Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 23 - 30
इत्युक्त्वोपरतं बालं प्रसन्नवदनाम्बुजम् |
विलोक्य विस्मितो योगी परिरेभे पुनः पुनः ||
नूनमेष महात्मैव बालकोपि दृढव्रतः |
अस्यैव सङ्गमं प्राप्य सफलं मम जन्म तु ||
इति निक्ष्चित्य तं बालं समानीय सतांवरः |
सद्यः प्रतस्थे साकेतं सरयूतीरमण्डितम् ||
पोषयामास तं बालं पितृवन्मातृवन्महान् |
प्रददौ राममन्त्रञ्च रामदर्शनकारकम् ||
राममन्त्रं जपन्नित्यमवसत्सरयूतटे |
बालको रामभक्तोsयमग्रदासेन लालितः ||
रामनामप्रभावेन प्रसादेन गुरोरपि |
अचिरेणैव कालेन स लेभे रामदर्शनम् ||
कृपया रघुवीरस्य दिव्यज्ञानमवाप्य सः |
नाभादास इति ख्यातिमवाप भुवने महान् ||
चकार भक्तमालाञ्च भक्तश्रोत्रसुखावहाम् |
हरिदासगुणाम्भोधितरङ्गकृतकौतुकः ||
Shri Sadguru said
Having listened to that young boy with a bright face, that yogi was taken aback with joy, and hence, he embraced the child again and agin. "Certainly, this young one is an exalted personality. Association with him, has made my life a success." So deciding Agradasa took that child with him and traveled to Ayodhya, situated on the bank of river Sarayu. He took care of the child like a loving father, and a kind mother. He taught him the Taraka Mantra which is capable of bestowing one with the darshan of Shri Rama. This young one, fondly brought up by Agradasa, was spending his time on the bank of river Sarayu, chanting the Rama Mantra daily. Within a short time, he gained the darshan of Shri Rama due to the power of Rama Mantra and the blessings of his guru. As a result of the mercy showered on him by Shri Rama, he got the best of wisdom and became famous in this world by the name Nabhadasa. Nabhadasa, who was desirous of swimming joyfully in the sea of the virtues and holy stories of the bhaktas of Lord Hari, rendered the great work entitled 'Bhaktamala'.
Thus ends Chapter Sixteen entitled 'Shri Nabhadasa Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.