tulasidasa gave up family life, and withdrew to the forest to carry on penance. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 17 - 25

Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 17 - 25


इत्युक्त्वा बाष्पपूर्णाक्षः शङ्करो वैष्णवोत्तमः |

जजाप तारकं मन्त्रं देव्या सह निरन्तरम् ||

तत्रैव शफरी काचिच्चचार सलिले तदा |

तद्गर्भस्थोपि पुरुषः शुश्राव शिवभाषितम् ||

अचिरेणैव कालेन सुषुवे शफरी सुतम् |

नररूपं महात्मानं महायोगेक्ष्वरेक्ष्वरम् ||

मत्स्येन्द्रनाथो नाम्नायं शिवकारुण्यपोषितः |

कीर्तयन् तारकं मन्त्रं चचार भुवनेपि सः ||

अणिमादिमहासिद्धिमवाप्य विमलाशयः |

जपात्तारकमन्त्रस्य महायोगी चचार सः ||

जितेन्द्रियो विरक्तक्ष्च रामतत्वाविदां वरः |

स्वच्छन्दं सञ्चरन् लोके प्राह तारकवैभवम् ||

आकृष्य योगसिद्ध्यैव पामरानपि पण्डितान् |

प्रददौ तारकं मन्त्रं भवबन्धविनाशकम् ||

तस्य शिष्यो महात्मापि गोरक्ष इति विश्रुतः |

लोके प्रकटयामास राममन्त्रस्य वैभवम् ||

एवं तारकमन्त्रस्य जपेनैव निरन्तरम् |

सर्वसिद्धिमवाप्नोति पामरोपि कलौ युगे ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, Lord Shiva shed tears of great joy, and chanted the Taraka Mantra uninterruptedly along with Devi Parvati. During that time, a fish was swimming in the waters of the Manasa pond. A soul in its womb was listening to all the teachings of Lord Shiva. After the lapse of a short period, that fish gave birth to a human baby, who was a great mahatma and yogi. Brought up by the mercy of Lord Shiva, that great man, Matsyendra, trod the earth, always engaged in the kirtan of the Taraka Mantra. That yogishwara got all the eight Sindhis like Anima, due to the strength of his papa of the Taraka Mantra and led an infallible life. Leading the life of a celibate, he had a dispassionate and detached attitude. He was the greatest of the gnats who had realized the Rama tattoo. Wandering freely on this earth, he preached the glory of the Taraka Mantra. With the help of his yogic accomplishments, he attracted the illiterate people as well as the learned, and taught them the Taraka Mantra, which redeems all earthly bondages. Goraksha, an exalted personality and a disciple of Matsyendra, firmly established the magnificence of Rama Nama in this world. Thus it is clear that in this Kaliyuga, even a very ordinary person can have all accomplishments with the help of the Taraka Mantra alone.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty One entitled ' Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 7 - 16

Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 7 - 16

ईक्ष्वर उवाच

रमन्ते योगिनोsनन्ते चिदानन्दे परात्मनि |

तस्माद्रामपादेनैव परं ब्रह्माभिधीयते ||

रामं विद्धि परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दविद्ग्रहम् |

सर्वज्ञं सर्वशक्तञ्च सर्वकारणकारणम् ||


सर्वज्ञो यदि रामोsयं रावणापहृतां प्रियाम् |

अजानन् भूरुहान् पूर्वं कथं पप्रच्छ मे वद ||

धार्मिको यदि रामोsयं सुग्रीवप्रियकाङ्क्षया |

वालिनञ्च परोक्षे तु किमर्थं सञ्जघाण सः ||

गर्भिणीं जानकीं पत्नीं रामो यदि कृपानिधिः |

कथं तत्याज विपिने पापलेशविवर्जिताम् ||

ईक्ष्वर उवाच

अजोपि सन्नव्ययात्मा राघवः परमेक्ष्वर |

अचिन्त्यमायया लोकेsप्याविरासीत्कृपानिधिः ||

आत्मन्यारोप्य कृपया मनुष्यत्वञ्च लीलया |

भावान् प्रदर्शयामास विविधान्नाटके यथा ||

तत्सर्वं नटनं विद्धि दर्शितं परमात्मना |

वस्तुतस्तु परं ब्रह्म राम एव न संशयः ||

अखण्डं तारकं मन्त्रं यो जपेत्प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

अपरोक्षं स जानाति रामतत्वं न चान्यथा ||

विज्ञाय रामतत्वं तु भवबन्धाद्विमुच्यते |

अजानतां रामतत्वं विमुक्तिः शशृङ्गवत् ||

Shri Eashwara said

The yogis take pleasure in meditating upon the boundless, Supreme Soul, which is the very embodiment of truth, wisdom and eternal bliss. Hence that Supreme Being is known by the Name Rama ( meaning - One who is capable of bestowing joy). Understand that Shri Rama, the embodiment of truth, wisdom and eternal bliss, is the omnipotent Supreme Being, who is the root-cause of the universe.

Shri Devi said

If Shri Rama is all-knowing, in the past when Devi Sita was abducted by Havana, why did He make enquiries to the trees? Please tell me. If Shri Rama is righteous, why did He murder Vali hiding Himself, just to please Sugriva? If Shri Rama is the storehouse of compassion, why did He leave Devi Sita in the forest despite Her being blemishes, and pregnant at that time?

Shri Eashwara replied

Shri Raghava, the Lord of Lords, is the Supreme Soul, rid of birth and death. Due to His immense power of Maya, He, the ocean of compassion, decided to be born on this earth. Shri Bhagavan playfully took upon Himself the nature of man. He enacted scenes on this earth as an ordinary man does on a drama stage. Realize that all those scenes by the Supreme Being are part of the dramatic representation of His divine pastime. In reality, Shri Rama is the Supreme Being, the Almighty Himself. It is quite certain. One who chants the Taraka Mantra incessantly with regardful devotion alone gets truly enlightened upon Rama tat. There is no other way to realize it. realization of this Rama tattoo leads to redemption from the bonds of the samsara. Moksha is non-existent like the horn of a rabbit to those who do not understand Rama tattva.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 6

Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 6


अद्य ताकमन्त्रस्य माहात्म्यं शास्त्रसंमतम् |

वक्ष्यामि वैष्णवश्रेष्ठाः शृणुध्वं प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

कैलासाशिखरे रम्ये सर्वदेवनमस्कृते |

नानापुष्पसमाकीर्णं मन्दमारुतसेविते ||

नानामृगगणव्याप्ते पतत्रिगुणकूजिते |

सञ्चरन् वामदेवस्तु हैमवत्या सहादरात् ||

सरः संप्राप विमलं मानसं नाम विश्रुतम् |

तटे तस्य समासीनो रामनाम जजाप सः ||

तं विलोक्य महादेवं सर्वदेवनमस्कृतम् |

पप्रच्छ पार्वती भक्त्या प्रेमपूर्वं कृताञ्जलिः ||


देव देव महादेव संशयोsयं महान् मम |

रामनाम जपस्येवं किमर्थं परमेक्ष्वर ||

Shri Sadguru said

Oh! Great vaishnavas! Now I shall tell you with ardent devotion the glory of the Taraka Mantra, extolled by the Shastras. Listen to me. On the pleasant mount Kailasa, worshipped by all the devas, enriched by flocks of chirping birds, herds of different animals, sweet, cool breeze, and many kinds of fragrant and beautiful flowers, Lord Shiva, along with his consort, moved slowly, and with great enthusiasm, went to the pond Manasarovar, which had pellucid water. Sitting on its bank, He chanted the Divine Name of Shri Rama. Looking at Shri Mahadeva, who is worshipped by all the devas, Devi Parvati, with folded hands, made loving enquiries as follows:

Devi Parvati said

Oh! Greatest of the devas! Mahadeva! Parameshwara! Why do you chant Rama Nama? Please tell me. I do not understand the implication clearly.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 22 - 30

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 22 - 30

एवं हि सरयूदासः स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा पुनः पुनः |

मूर्च्छामवाप तत्रैव रामचिन्तनतन्मयः ||

श्रोतुकामा महात्मानो रामस्य चरितं मुदा |

सरयूदासासदनं सानन्दं समुपागमन् ||

अदृष्ट्वा सारयूदासं साधवो दुःखिता भृशम् |

चक्रुः प्रतीक्षां प्रेम्णैव कुर्वन्तो नामकीर्तनम् ||

तदा श्रीरामचन्द्रोऽपि भक्तप्रेमवशीकृतः |

सरयूदासरूपेण तत्रैवाविरभूत्प्रभुः ||

स्वयमेव स्वचारित्रं कथयन् रघुपुङ्गवः |

भक्तानानन्दयामास कृपया जानकीपतिः |

आगत्योपविशन् भक्त्या शुश्राव चरितं प्रभोः ||

एवं हि सरयूदासं रूपद्वयसमन्वितम् |

विलोक्य विस्मिताः सर्वे बभूवुः साधवस्तदा ||

निवेद्य रामचन्द्रस्य लीलामानन्दवर्धिनीम् |

सज्जनान् सान्त्वयामास सरयूदास एव च ||

एवं हि रामचरितं शृण्वन्ति श्रद्धयैव ये |

तेषां तु सुलभं सत्यं दर्शनं मैथिलीपतेः ||

Contemplating on all these incessantly, Sarayudasa lost himself in Rama dhyana and became unconsciousness. At that time, the noble sadhus, who were desirous of listening to the holy story of Shri Rama, reached the hermitage of Sarayudasa with joyful expectation. They were disappointed to find that Sarayudasa was not there. They were waiting for him anxiously, chanting the Divine Name of Shri Rama. At that time, enchanted by the love of the bhaktas, Lord Shri Rama came there in the disguise of Sarayudasa. Shri Sitapati, Shri Rama, mercifully narrated His own sacred life-story to the bhaktas, and made them immensely happy. Regaining consciousness and completing his dhyana, the wise Sarayudasa came there, sat with them, and with keen interest, listened to the story of his beloved Lord. At that time, the sadhus were all surprised to see two different Sarayudasa there. The gnat Sarayudasa convinced all the sadhus stating that it was the Leela of Leela of Lord Shri Rama, staged by Him to please the bhaktas. It is undoubtedly true that those who listen to the recital of Shri Ramayana with unflinching devotion will find it very easy to get the darshan of Shri Sitapati.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty entitled 'Shri Sarayudasa Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 16 - 21

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 16 - 21

लोके धन्यतरा नॊनमियम् तु सरयूनदी |

या तु साकेतनगरीं सन्ततं परिसेवते ||

अत्रैव सरयूतीरे पुत्रकामस्य भूपतेः |

विशेषतः प्रवृत्तोsभूत्पुरा यज्ञमहोत्सवः ||

अस्मिन्नेव महापुण्ये पवित्रे सरयॊतटे |

चिक्रीड भ्रातृभिः साकं रामचन्द्रोपि शैशवे ||

अत्रैव सरयूतीरे कौशिकेन महात्मना |

कृते पल्लवपर्यङ्के शिश्ये रघुवरात्मजः ||

अस्यामेव सरय्वां तु सीतया सह राघवः |

रम्ये वसन्तकालेपि जलक्रीडं चकार ह ||

अस्मिननेव रघुश्रेष्ठः सानन्दं सरयूवने |

चकार मृगयां नित्यं मन्त्रिपुत्रैः समन्वितः ||

This river Sarayu is the most glorious and fortunate once in this whole world. Does not she always serve and wash the holy Ayodhya. Only on the bank of the river Sarayu, the grand and sacred Hanna was conducted by emperor Dasharatha desirous of begetting a son. Only on the bank of this serene and sacred river Sarayu, Shri Rama played with His brothers in His boyhood. Only on the bank of this Sarayu, Shri Rama slept on the bed of green leaves prepared for Him by the great saint Vishwamitra. Only in the river Sarayu, Shri Rama swam joyfully with Devi Sita during the Vasanta (spring) season. In the forest situated on the bank of this river Sarayu, Shri Rama used to hunt along with the sons of His ministers.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 12 - 15

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 12 - 15

किं दुर्लभं सुखं लोके प्रसन्ने जानकीप्रिये |

स एव पुरुशार्थानां नाथो हि पुरुषोत्तमः ||

अयोध्यायां महानासीत्कक्ष्चिद्रामायणप्रियः |

नाम्ना तु सरयूदासो राघवध्यानतत्परः ||

स नित्यं श्रावयामास श्रीरामचरितं मुदा |

सज्जनानागतान् प्रेम्णा श्रद्धाभक्तिसमन्वितान् ||

कदाचित्सरयूदासः संप्राप्य सरयूनदीम् |

कुर्वन् श्रीराघवध्यानं निमग्नहृदयोsभवत् ||

If Sitapati, Shri Rama gets pleased (with one), which accomplishment of the world remains unattainable (for him)? Is not He, the Purushottama, the bestower of all the accomplishments in this world? In Ayodhya, there was an exalted personality called Sarayudasa, who was deeply interested in Shri Ramayana, and had meditation on Shri Rama as the only object of his life. Daily, with all joy, he made the sadhus who came to him with great dedication, devotion and regardful affection listen to the holy story of Shri Rama. Once, Sarayudasa went to the bank of river Sarayu, and there he immersed in meditation on Shri Rama. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 7 - 11

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 7 - 11

कैलासशिखरे रम्ये शङ्करोपि जगद्गुरुः |

श्रीरामकथया नित्यं गौरीं सुखयति प्रभुः ||

श्रीरामचरितं पुण्यं शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम् |

नित्यं ब्रह्मसभायाञ्च पठन्ति मुनिपुङ्गवाः ||

युधिष्ठिरो महात्मापि वनवासेन दुःखितः |

शुश्राव रामचरितं मार्कण्डेयेन कीर्तितम् ||

यशोदयापि कथितां शृण्वन् रामकथां मुदा |

नित्यं स्वपिति गोपालः परमानन्दपूरितः ||

तस्माद्रामायणं नित्यं पठतां श्शृण्वतामपि |

सुलभं भवति क्षिप्रं रामचन्द्रस्य दर्शनम् ||

On the pleasant mount Kailasa, Lord Shiva the universal preceptor, ever keeps Devi Gowri in ecstasy with His recite of Shri Ramayana. In the court of Brahma, the saints daily recite Shri Ramayana, which is sacred and glorious beyond limits. Mahatma Dharmaputra, who suffered a lot during exile in the forest, also listened to the holy story of Shri Rama sung by Markandeya. Daily Shri Gopala (as a child) used to sleep joyfully listening to the story of Shri Rama narrated to Him by Yashoda. Thus, Rama darshan is easily and quickly attained by all those who read Shri Ramayana and listen to its recital daily. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 1 - 6

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 1 - 6


रामायणस्य माहात्म्यं ननु वाचामगोचरम् |

तथापि कथ्यते ह्यत्र यथाशक्ति मयापि च ||

नारदो ब्रह्मपुत्रोपि वीणामादाय सुस्वरम् |

वादयन् रामचरितं गायति परेमपूर्वकम् ||

तपस्विनामग्रगण्यो वाल्मीकिर्भगवानृषिः |

कथयन् रामचरितं प्राप्नोति परमं सुखम् ||

अशोकविपिने घोरे श्रीरामविरहातुराम् |

सीतामानन्दयामास श्रीरामकथया कपिः ||

अग्निप्रवेशसमये समागत्य यदृच्छया |

भरतं पालयामास रामस्य कथया हरिः ||

गीतं लवकुषाभ्याञ्च स्वचरितं शुभावहम् |

स्वयमेव समाकर्ण्य सन्तोषं प्राप राघवः ||

Shri Sadguru said

The magnificence of Shri Ramayana cannot be described in words. Yet it is attempted by me here to the best of my capacity. Narada, the sone of Brahma, sings melodiously the story of Shri Rama, accompanied by his Veena recital. Bhagavan Valmiki, the best of the seers, too finds great joy in narrating the story of Shri Rama. With the help of the life-history of Lord Rama, Shri Hanuman instilled happiness in the mind of Devi Sita in the Ashoka forest, who was agonized by Her separation from Her husband. When Bharata was preparing for Agni Pravesham, unexpectedly Shri Hanuman appeared there and saved him, narrating Shri Rama Charitam. Lord Rama Himself became very happy listening to Lava and Kesha sing His own life-story that bestows ecstasy on all.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 21 - 31

Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 21 - 31


एवं ब्राह्मणपत्न्यां तु प्रलपत्न्यां महावने |

तत्राविरासॆद्भगवान् हयमारुह्य राघवः ||

आगतं हयमारुह्य कञ्ज्चुकोष्णीशोभितम् |

खड्गपाणिं महावीरं सहितं लक्ष्मणेन च ||

प्रसन्नवदनं धीरं धर्मात्मानं कृपानिधिम् |

युवराजं विलोक्यैशाप्यवाप परमां मुदम् ||

चिच्छेद निजखड्गेन तस्कराणां शिरांसि सः |

विमुमोच च तं पाशबन्धात्कृपानिधिः ||

विलोक्यापि च तं देवं विष्णुमायाविमोहितौ |

दम्पती तावमन्येतां कञ्चिद्राजकुमारकम् ||

सान्त्वयन् ब्राह्मणं भक्तं तत्पत्नीञ्च पतिव्रताम् |

आनिनाय वनाद्रात्रौ मार्गबन्धुः स्वकं पुरम् ||

प्रभातकाले संप्राप्ते लक्ष्मणेन रघुत्तमः |

अन्तर्दधे हयारूढो गतो दृष्टिपथात्क्वचित् ||

विज्ञाय तामयोध्याञ्च तौ च श्रीरघुनन्दनौ |

ब्राह्मणौ भार्यया सार्धं रुरोद प्रेमविह्वलः ||

तत्रैव निवसन् विप्रः साकेतनगरे सुखम् |

चकार रामकैङ्कर्यं ब्रह्मादिसुरदुर्लभम् ||

आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसंपदाम् |

लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं सदा सर्वत्र कीर्तयेत् ||

सदा श्रीरामरामेति कीर्तनं सर्वमङ्गलम् |

ये कुर्वन्ति नरा भक्त्या नास्ति तेषां क्वचिद्विपत् ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Standing helpless in that thick forest, when that brahmana's wife was crying bitterly, Bhagavan, Shri Rama came there mounted on a horse. The woman became very happy to find there the brave, righteous, courageous and merciful prince, Shri Rama, along with Lakshmana, with a cheerful countenance, wearing a shirt and a cap, holding a sword in His hand and riding a horse. Shri Rama, the repository of mercy, cut off the heads of the thieves with His sword. Then, He united the brahmana. Deceived by Vishnu Maya, the couple took that Deva (Shri Rama) to be a prince only. Shri Bhagavan gave company and security to the devoted brahmana and his noble wife that night, and safely led them to the nearby town. When the day dawned, Shri Rama mounted upon His horse, along with Lakshmana, drove some distance away from their eyes and vanished. When the brahmana learbt that it was the city of Ayodhya and that the two who came last night were Shri Rama and Shri Lakshmana, he, along with his wife, shed tears out of prima Bhakti. Then onwards, that brahmana resided there itself, and  spent his time in the service of Shri Rama, which is not accruing even to the devas like Brahma. Everyone should sing everywhere and at all times in praise of Shri Rama, who attracts all in the universe, who wards off dangers and bestows all wealth upon His devotees. Those who chant the holy and the most pious Rama Nama ceaselessly, never meet with any dangers. 

Thus ends Chapter Nineteen entitled 'Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 13 - 20

Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 13 - 20

महाघोरे वने तस्मिन् तस्करास्तु भयङ्कराः |

कृपाणपाणयः क्रूरास्त्वाजग्मुक्ष्च यदृच्छाया ||

ब्राह्मणं तं विलोक्यापि तया पत्नीञ्च सुन्दरीम् |

आवव्रुः क्रूर्चित्तास्ते सद्यो जातकुतूहलाः ||

बद्ध्वा पाशेन तं विप्रं निपात्य च महाssवटे |

तत्पत्नीं पीडयामासुर्वेपमानं भयेन ते ||

भये महति संप्राप्ते निबद्धे च स्वभर्तरि |

वनान्तरे सा चुक्रोश पाञ्चालीव सभान्तरे ||


हा राघव महाबाहो शरणागतवत्सल |

कोदण्डपाणे सर्वज्ञ मां पाहि शरणागताम् ||

शरण्यं सर्वभूतानां सर्वशक्तं महेक्ष्वरम् |

त्वां विना ते गतिर्नास्ति परिपालय राघव ||

तव भक्तस्य भार्याहं त्वामेव शरणङ्गता |

अभयं देहि सहसा सीताकान्त नमोस्तु ते ||

अबलाहं महारण्ये पीडिता तस्करैरिह |

क्रन्दामि तव पादाब्जं स्मरन्ती रघुनन्दन ||

Unexpectedly, they were confronted by a set of cruel-minded robbers, holding sharp knives, who were wandering in that forest. The beastly robbers became very happy to meet the brahmana and the beautiful wife, and immediately, they encircled the couple. They tied the brahmana(with ropes) and put him in a pit. Then they caught hold of his wife, who was trembling with fear. Looking at her husband being tied by the robbers, she shivered all the more. She started crying in the midst of that thick forest like Paanchali in the royal court.

The brahmana's wife prayed

Heh! Raghava! Mahabhahu (broad shouldered warrior)! Protector of those who have surrendered to You! Oh! The bearer of the Kodanda! Omniscient! Please save me. I am surrendering to You, totally. I cannot find shelter in any one other than You, the chief of all deities and the ultimate refuge to all living beings. Oh! The beloved of Devi Sita! I am Your bhakta's wife. I have surrendered to You completely. Please preserve me from danger immediately. I submit my venerations to You. Oh! Raghunandana! Meek as I am, in this thick forest, caught by the robbers, I am crying bitterly, contemplating on Your holy feet.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 7 - 12

Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 7 - 12

वैदिको ब्राह्मणः कक्ष्चिद्रघुनाथ इति श्रुतः |

रामभक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठो रामायणपरायणः ||

गृहं धान्यं धनं क्षेत्रं सर्वं सन्त्यज्य वेदवित् |

अयोध्यां प्रययौ धीरो भार्यायाप्यनुकूलया ||

रामायनञ्च कथयन् ग्रामे ग्रामे गृहे गृहे |

शिलोञ्चकृत्या सन्तुष्टक्ष्चक्रे यात्रां द्विजोत्तमः ||

स कदाचिद्वने घोरे बभ्राम सह भार्यया ||

अविज्ञाय स्वकं मार्गं वनमेत्य यदृच्छया |

भीतभीतां स्वभार्याञ्च सान्त्वयन् सञ्चचार सः ||

एवं हि वनसञ्चारं सीताराघयोः पुरा |

कथयन् रामभक्तोsयं चचार च महावने ||

There was a brahmana called Raghunathadasa, who had learned all the Vedas and who was an intense devotee of Shri Rama, always immersed in reciting Shri Ramayana. Once, very courageously he gave up all his property, and left for Ayodhya with his amicable wife. That exalted brahmana travelled to Ayodhya carrying on discourses in every house and every village enjoying the alms extended to him by the people on his way. Once, accompanied by his wife, he roamed about a thick forest inhabited by lions and tigers. He had lost his way and reached the forest. He wandered all over the forest, consoling his frightened wife. He roamed about the woods narrating to his wife the story of the life spent by Shri Rama and Devi Sita in the forest long ago. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 6

Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 6


आपद्बन्धुः कृपासिन्धुर्भगवान् जानकीपतिः |

भक्तसंरक्षणायैव कोदण्डं धरति प्रभुः ||

धनदारविहीनञ्च दीनदीनमकिञ्चनम् |

सुग्रीवं स्वयमागत्य पालयामास राघवः ||

रावणेन परित्यक्तं प्रपनञ्च विभीषणम् |

अविचार्यैव सहसा प्रददावभयं प्रभुः ||

राक्षसिरवृद्धां तामशोकविपिने सतीम् |

जानकी पालयामास हत्वा पौलस्त्यमाहवे ||

राक्षसैर्निगृहीतञ्च प्रदीप्तमपि वह्निना |

सहसा पालयामास दासश्रेष्ठञ्च मारुतिम् ||

एवमेव स्वदासानां रक्षणाय कृपानिधिः |

जागरूको वसत्येव सर्वत्र रघुनन्दनः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Lord Shri Rama, Shri Bhagavan, who is the repository of compassion, and who preserves men from danger, holds the bow Kodanda, only to protect His devotees. It was only Shri Rama who protected the poorest of the poor, Sugriva, who had lost even his wife and property. When Vibhishina, deserted by Ravana, surrendered to Him, Shri Rama gave him refuge without any questions. Shri Rama killed Ravana in the battle, and thus protected Devi Sita who was improsoned in the Ashoka forest by the rakshasas. Shri Rama instantaneously rescued his greatest devotee Shri Hanuman from the fire lit on his tail by the rakshasas. Shri Rama, the treasure-chest of mercy, is always alert to protect His devotees everywhere. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 18 - 28

Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 18 - 28


श्रीराघव कृपासिन्धो सुकुमार मनोहर |

आगच्छ मया साकमस्माकं भवनं सुत ||

मातृभक्तोसि भगवन् महनीयगुणार्णव |

मयैव साकमायाहि मैथिलीकान्त राघव ||

पुत्रप्रेमनिबद्धास्मि पतिभक्त्या च संयुता |

न त्यजामि भवन्तन्च न त्यजामि पतिं तथा ||


इत्येवं बहुधा राज्ञी प्रलपन्ती पुनः पुनः |

श्रीराममाह्वयामास जननी बालकं यथा ||

सुपरभाते महाराज्ञी संप्राप्य सरयूनदीम् |

स्नानञ्चकार विथिवत्स्मृत्वा सीतामनोहारम् ||

तदाविरासीद्भगवान् श्रीकोसलकुमारकः |

अर्चावताररूपेण सर्वसौन्दर्यसंयुतः ||

गणेशदेवीं तं रामं विलोक्य सुकुमारकम् |

पुलकाङ्कितसर्वाङ्गी संप्राप परमां मुदम् ||

दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा च सानन्दं परिरेभे पुनः पुनः |

तं रामं सुकुमाराङ्गं परमानन्दपूरिता ||

तमुपादाय सानन्दं स्वराज्यं समुपागता |

भर्त्रे निवेदयामास सर्वं वृत्तान्तमेव च ||

राजापि परया भक्त्या विलोक्य रघुनन्दनम् |

सिह्मासने प्रतिष्ठाय पूजयामास सादरम् ||

सर्व जनाः समागत्य ददृशुर्जानकीपतिम् |

प्राशसंसुर्महाराज्ञीं रामभक्तिपरायणाम् ||

Ganesha Devi prayed

Shri Raghava! The ocean of mercy! Sukumara! Manohara (one capable of winning the heart of others)! Oh! my Child! Please come home with me. Oh! Lord of Mythili! Raghava! Bhagavan! You are good natured. You are never in the habit of disobeying Your mother. Please come to my residence with me. I am tossed between my love for my husband on the one side and my affection for my Child (Shri Rama) on the other. I am not able to give up either You or my husband. 

Shri Sadguru continued

Thus the queen invited Shri Rama to her place repeatedly pleading Him as a mother does to her child. When the day dawned the queen went to river Sarayu. There she was having her ritual bath, meditating upon Shri Sitamanohara. At that time, Bhagavan Shri Kosalakumara appeared there in the form of a very exquisite moorti. Looking ate that fascinating form of Shri Rama, Ganesha Devi became happy that her hairs stood on end. She beheld that child, Shri Rama, again and again, and embraced Him many times. With great joy, she returned to her kingdom and narrated to her husband all that happened. The king also perceived Shri Rama with ardent interest and devotion, seated Him on a throne and worshipped Him. All the subjects of that kingdom assembled there, and had the darshan of Shri Sitapati. All of them felicitated the queen who had intense devotion to Shri Rama.

Thus ends Chapter Eighteen entitled  'Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.