Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 11 - 17

Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 11 - 17

आसीन्मधुकरो नाम राज धर्मपरायणः |

नाम्ना गणेशदेवीति तस्य पत्नी च सुन्दरी ||

सा राज्ञी शीलसम्पन्ना प्रेमवात्सल्यभूषिता |

श्रीरामं पुत्रभावेन पूजयामास सन्ततम् ||

सा कदाचित्साधुभिञ्च साकं साकेतमाप च |

तत्रैव निवसन्ती च न सस्मार निकेतनम् ||

तदा वन्सन्तीं साकेते सन्त्यक्तसदनां प्रियाम् |

समानिनाय बहुधा सान्त्वयन् स्वगृहं नृपः ||

तथापि राज्ञी श्रीरामं त्यक्त्वा गन्तुं गृहं स्वकम् |

नेच्छति स्म प्रियेणापि समाहॊता पुनः पुनः ||

तं कोसलकुमारञ्च समानीय त्वया सह |

आगच्छ त्वरया गेहमिति तां प्राह भूपतिः ||

पत्युराज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य प्राप्य श्रीरामसन्निधिम् |

तस्मै विज्ञापयामास महाराज्ञी पतिव्रता ||

The noble king Madhukara and his beautiful wife Ganesha Devi led a very righteous life. The queen, endowed with a good conduct and kindness, always worshipped Shri Rama, considering Him to be her son. Once she reached Ayodhya, accompanied by the seers. Oblivious of her family, she was staying there. The king tried to convince his dear wife, who was living in Ayodhya, forgetting her household, and insisted on her returning home. Despite his repeated entreaties, the queen did not want to leave Shri Rama, and go home. Then, the king urges her to come home soon, taking Shri Rama the heir of the Kosala kingdom along with her. The chase and obedient queen wanted to implement the order of her husband. Hence, she went to the sanctum of Shri Rama and pleaded as follows.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 1 - 10

Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 1 - 10


सर्वात्मानं महात्मानं पुत्रं लब्ध्वा जगत्पतिम् |

कौसल्य परमानन्दमवाप प्रेमतत्परा ||

भरतस्य भ्रातृभक्तिं कारुण्यं राघवस्य च |

परीक्ष्य परमानन्दं प्राप केकयनन्दिनी ||

पुत्रमेकं भगवते तदीयाय तथाsपरम् |

प्रदाय परमानन्दं सुमित्रा प्राप निर्मलम् ||

स्मरन्ती राम रामेति सन्ततम् गौतमप्रिया |

रामपादाब्जसान्निध्यात्पापमुक्त्वाsभवद्बत ||

सन्त्यज्य सकलं राज्यं संचरन्तं महावने |

पूजयामास सततं राघवं जनकात्मजा ||

अलंकृत्य च सानन्दं सीतां राघवतुष्टये |

अनसूया परां प्रीतिमवाप च मनस्विनी ||

फलानि च सुपक्वानि स्वादूनि सरसानि च |

समर्प्य शबरी प्रेम्णा संप्राप परमं फलम् ||

आपद्बन्धुं कृपासिन्धुमार्तानां परमाश्रयम् |

विज्ञाय रघुवीरं तं तारापि शरनङ्गता ||

प्त्युर्हन्तारमप्येवं दृष्ट्वा श्रीवीरराघवम् |

तुष्टाव बहुधा भक्त्या विनता रावणप्रिया ||

एवं श्रीराघवो भक्तिं प्रेमपूर्वं विधाय तु |

बह्वयो नार्यः परम् क्षेमं प्रापुरेवाकुतोभयम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Mother Kousalya, the very embodiment of affection, was immensely happy getting the omnipresent, Supreme Lord of the world as her son. In the same way, Kaikeyi was very happy putting to test the devotion of Bharata to Shri Rama, and the mercy of Shri Rama. Sumitra also was very happy presenting one of her two sons to Shri Bhagavan (Lakshmana to Shri Rama), and the other one to the bhagavata (Shatrugna to Bharata). Ahalya, the wife of Gautama, was always concentrating on the Divine Name of Shri Rama, and hence was purified by the splendor of the sacred feet of Shri Rama. Devi Sita left behind the kingdom and the royal grandeur and wandered in the forest, always worshipping Shri Rama. The benevolent Anasuya derived great joy in beautifying Devi Sita with great love for the sake of Shri Rama. Shari was exalted in life, offering ripe, sweet and juicy fruits to Shri Rama with dedication. Realizing the supremacy of Shri Rama, Tara (the wife of Vali) took refuge in Shri Rama, the Ocean of compassion, the savior of the people in trouble, and the shelter to the persons in grief. The humble Mandodari, wife of Havana, praised Shri Rama in many words with great devotion, though Shri Veeraraghava was the killer of her husband. Thus, many women have attained eternal bliss due to their premature Bhakti to Shri Rama.

Vaishnava Samhita. Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 24 - 30

Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 24 - 30

तौ विलोक्य महाभागो जानकीरघुनयकौ |

परमानन्दसंयुक्तः संभ्रमात्समुपाययौ ||

सद्यो विदेतनया स्यन्दनादवरुह्य च |

कुशलं परिपप्रच्छ परिरभ्य सहोदरम् ||

विज्ञाय तां स्वभगीनीं परमानन्दसंयुतः |

भक्ष्यं निवेदयामास प्रेमवात्सल्यपूर्वकम् ||

तदुपादाय सानन्दं जगन्माता च जानकी |

बालकं लालयामस भ्रातृभावेन संयुता ||

रघुनाथोपि सानन्दमाक्ष्लिष्य च पुनः पुनः |

अन्तर्दधे सीतया च मूर्च्छितो बालकस्तदा ||

त्रिलोचनो नाम महान् राघवेण प्रचोदितः |

बालं प्रबोधयामास राममन्त्रं ददौ तथा ||

पुनक्ष्च मिथिलां प्राप्य पितामह्यौ न्यवेदयत् |

वृत्तान्तमात्मनो दिव्यं रामकारुण्यगर्भितम् ||

The moment he saw Shri Rama and Devi Sita, the most fortunate Prayagadasa ran to them with great joy and excitement. Devi Sita alighted from the chariot instantly, came near Her brother (Prayagadasa) embraced him, and made pleasing enquiries. Learning that Devi Sita was his sister, the overjoyed Prayagadasa handed over the eatables to Her with great affection. Devi Janaki, the Mother of the entire world, enthusiastically accepted that and fondled Her brother with sisterly affection. Lord Shri Rama also happily embraced the bhakta a number of times. As a result the devotee became unconscious. Immediately Shri Rama disappeared along with Devi Sita. Then, according to the command of Shri Rama, Thrilokadasa came there, woke the child up and taught him the Rama Mantra. Later Prayagadasa returned to Mithila, and narrated to his grandmother all that happened to him owing to the mercy of Shri Rama

Thus ends Chapter Seventeen entitled ‘ Maama Prayagadasa Charitam’ of Book IX of Shri Shri Vaishnava Sanhita composed by Shri Shri Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 18 - 23

Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 18 - 23


मुग्धभावं बालकस्य विलोक्य च पितामही |

भक्यं प्रदाय सातङ्कं सान्त्वयामास सादरम् ||

किन्तु प्रागदासस्तु वञ्चयन् स्वपितामहीम् |

येनकेनापि मार्गेण साकेतं समुपागमत् ||

नापश्यभगिनीं तत्र क्षुच्छ्रमेण च पीडितः |

क्वचिन्नीपतरोर्मूले प्ररुरोद स बालकः ||

तदा स्यन्दमारुह्य रत्नकाञ्चननिर्मितम् |

ददर्श बालको भक्तक्ष्चागतौ दिव्यदम्पती ||

दिव्यपीताम्बरधरौ नानारत्नविभूषणौ |

कर्णान्तदीर्घनयनौ कमनीयमुखाम्बुजौ ||

कोटिकन्दर्पदर्पघ्नौ कोमलामृतभाषणौ |

करुणापूर्णहृदयौ हस्ताभ्यामभयप्रदौ ||

Shri Sadguru continued

The innocence of the child moved the heart of his grandmother. She gave him some sweets and tried to console him. But, Prayagadasa somehow managed to reach Ayodhya without the knowledge of his grandmother. He could not see his sister there. Stricken with hunger, the child was standing under a Kadamba tree with eyes full of tears. At that time, the young bhagavata saw a graceful divine couple coming towards him seated on a chariot made of gold and precious stones. They were clad in gorgeous yellow silks. They were adorned with beautiful ornaments studded with valuable gems. They had beautiful eyes extending to their ears, and exquisite and attractive faces. Their grace and beauty were so great as to defeat a crore of Manmathas. The sweet melody of their words could be compared with the sweetness of nectar. Their hearts were filled with compassion. Their hands were raised in the posture of Abhaya.

Vaishnava Samhita. Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 12 - 17

Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 12 - 17

प्रयागदास उवाच

सर्वे वयस्याः सानन्दं गच्छन्ति भगिनीगृहम् |

अहञ्च गन्तुमिच्छामि भवनं तु मम स्वसुः ||

कस्मिन् ग्रामे वर्तते सा भगिनी मे पतिव्रता |

द्रष्टुमिच्छामि तामेव शीघ्रं वद पितामहि ||


बालकस्य प्रेमभावं परमञ्च कुतूहलम् |

विलोक्य सान्त्वानायैवमुवाच च पितामही ||


तवापि ज्येष्ठभगिनी वर्तते हि पतिव्रता |

अयोध्यायां भर्तृगृहे कुर्वन्ती पतिसेवनम् ||

सीतां ते भगिनी विद्धि रामचन्द्रञ्च तत्पतिम् |

त्वयि प्रेमभरौ तौ हि जगनानन्दकारकौ ||

प्रयागदास उवाच

एवञ्चेत् क्षिप्रमेव त्वं भक्ष्यं देहि पितमहि |

तदुपादाय सहसा साकेतं प्राप्नुयामहम् ||

Prayagadasa said

Oh, grandma! All my friends are leaving to their sisters' houses joyfully. I too want to go to my sister's house. In which village does my sister live ? I want to meet her as early as possible.

Shri Sadguru said

Noticing the affection and interest of the child, his grandmother wanted to pacify him. Hence she said as follows;

The old lady said

My child! You too have a sister. She is in Ayodhya. There, she lives with her husband, serving him. Her name is Sita. Her husband's name is Ramachandra. Those two who spread happiness in the whole world, have intense love for you.

Prayagadasa said

Grandma! If it is so, you please prepare some sweets soon. I shall take them with me, and go to Ayodhya.

Vaishnava Samhita. Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 11

Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 11

मिथिलायां कक्ष्चिदासीद्बालकः पञ्चहायनः |

पितृभ्यां वर्जितो दीनः पितामह्या समेधितः ||

मामाप्रयागदासाख्यो महनीयगुणान्वितः |

मुग्धभावेन संयुक्तो मुदितामलमानसः ||

न तस्य माता च पिता भ्राता च भगिनी तथा |

पितामहीमुपाश्रित्य व्रुद्धां स ववृधे शिशुः ||

वयस्यैः सह सानन्दं पाठशालां दिने दिने |

संप्राप्य पठति स्मायं श्रद्धया बालकोपि हि ||

विरामकाले संप्राप्ते दशरात्रं कदाचन |

प्रतस्थिरे च सानन्दं बालका भगिनीगृहम् ||

तदा प्रयागदासोपि परमानन्दसंयुतः |

पितामहीमुपागत्य पप्रच्छ प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

In Mithila, there was a young boy of five years, named Mama Prayagadasa who was parentless, and was under the care of his grandmother. He was endowed with noble qualities a pure heart and innocence. He had lot his father and mother. He had no sister or brother. He was brought up by his affectionate grandmother. Daily, he used to go to school with his friends, and learn the lessons very enthusiastically. Once, when they had a vacation of ten days, all the small boys went to the houses of their sisters. At that time, Prayagadasa went to his grandmother with great expectations, and said to her very enthusiastically the following.

Vaishnava Samhita. Mama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 5

Mama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 5


यं यं भावमुपाश्रित्य भजते दृढनिष्ठया |

तेन तेनैव भावेन भगवान् संप्रसीदति ||

भावाती तोपि भगवान् भक्तभावकुतूहलः |

भावुकेषु प्रेमिकेषु करोति प्रीतिमच्युतः ||

तस्मात्सर्वावस्वभावेन भजन् सीतापतिं प्रभुम् |

परमानन्दमाप्नोति प्रभञ्च्जनसुतो यथा ||

कौसल्यायाक्ष्च पुत्रत्वं मित्रत्वञ्च रुमापतेः |

जानक्याः प्रानकान्तत्वं प्राप देवः सनातनः ||

एवं सनातने देवे सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहे |

नानाविधं प्रेमभावं कुर्वन्ति रसिका जनाः ||

Shri Sadguru Said

Shri Bhagavan blesses the devotees according to the emotions expressed in cultivating devotion to Him. Though Shri Bhagavan is beyond thoughts, He revels in the feelings and emotions of the bhaktas, and reciprocates the intense love and devotion of the prima bhaktas.  Hence in all possible ways, we should develop strong devotion to Lord Sitapati as Shri Hanuman did and thus attain untold bliss. The immortal Supreme Being, Shri Rama manifested Himself as the child of Kausalya, as the friend of Sugriva, and the dear Lord of Devi Sita. The enthusiastic devotees develop serene prima Bhakti towards the imperishable Supreme Being, the very embodiment of truth, wisdom, and eternal bliss.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 23 - 30

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 23 - 30


इत्युक्त्वोपरतं बालं प्रसन्नवदनाम्बुजम् |

विलोक्य विस्मितो योगी परिरेभे पुनः पुनः ||

नूनमेष महात्मैव बालकोपि दृढव्रतः |

अस्यैव सङ्गमं प्राप्य सफलं मम जन्म तु ||

इति निक्ष्चित्य तं बालं समानीय सतांवरः |

सद्यः प्रतस्थे साकेतं सरयूतीरमण्डितम् ||

पोषयामास तं बालं पितृवन्मातृवन्महान् |

प्रददौ राममन्त्रञ्च रामदर्शनकारकम् ||

राममन्त्रं जपन्नित्यमवसत्सरयूतटे |

बालको रामभक्तोsयमग्रदासेन लालितः ||

रामनामप्रभावेन प्रसादेन गुरोरपि |

अचिरेणैव कालेन स लेभे रामदर्शनम् ||

कृपया रघुवीरस्य दिव्यज्ञानमवाप्य सः |

नाभादास इति ख्यातिमवाप भुवने महान् ||

चकार भक्तमालाञ्च भक्तश्रोत्रसुखावहाम् |

हरिदासगुणाम्भोधितरङ्गकृतकौतुकः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Having listened to that young boy with a bright face, that yogi was taken aback with joy, and hence, he embraced the child again and agin. "Certainly, this young one is an exalted personality. Association with him, has made my life a success." So deciding Agradasa took that child with him and traveled to Ayodhya, situated on the bank of river Sarayu. He took care of the child like a loving father, and a kind mother. He taught him the Taraka Mantra which is capable of bestowing one with the darshan of Shri Rama. This young one, fondly brought up by Agradasa, was spending his time on the bank of river Sarayu, chanting the Rama Mantra daily. Within a short time, he gained the darshan of Shri Rama due to the power of Rama Mantra and the blessings of his guru. As a result of the mercy showered on him by Shri Rama, he got the best of wisdom and became famous in this world by the name Nabhadasa. Nabhadasa, who was desirous of swimming joyfully in the sea of the virtues and holy stories of the bhaktas of Lord Hari, rendered the great work entitled 'Bhaktamala'.

Thus ends Chapter Sixteen entitled 'Shri Nabhadasa Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 19 - 22

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 19 - 22

अग्रदास उवाच

नेत्रहिनोपि दीनोपि पितृभ्यां वर्जितोपि च |

न शोचसि महाभागं रामनाम प्रकीर्तियन् ||

वरं ददामि ते बाल सिद्धोहं नामाकीर्तनात् |

यदृच्छयाssगतोस्म्यत्र तव भाग्यविशेषतः ||

बालक उवाच

यदीच्छसि वरं दातुं साधुश्रेष्ठ कृपानिधे |

रामभक्तिं दृढामेव देहि मे जन्मजन्मनि ||

हीनदृष्टिमिहात्मानं न शोचामि सतां वर |

रामतत्वविवेकाय ज्ञानदृष्टिं प्रयच्छ मे ||

Agradasa said

Though you are blind, poor and parentless you are engaged in chanting Rama Nama without any worries. You are very fortunate. My child! With the help of Nama kirtan, I have attained self-realization. I shall give you any boon you require. You are very fortunate to have me here unexpectedly. 

The child said

Oh! Illustrious sadhu! Repository of compassion! If you wish to give me any boon, please bless me with unflinching devotion to Lord Rama in every birth. Oh! The greatest of the sadhus! I am not sorry that I am blind. Please give light to my inner eye so that I can understand the philosophy inlaid in Rama Nama. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 15 - 18

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 15 - 18

अग्रदास उवाच

कस्त्वं बालक किञ्चात्र निषीदसि किमिच्छसि |

क्व ते माता पिता बन्धुः किं ते नाम क्व ते गृहम् ||

बालक उवाच

न मे माता न मे तातो न मे बन्धुर्न मे गृहम् |

नित्यं भिक्षामटन्नत्र करोमि प्राणधारणम् ||

कर्तुं भिक्षाटनं नित्यं कीर्तितं रामनाम तु |

न जहाति च मे जिह्वां जाग्रत्स्वप्नसुषुप्तिषु ||

एतदेव हि मे रत्नमेतदेव हि मे धनम् |

एतदेव परं सौख्यमेतदेव हि जीवनम् ||

Agradasa asked

Oh, my child! Who are you? What is your name? Why are you sitting here? What do you want? Where are your parents, and relatives? Where is your home?

The child replied

My parents are not alive. I have no relatives. I have no home. I earn my livelihood daily by seeking alms in this place. The Divine Name of Shri Rama I sang daily at the time of begging, has, in due course become an inseparable part of my life. It never slips out of my tongue, asleep or awake I am. This Rama Nama is my most precious jewel. This is my wealth. This is my life. This is the greatest bliss I seek.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 9 - 14

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 9 - 14

स कदाचित्तीर्थयात्रां कुर्वन् साधुजनैः सह |

रामभद्रकृतावासं भद्राचलमुपाययौ ||

गोदावरीतटे तत्र नानावृक्षसमाकुले |

पतत्रिबृन्दसंयुक्ते पशुवर्गगणावृते ||

शाद्वलश्यामले रम्ये नयनानन्दवर्धने |

मन्दमारुतसंसेव्ये नानापुष्पसुगन्धिते ||

क्वचिद्विटपिनो मूले नामकीर्तनतत्परम् |

पितृभ्यां रहितं बालं कृशाङ्गं कृपणं तथा ||

पटच्चरपरीधानमन्धकं सुन्दराननम् |

ददर्श करुणासिन्धुरग्रदासो यादृच्छया ||

तं विलोक्यार्भकं दीनं नेत्रहीनं कृपानिधि |

पप्रच्छ प्रेमवात्स्लयपूर्णेन वचनेन च ||

अग्रदास उवाच

कस्त्वं बालक किञ्चात्र निषीदसि किमिच्छसि |

क्व ते माता पिता बन्धुः किं ते नाम क्व ते गृहम् ||

Once, he started on a pilgrimage, accompanied by holy men. He reached Bhadrachalam, the abode of Shri Ramachandra. He reached the back of the river Godavari, which had an exhilarating atmosphere. There was spread the sweet fragrance of a variety of flowers. Cool breeze was blowing. There was very cool and green grass all around. It was inhabited by innumerable birds and animals. A large number of trees adorned the river bank. There, the compassionate Agradasa unexpectedly saw a small boy sitting under a tree and engaged in chanting the Divine Name. He was blind, very lean, clad in rags, and had a handsome face. He had lost his parents. Looking at that poor, blind child, Agradasa, the store house of mercy raised the following questions out of parental affection.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 8

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 8

अयोध्यायां महानासीदग्रदास इति श्रुतः |

रामभक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठो विरक्तो विजितेन्द्रियः ||

कीर्तयन् रघुवीरस्य नामानि मधुराणि सः |

जगदानन्दयामास भवदावानलावृतम् ||

कथयन् रघुवीरस्य चरित्रं साधुमण्डले |

लोके प्रकाशयामास रामभक्तिं सुनिर्मलाम् ||

In Ayodhya, there was an exalted personality called Agradasa, who was a great devotee of Lord Rama, was devoid of earthly attachments, and had firm control over his senses. He carried on the kirtan of the sweet Mama Nama and cooled the earth scorched by the fire of worldly worries. He used to give discourses in the midst of sadhus on the descent of Shri Rama and thus spread pure devotion to Shri Rama in the world. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 5

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 5


पूर्वकर्मानुसारेण नानादुःखसमाकुलम् |

उपेक्षन्ते जगत्सर्वं विरक्ताः साधवः किल ||

स्वकुटुम्बं परित्यज्य वैराग्येणैव साधवः |

सनयस्तसर्वसङ्कल्पाक्ष्चरन्ति समदर्शनः ||

तानुपेत्य महाभागान् विरक्तान् वैष्णवोत्तमान् |

ग्राम्यं धर्मं ये वदन्ति ते नूनं दुष्टबुद्धयः ||

कुटुमबविषयं तुच्छं संप्राप्तं पूर्वकर्मणा |

विरक्तेभ्यो वैष्णवेभ्यो न कदापि निवदयेत् ||

ज्ञानवैराग्यसंयुक्तं भगवद्भक्तिलक्षणम् |

धर्मं भागवतं शुद्धं शिक्षेदाश्रित्य सज्जनान् ||

Shri Sadguru said

This world is filled with sorrows according to the bad deeds of the previous births of men. Hence the sadhus who are self-renounced dislike earthly life. These sadhus who are men of renunciation develop equanimity, give up all special attachments to family life, and wander freely all over the earth. Those who approach such vaishnavas, indifferent to worldly life, and talk to them of family life are mean-minded. One should never inform the recluse vaishnavas of the sorrows of the family life born out of the bad deeds of their previous births. One should approach the sadhus, and learn the sacred Bhagavata Dharma which is the embodiment of devotion to Shri Bhagavan, coupled with wisdom and detachment.

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 24 - 30

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 24 - 30


इत्य्क्त्वाsन्तर्दधे रामो लक्ष्मणेन सह प्रभुः |

लब्ध्वा धनं महाराजः प्रपेदे विस्मयं परम् ||

रामदासमुपागत्य तत्सर्वञ्च न्यवेदयत् |

बद्धाञ्जलिर्भक्तिपूर्वं ययाचे च क्षमां नृपः ||

राघवस्य कृपामेवं लीलाञ्च प्रेमतत्परः |

स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा सुखं प्राप पुलकाङ्कितविग्रहः ||

कारागृहाद्विमुक्तोsथ नित्योत्सवमुदारधीः ||

एवं भक्तानुकूलो हि भगवान् रघुपुङ्गवः |

नोपेक्षेते निजं भक्तं कदापि करुणानिधिः ||

राजापि रामकृपया रामदासार्चनादपि |

परमं मङ्गलं प्राप सर्वत्र विजयं तथा ||

रामदासस्य चरितं परमं पावनं शुभम्

ये शृण्वन्ति महाभागा न तेषां विद्यते भयम् ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, Shri Rama disappeared along with Shri Lakshmana. The king, who had received the money was startled to recollect the whole episode. Immediately, he went to Shri Ramadasa and explained all that had happened. With folded hands, he apologized to Shri Ramadasa. The bhakta Ramadasa was filled with joy, repeatedly recalling the mercy and greatness of Shri Rama. His hairs stood on end due to ecstasy as he pondered on the invigorating thoughts of the mercy of Shri Rama. The generous man was released from the jail. He came back to Bhadrachalam, and carried on the daily routine Pooja etc. in the temple in a grand manner. Thus Shri Rama, the ocean of mercy never betrays His devotees. He always favors them with His kindness. The king Danish also became successful everywhere and in everything he attempted, as he was enjoying the mercy of Shri Rama and as he worshipped Ramadasa. Those fortunate ones who listen to the pious story of the noble Shri Ramadasa are freed from all fears and apprehensions.

Thus ends Chapter Fifteen entitled ' Shri Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam' of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 21 - 23

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 21 - 23


अहं श्रीरामदासस्य तव दानपतेर्न्रुप |

सचिवोस्मि च नाम्नाहं श्रीरामो लक्ष्मणो ह्ययम् ||

आवामस्मत्प्रभुं ह्रद्य रामदासं महामतिम् |

ऋणाद्विमोक्तुमत्रैवमागतौ हि निशान्तरे ||

दातव्यामेतत्सकलं धनं स्वीकुरु पार्थिव |

अपेक्षसे यद्यधिकं प्रच्छावस्तदद्य ते ||

Shri Bhagavan said

I am the servant of your tehsildar Ramadasa. My name is Rama. The one accompanying Me is Lakshmana. We have come here at this depth of night to free our master, the wise Ramadasa, from his indebtedness. Oh! King! Now take the entire sum due to you. We are ready to give in excess of that too.

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 17 - 20

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 17 - 20

एतदाकर्ण्य राजा तु धानीष इति विश्रुतः |

बबन्ध रामदासं तं क्रुद्धः कारागृहे बत ||

तदा तु रामदासस्तु रामदर्शनकातरः |

तुष्टाव बहुधा रामं जानकीञ्चापि वैष्णवः ||

सहसैव कृपासिन्धुः सीतयापि प्रचोदितः |

रात्रौ यवराजस्य प्रददौ दिव्यदर्शनम् ||

तदा तु म्लेच्छराजेपि दर्शनानन्दविभ्रमे |

मेघगम्भीरवाक्येन बभाषे भगवान् हरिः ||

When Danish, the king came to know of these, he became infuriated and imprisoned Shri Ramadasa. All the time, Shri Ramadasa was yearning to receive the darshan of Shri Rama. He went on offering prayers to Devi Sita and Lord Rama in many ways. Induced by Sita Devi, compassionate Shri Rama gave darshan to the king immediately in the night. The king was enchanted by the exquisite darshan and was under the spell of that ecstasy. At that moment, in a thundering majestic voice, Shri Bhagavan started speaking.

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 13 - 16

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 13 - 16

स कदाचिद्राघवस्य मन्दिरं प्राप्य सादरम् |

विशीर्णं तच्च सर्वत्र ददर्शामलमानसः ||

नितरां दुःखमापन्नो रामभक्तशिखामणिः |

निर्मातुमालयं सद्यः प्रारेभे वैष्णवोत्तमः |

सर्वं राजधनं धीरस्त्वादायादाय निर्भयम् |

चकार राघवेन्द्रस्य मन्दिरं बहुसुन्दरम् ||

बहूनि भूषनान्येवमनर्घ्याणि विधाय सः |

चकार वैष्ण्वैः सार्धं नवम्युत्सवमेव च ||

This pious and exalted personality went to the temple there once. To his astonishment, he saw the temple in a dilapidated condition. Shri Ramadasa, the greatest of the devotees of Lord Rama, was pain stricken to see the temple in that condition. Immediately, he took up the work of renovating it. Without any fear, the brave Ramadasa used all the wealth belonging to the king, and reconstructed the temple of Shri Rama in a very beautiful fashion. He made very valuable, decorative ornaments and offered them to Shri Rama. He also celebrated the festival of Shri Rama Navami in a very grand style along with the other vaishnavas.

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 10 - 12

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 10 - 12

सभायां म्लेच्छराजस्य तिष्ठन् दानपतेः पदे |

आर्जयंक्ष्च धनं भूरि न्यायवृत्तो बभूव सः ||

वैष्णवाराधनेनैव पितृपैतामहे धने |

विनष्टे रामदासस्तु प्राप दारिद्र्यमेव सः ||

तथापि धीरचित्तोsयं परिग्रहविवर्जितः |

भावयन् मैथीलीकान्तमवासत्तुष्टमानसः ||

He was a tehsildar under a muslim ruler, Danish. He was very honest and just. He earned a lot of money too. As he was always interested in attending to the bhagavatas and hosting them, all the wealth of the family got exhausted. Ramadasa became a poor man. Yet, he did not lose heart. He did not go to anyone for alms. Happily, he spent his days believing in the mercy of Shri Sita Rama. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 6 - 9

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 6 - 9

अस्ति भद्राचलं नाम गोदावर्यास्तटे शुभे |

रम्यं क्षेत्रं महापुण्यं वैष्णवानन्दवर्धनम् ||

तत्रास्ति रामचन्द्रस्य मन्दिरं बहुसुन्दरम् |

सदा भक्तगणैः सेव्यं नामकीर्तनतत्परैः ||

तत्रासीद्वैष्णवः कक्ष्चिद्रामदास इति श्रुतः |

दृढवैराग्यसंयुक्तो रामध्यानपरायणः ||

स नित्यं रणयन् वीणां सह भागवतोत्तमैः |

नामसङ्कीर्तनं दिव्यं चक्रे श्रीजानकीपतेः ||

'Bhadrachalam' is a beautiful place of pilgrimage on the bank of the river Godavari. The vaishnava find everlasting happiness there. There is a stately temple of Lord Shri Rama in Bhadrachalam. It is always thronged by groups of bhaktas, who are deeply immersed in Nama kirtan. A vaishnava named Ramadasa, who was a firm believer, and had Rama dhyana as the only object of life, lived in Bhadrachalam. Daily, he used to play on the Veena and carry on Nama kirtan along with the bhagavatas in praise of the Lord of Sita, Shri Rama.

Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 6 - 9

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 6 - 9

अस्ति भद्रचलं नाम गोदावर्यातटे शुभे |

रम्यं क्षेत्रं महापुण्यं वैष्णवानन्दवर्धनम् ||

तत्रास्ति रामचन्द्रस्य मन्दिरं बहुसुन्दरम् |

सदा भक्तगणैः सेव्यं नामकीर्तनतत्परैः ||

तत्रासीद्वैष्णावः कक्ष्चिद्रामदास इति श्रुतः |

दृढवैराग्यसंयुक्तो रामध्यानपरायणः ||

स नित्यं रणयन् वीणां सह भागवतोत्तमैः |

नामसङ्कीर्तनं दिव्यं चक्रे श्रीजानकीपतेः ||

'Bhadrachalam' is a beautiful place of pilgrimage on the bank of the river Godavari. The vaishnavas find everlasting happinesss there. There is a stately temple of Lord Shri Rama in Bhadrachalam. It is always thronged by groups of bhaktas, who are deeply immersed in Nama Kirtan. A vaishnava named Ramadasa, who was a firm believer and had Rama dhyana as the only object of life, lived in Bhadrachalam. Daily, he used to play on the Veena and carry on Nama kirtan along with the bhagavats in praise of the Lord of Sita, Shri Rama