Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 23 - 34

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 23 - 34

इत्युक्त्वा मधुरानाथो रामकृष्णं जगद्गुरुम् |

प्रणम्य तदनुज्ञातो जगाम स्वगृहं प्रति ||

ततः स्वच्छन्दमेवायम् प्रेमभावेन संयुतः |

पूजयामास गोविन्दं तन्मायां कालिकामपि ||

क्वचिद्यशोदाभावेन वात्सल्य कुरुते हरौ |

क्वचिदर्जुनभावेन सख्यं दर्शयति प्रिये ||

क्वचिन्मधुरभावेन राधिकेव च वर्तते |

क्वचिन्मारुतिभावेन दास्यं च कुरुते प्रभोः ||

एवं नानाविधां भक्तिं संप्राप्य परमेक्ष्वरः |

भक्तानन्दयामास रामकृष्णो गदाधरः ||

कदाचिद्रामकृष्णस्तु म्धुरानाथसम्युतः |

प्रतस्थे तीर्थयात्रायै तीर्थपादोपि च स्वयम् ||

काशीं प्रयागं मधुरां संप्राप्य भगवान् क्रमात् |

श्रीमद्ब्रुन्दावनं प्राप कृष्णप्रेमप्रवर्धनम् ||

राधाभावेन सम्युक्तः स्वप्रियं श्यामसुन्दरम् |

मृगयामास सर्वत्र गौराङ्ग इव सन्ततम् ||

हा कृष्ण दर्शनं देहि करुणालय माधव |

इति क्रन्दंस्तत्र तत्र बभ्राम स गदाधरः |

तत्रैव वासं कर्तुञ्च चक्रे निक्ष्चयमात्मवान् |

किन्तु तं मधुरानाथः सान्त्वयामास सादरम् ||

यथाकथञ्चित्तम् प्रेम्णा सान्त्वयन् मधुरापतिः |

प्रापयामास कृच्छ्रेण स्वगुरुं दक्षिनेक्ष्वरम् ||

विष्णुपादं जगन्नाथं द्रष्टुकामोपि सद्गुरुः |

न ययौ तत्र तत्रैव स्वलये संशयं गतः ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having said that, he paid venerations to Shri Ramakrishna, the universe preceptor, and returned home. Then onwards, Shri Ramakrishna performed with all freedom, the Pooja of Shri Govinda and the Devi, who is the Maya or divine illusion of Shri Govinda. At times, he used to fondle Shri Krishna with maternal love like Yashoda. At times, he considered himself to be Arjuna, the unmatched friend of Shri Krishna. Sometimes, he expressed his divine love as Radha Devi and sometimes, get lost in serving Him like Shri Hanuman. This Shri Ramakrishna alias Gadadhara exhibited the different mellows of Bhakti to the Lord and made the people around him very happy. Though his holy feet themselves were considered on a par with all teerthas , he himself set out as holy teertha yantra along with Madhuranatha. Bhagavan Shri Ramakrishna visited Kashi, Prayag, MAthura and finally reached Shri Brindavan, the abode of Krishna prem. Ramakrishna roamed about Shri Brindavan calling out to Lord Krishna this -- " Hah, Krishna! Oh! Madhava, please grace me with Your darshan'. Ramakrishna, considering himself to be Radha Devi, went in search of Shri Krishna, the divine lover, all over Shri Brindavan, like the great saint Gauranga. Ramakrishna, the liberated and unfettered, decided to stay there itself. But Madhuranatha, appeased him with great affection. With great effort and love, MAdhuranatha succeeded in taking Ramakrishna back to Dakshineshwaram. Sadguru Shri Ramakrishna declined visiting Gaya and Jagannatha Puri as he had an intuition that he would get liberated from this worldly life if he visited those place.

Thus ends Chapter Six entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam V' of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 14 - 22

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 14 - 22

श्रीकृष्णभजनानन्द विमुग्धसकलेन्द्रियम् |

विस्मृताखिललोकं तं विलुठन्तं धरातले ||

रुदन्तं कृष्ण कृष्णेति बाष्पसंपूर्णलोचनम् |

रामकृष्णं प्रेमसिन्धुं कृपासिन्धुं सतां वरम् ||

तं दृष्ट्वा मधुरानाथो महाविस्मयसम्युतः |

स्तम्भवत्तत्र तस्थौ च कृताञ्जलिपुटो महान् ||

लब्धप्रज्ञो रामकृष्णो मधुराथमागतः |

प्ररुदन् परः मधुरं सानन्दं प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

श्रीपरमहंस उवाच

प्रसीद सुमहाभाग गुणपूर्णोsसि सुव्रत |

न जानामि रसोन्मत्तस्तवाग्मनमप्यहम् ||

नित्यमाराधानं कर्तुमनर्होsहं हरेरिह |

प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मत्तो भवामि त्यज मां प्रभो ||

मधुरानाथो उवाच

सर्वेषामर्चकाणां त्वं विष्णुभक्तिमतां वर |

आदर्शभूतो भवसि तस्मात्तुष्टोsस्मि सर्वदा ||

प्रेमभक्तकृतायां तु पूजायां वैष्णवोत्तम |

नापेक्षते क्रुपासिन्धुर्नियमान् शास्त्रसंमतान् ||

तस्मात्वमेव कृष्णाय देव्यै च प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयमर्पय प्रेमिकोत्तम ||

At that time, Shri Ramakrishna was lost in the divine ecstasy born out of singing glory of Shri Krishna. He had lost the consciousness of self and was rolling on the ground, shedding tears, and chanting repeatedly the Divine Name of Shri Krishna. Looking at Shri Ramakrishna, the greatest of sadhus, the ocean of love and Bhakti and the fountain of mercy, Madhurantatha was so pleasantly surprised that he could not do anything other than watching him standing spell-bound with folded hands. Gaining consciousness, after sometime, Ramakrishna approached Madhuranatha with kindness and joy, and uttered these sweet words shedding tears.

Shri Paramahamsa said

Oh! Blessed one! You seem to be very good and firm. Please show mercy on me. I did not notice your arrival as I was maddened by the sweetness of Bhakti and was immersed in joy. I have become unfit to do Hari Pooja here regularly. I have become so absorbed in prima Bhakti that I have almost turned mad. Oh! Great man! Please relieve me of this post.

Madhuranatha said

Oh! The best of Vishnu bhaktas! You stand as an example to all the priest. I am always happy to see you. I am so pleased with you. Oh! The greatest of vaishnavas! The Lord, the Ocean of mercy, never expects in the Pooja performed by a prima bhakta, any ritualistic routine prescribed by the Shastras. Hence, oh, the head of the bhaktas! You continue to perform the Pooja of both Shri Krishna and the Goddess, offering any of these things, holy leaves, flowers, water or fruits.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 7 - 13

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 7 - 13

क्वचिन्नृत्यति सानन्दं क्वचिद्रोदिति बालवत् |

क्वचिद्गायति गोविन्दं क्वचिद्ध्यायति केशवम् ||

क्वचित्कथां कथयति क्वचित्पूजयति प्रभुम् |

क्वचिच्छिष्यान् बोधयति समाधौ तिष्ठति क्वचित् ||

क्वचिन्म्लेच्छ इवाभाति भवति क्वचित् ||

क्वचिच्छाक्त इवाभाति क्वचिद्भवति वैष्णवः |

क्वचिद्दिगम्बरो भाति क्वचिद्वस्त्रादिभूषितः ||

दुरूहं तस्य माहात्म्यमविज्ञाय नरा जडाः |

तं मेनिरे महात्मानमुत्तमं श्रीगदाधरम् ||

पूजां कर्तुमनर्होsयं तस्मादेनं त्यज प्रभो |

इति विज्ञापयामासुर्मन्दिराध्यक्षकाय ते ||

भक्तिमान्मधुरानाथो मन्दिराध्यक्षको महान् |

कदाचिदागतास्तत्र ददर्श जगतां गुरुम् ||

Ramakrishna used to dance out of mirth sometimes. At time, he would cry like a child. At times, he would sing in praise of Shri Govinda. At other times, he used to meditate upon Shri Keshava. At times, he would narrate stories; he would perform the Pooja of Shri Bhagavan at times. AT times, he taught his disciples and at times, he remained still in samadhi. At times he appeared to be a muslim, and afterwards like a vaidika. If he seemed to be a saint at one time, he was found to be a householder at another time. If he seemed to be a shakta ( worshipper of shanty) at one time, at another, he appeared to be a vaishnava. At times, he used to go unclad and at other times, he went about fully dressed. The foolish, who could not guess the divinity in him, branded Shri Ramakrishna, the mahatma, to be a lunatic. They approached the temple executive with a petition seeking the removal of Shri Ramakrishna from the temple on the ground that he was a mad man and was not fit to be a priest. The temple executive, a great bhakta, Shri Madhuranatha visited the temple and saw Shri Ramakrishna once.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 1 - 6

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 6 Shlokas 1 - 6


ब्रह्मनिष्ठो ब्राह्मणः स्यान्न कुलेनैव केवलम् |

ब्राह्मणोपि स चण्डालो दुराचारसमन्वितः ||

विष्णुभक्तो वैष्णवः स्यादूर्ध्वपुन्द्रेण केवलम् |

वैष्णवं भक्तिरहितं जानीयात्प्राकृतं नरम् ||

तथा परमहंसत्वमात्मज्ञानेन केवलम् |

न तु काषायवस्त्रेण दण्डेन करकेण वा ||

देहं प्रानान्मनक्ष्चापि विस्मृत्यात्मनि निक्ष्चलम् |

सोहंभावेन तिष्ठन्तं तं हंस परमं विदुः ||

आचरन् प्राकृते लोके जडोन्मत्तपिशाचवत् |

सदा परमहंसस्तु क्रीडति ब्रह्मविद्यया ||

एवं परमहंसस्य लक्षणं श्रीगदाधरे |

विलोक्य पण्डिताः प्राहुः तं हंस परमं गुरुम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

One who possesses Brahma Ghana alone becomes a brahmana. By birth alone, no one becomes a brahmana. One who is a brahmana by birth is an untouchable if he does not have a good conduct. A true devotee of Vishnu is worth being called a vaishnava. Simply by wearing a tilak of Truman, no one becomes a vaishnava. A vaishnava is considered just an ordinary man in the absence of Vishnu Bhakti. Self realization alone can lead to the stage of utter selflessness, and make a man a paramahamsa, one with God. Saffron dress, a staff and a saintly vessel called Kamandalu alone cannot make one a paramahamsa. A paramahamsa is one who renounces the consciousness of the body, mind and life and revels in the consciousness of the existence of the soul or aatma alone. The paramahamsa apparently seem to be a dull-headed one or lunatic or even a phantom moving about the earth. But at all times, he revels in Brahma Vidhya. Identifying all these attributes of a paramahamsa in the person of Shri Ramakrishna, scholars recognized him to be a paramahamsa. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 18 - 26

Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 18 - 26

रामकृष्णो महात्मा'तु बाल्यात्प्रभृति चादरात् |

विग्रहाराधानं कृत्वा परां सिद्धिमवाप हि ||

जाताधराख्यो विप्रस्तु बालरामस्य विग्रहम् |

पूजयामास सप्रेम कौसल्याभावसम्युतः ||

स कदाचिद्रामकृष्णं द्रष्टुकामः सतां वरः |

दक्षिनेशपुरीं प्राप बालरामेण सम्युतः ||

मानितो रामकृष्णेन तत्रैव न्यवसद् द्विजः |

बालरामेपि चिक्रीड सन्ततं तस्य सन्निधौ ||

स्नानशय्याटनस्थानभोजनादिषु कर्मसु |

रामकृष्णो प्रवृत्तेपि तेन चिक्रीड राघवः ||

प्रतस्थे ब्राह्मणः सोपि स्वग्रामं गन्तुमिच्छया |

रामकृष्णवोयोगेन रुरोद शिशुराघवः ||

एवं बालकरामस्य रामकृष्णे महात्मनि |

प्रणयं वीक्ष्य विप्रोपि तत्रैव विससर्ज तम् ||

गते विप्रे बालरामो रामकृष्णेन पूर्ववत् |

क्रीडन्नुवास सानन्दं स्वमात्रा बालको यथा ||

एवामर्चावतारोपि यः करोति रतिं पराम् |

तेन सम्भाषणं नित्यं करोति परमेक्ष्वरः ||

The mahatma Shri Ramakrishna had attained unreachable heights of siddhi only through moorti Pooja from his childhood. A brahmana called Jatadhari, considering himself to be holy mother Kousalya, was worshipping the moorti of Shri Rama, the divine child, with great motherly affection. That illustrious personality came to Dakshineshwaram carrying the moorti of Shri Rama, desirous of having the darshan of Shri Ramakrishna. Held in high esteem by Shri Ramakrishna, he stayed in Dakshineshwaram. The divine child Baala Rama played happily in the presence of Shri Ramakrishna always. Shri Ball Rama clung to Ramakrishna at all times even when he was bathing, walking, sitting, eating, lying down or doing anything else. Jatadhari, the brhmana, decided to return to his place. Shri Ball Rama could not tolerate separation from Shri Ramakrishna. When the brahmana came to know of the affection Shri Baala Rama had towards Shri Ramakrishna, he left Him back in Daksineshwaram. After the brahmana left, Shri Baala Rama stayed there happily playing with Ramakrishna as a child with his mother. Thus, almighty converses freely with him who has deep devotion to the Archavatara.

Thus ends Chapter V entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charisma IV' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 8 - 17

Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 8 - 17

श्रीमान् केशवचन्द्राख्यः कक्ष्चिदासीन्महामतिः |

पाक्ष्चात्यमतविभ्रान्तो म्लेच्छभाषाविशारदः ||

स तु ब्रह्मसमाजाख्यं स्थापयित्वा स्वयं सदः |

इयेष शोधनं कर्तुं सनातनमतस्य ह ||

अविक्ष्वासं चारायं विग्रहाराधने हरेः |

अवतारेषु सर्वेषु श्रौतस्मार्तेषु कर्मसु ||

तमाश्रित्य महाबुद्धिं धनिनं वदतां वरम् |

अन्धेनैव नीयमाना यथान्धा ह्यभवन् जनाः ||

सर्वत्र व्याप्तमेवासीत्तन्मतं चाददृतं जनैः |

विलोक्य रामकृष्णस्तु परमं खेदमाप च ||

लब्ध्वानुज्ञां भगवतो रामकृष्णो जगद्गुरुः |

द्रष्टुं केशवचन्द्रं तं हर्षेण प्राप तत्सभाम् ||

अवतारस्य माहात्म्यं विग्रहाराधनस्य च |

ऊरीचकार धीरोsयं दिव्यवाण्या स्वयं प्रभुः ||

तस्य दर्शनमात्रेण तद्वाणीश्रवणेन च |

प्राज्ञः केशवचन्द्रोपि प्रसन्नहृदयोsभवत् ||

विच्छिन्नसर्वसंदेहः प्रसन्नहृदयक्ष्च सः |

रामकृष्णपादाम्भोजे न्यपतत्सह शिष्यकैः ||

तदाप्रभृति सोsप्येनं रामकृष्णं महामुनिम् |

आश्रित्य भक्तिमार्गस्य बोधयामास वैभवम् ||

There was a rich and learned man named Keshava Chandra who had a good command over English and was allured by Christianity. He wanted to reform Sanatana Dharma, establishing a society called the Brahma Samaja. He made people lose faith in idol-worship, the details about the incarnations of the Lord, and all the routine observances prescribed by the Vedas and the Smiritis. Attracted by the rich, scholarly and eloquent man, the people gathered around him, and appeared as the blind led by a blind man. Supported by the masses, his doctrines spread all around. Ramakrishna became very sad to note this. At the command of Shri Bhagavan , Shri Ramakrishna reached Brahma Samaja with the intention of having a happy meeting with Keshava Chandra. Courageous mahatma Shri Ramakrishna established and pronounced the grandeur of idol-worship and incarnations with his sweet words. The scholarly Keshava Chandra was rid of all illusions because of the words and darshan of Shri Ramakrishna. Rid of all doubts and blessed with a clear mind, he prostrated at the feet of Shri Ramakrishna along with his disciples. From that day, he took refuge in Shri Ramakrishna and started spreading the glory of Bhakti. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 1 - 7

Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 1 - 7


हरिर्हि निर्गुणः साक्षान्नामरूपविवर्जितः |

यच्च किञ्चिज्जगत्सर्वं व्याप्य सर्वत्र तिष्ठति ||

तं पश्यन्ति महात्मानः सिद्धा योगसमाधिना |

जितेन्द्रिया जितक्रोधा दुर्लभञ्च कुयोगिनाम् ||

स्त्रियो बालाक्ष्च मूढाक्ष्च गोविन्दे योगिदुर्लभे |

प्रेम कर्तुं शक्नुवन्ति विग्रहाराधनेन हि ||

भक्ताः प्रेम्णा विशुद्धेन विक्ष्वासेन दृढेन च |

विग्रहाराधनं कृत्वा सक्षात्तं ददृशः पुरा ||

प्रेमवश्यो जगन्नाथः सर्वशक्तः सतामिह |

अर्चावताररूपेण रमते बहुधा कलौ ||

कलावर्चावतारस्य मुख्यत्वं वीक्ष्य वैष्णवाः |

विग्रहाराधानं प्रेम्णा कुर्वन्ति हि दिने दिने ||

विग्रहाराधानं पुण्यं सर्वमानसरञ्चकम् |

अविज्ञाय विनिन्दन्ति केचित्पण्डितमानिनः ||

 Shri Sadguru said

Lord Shri Hari stands beyond all forms, names and attributes. He pervades all the worlds that are visible. He,, who is not accessible to the spiritually immature is attained by those great siddhas who have won anger and have controlled all senses and who with the help of yoga practice, reach the samadhi state. Through idol worship the women, children, and even ordinary men are able to develop loving devotion to Lord Govinda, who is inaccessible to great yogis too. Earlier, many devotees could get the darshan of the Lord with the help of idol worship induced by pious love and staunch faith. Lord Jagannatha, the omnipresent, bound by the loving devotion of the simple devotees, assumes Archavataras, and carries on His divine pastimes in this Kaliyuga. The vaishnavas have well understood that the Archavatara alone is very significant in the Kaliyuga. Hence they perform aradhana of the moorti every day. Those who take pride in considering themselves to be intellectuals make fun of idol-worship that captures the minds of all very easily. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 31 - 39

Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 31 - 39

श्रीपरमहंस उवाच

अक्षरब्रह्मनिष्ठस्य जगन्मिथ्येतिवादिनः |

समाधिस्थस्य ते लोके दुःसहं किं यतीक्श्वर ||

मादृशानां तु मूढानाम विहितं हरिकीर्तनम् |

निर्गुणब्रह्मनिष्ठो हि भवान् दुःखं सुखं न ते ||

तोतापुरीन्द्र उवाच

तवद्वाक्यं सत्यमेवैतज्जन्मिथ्या न संशयः |

निर्गुणब्रह्मनिष्ठोsहं न मे दुःखं न मे सुखम् |

तथापि मे मनस्त्वेतत्समाधौ न विधीयते |

सुदुर्जया मयाप्येषा माया विष्णोर्न संशयः ||

परमहंस उवाच

मा विषीद महाबुद्धे ज्ञानिनामपि दुर्जयम् |

विष्णोर्मायाबलं दृष्टं ह्येवं संसारकारणम् ||

कुक्षिरोगस्य ते योगिन् शमनाय करोम्यहम् |

कीर्तनं वासुदेवस्य शोकमोहनिवारकम् ||


इत्युक्त्वा भगवांक्ष्चक्रे सानन्दं हरिकीर्तनम् |

तस्य तच्छ्रवणेनैव बाधा नष्टाभवत्तदा ||

विज्ञाय भगवद्भक्त्याः माहात्म्यं स पुरीक्ष्वरः |

तेन साकं चकारापि सानन्दं कृष्णकीर्तनम् ||

एवं भजनमाहात्म्यं दर्शयामास लीलया |

रामकृष्णो महायोगी पुरीन्द्रायातमबन्धवे ||

Shri Paramahamsa said

You have lost yourself in Nirvana Brahman, you have attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi and consider the whole world to be a myth. Can there be anything that is unbearable to you? Hari bhajan is assigned only to the fools like me. But you are a staunch believer in Nirvana Brahman. There is nothing that can give you joy or sorrow.

Totapuri said

You are right. The world is undoubtedly a great myth. It is true that I have deep faith in Nirvana Brahman, and I do not feel happy or sad specially. Yet my mind finds it difficult to remain fixed in the Samadhi state now. Vishnu Maya cannot be overcome even by me. It is quite uncertain. 

The Paramahamsa said

Oh! Wise one! Now did you understand the might of Vishnu Maya which is the root cause of the universe and which cannot be conquered even by men of wisdom ? Do not worry now. Oh! Yogi, I will carry on the kirtan of Shri Vasudeva and pray to Him so that your pain subsides. Only kirtan can dispel illusions and remove all sorrows. 

Shri Sadguru said

Having stated thus, Shri Ramakrishna Bhagavan did the bhajan of Shri Hari in all exuberance. Totalpuri who listened to that was rid of his stomach-ache at once. Realizing the glory of devotion to Shri Bhagavan, Totoapuri also joined Shri Ramakrishna in Hari bhajan with all joy. Thus, the mahayogi, Shri Ramakrishna exhibited the glory and grandeur of Hari bhajan effortlessly, through that Leela for the sake of Totapuri who was his close companion.

Thus ends Chapter Four entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam III' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 24 - 30

Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 24 - 30


एवं श्रीरामकृष्णस्तु वचनं योगिनां वरः |

आकर्ण्यापि त तद्वाक्यं नानुमेने पुरीक्ष्वरः ||

फल्गुबुद्ध्या मुकुन्दस्य भजनेपि सुखावहे |

मुक्तामानी रामकृष्णं निनिन्द बहुधा च सः ||

एवं भक्तापराधेन्न भगवद्भक्तिनिन्दया |

तस्याभवद्दिने तस्मिन् कुक्षिरोगः सुदुःसह ||

तद्बाधाबाधितम् चित्तं तस्य योगीक्ष्वरस्य तु |

निर्विकल्पसमाधौ च लयं न प्राप निक्ष्चलम् ||

तस्मात्सुदुःखितो योगी प्रानत्यागेपि निक्ष्चयम् |

कृत्वा गन्गाजले शुद्धे पपात निशि दुर्मनाः ||

जानुपर्यन्तमेवात्र दृष्ट्वा वारि सुदुःखितः |

संप्राप्य रामकृष्णञ्च निजं दुःखं न्यवेदयत् ||

तं दृष्ट्वा कृपया देवः कुक्षिरोगेण पीडितम् |

महार्थं वचनं प्राह मधुरं महतां महान् ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Even after listening to Ramakrishna explain all these, Totapuri, the greatest of the yogis, did not agree with him. Though the bhajan of Lord Shri Mukunda is yielding real happiness, Totapuri did not take interest in it. He belittled its glory as he considered himself to be a jeevann must standing above all these things. Hence, he mocked at Ramakrishna arguing on many lines. He had a sudden attack of severe stomach-pain because of his ill-treatment of the bhakta Shri Ramakrishna and his mockery at Bhakti. The yogishwara Totapuri could not stick to Nirvikalpa Samadhi undisturbed, because of this trouble. The yogi became very sad, dejected and with a decision to commit suicide, fell into the pellucid flow of the Ganga. He felt intensely sad to find that there was only knee-level water flow in the Ganga. His wish was not fulfilled. So he came and explained his condition to Ramakrishna. The greatest among the great men, Shri Ramakrishna, with all sympathy, looked at the suffering yogi and uttered these sweet words pregnant with meaning.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 17 - 23

Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 17 - 23

कदाचिद्रामकृष्णस्तु हरिकीर्तनतत्परः |

ननर्त जाह्नवीतीरे प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मदः ||

तं दृष्ट्वा प्रेमसंपूर्णं पुलकाङ्कितविग्रहम् |

रामकृष्णं पुरीन्द्रोपि परिहासं चकार सः ||

तोतापुरीन्द्र उवाच

निर्विकल्पसमाधिञ्च प्राप्य त्वं साधको यथा |

किमर्थं कीर्तनं करोषि ज्ञानिनां वर ||

अपूपास्फालानं त्वेवं मूढानामेव सौख्यदम् |

अस्माकं योगिवर्याणां करतालेन किं सुखम् ||

परमहंस उवाच

हन्त कैवल्यनिष्ठेन त्वयैवं हरिकीर्तनम् |

विनिन्दितं वाञ्छितं तच्छुकेनापि महात्मना ||

मुक्तानामपि सिद्धानां तस्य माया दुरत्यया |

मायया पीडिताः प्रापुः कोपञ्च सनकादयः ||

तस्मात्सर्वस्वभावेन भजेन्मायाविनं हरिम् |

तत्प्रसादेन तन्मायां जयेत्क्लेषविवर्जितः ||

Once, Ramakrishna was overwhelmed with prima Bhakti and out of uncontrollable joy, he started dancing on the banks of the Ganga. Looking at Ramakrishna so excited with his hairs standing one end, Totapuri made fun of him.

Totapuri said

Why do you sing the praise of Shri Hari and dance so like a seeker (on the spiritual path) even after attaining Nirvikalpa Samadhi? Only the foolish take pleasure in clapping hands like this. What joy do we yogis derive from the clapping of hands (kara tala) ?

The Paramahamsa said

Alas! With all your desire to reach Kaivalya, you are mocking at Hari Kiran, which was held in great esteem even by Saint Shuka. Lord Hari's Maya is formidable even to the multis and siddhas. Even the pious Sanakas got angry clouded by this Maya. Hence all seekers should at all costs worship Lord Hari. It is very easy to overcome His Maya with His grace. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 10 - 16

Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 10 - 16

तोता \पुरीति विख्यातः कक्ष्चिदासीद्यतीक्ष्वरः |

चचार भुवने नित्यं जडोमत्तपिशाचवत् ||

अक्षरब्रह्मनिष्ठक्ष्च जितक्रोधो जितेन्द्रियः |

समाधिस्थो महायोगी जटाधारी दिगम्बरः ||

यदृच्छया महात्म्यं दक्षिणेक्ष्वरमागतः |

ददर्श रामकृष्णं तं प्रेमभक्तिमतां वरम् ||

तस्य हस्तस्पर्शेन रामकृष्णो महामुनिः |

निर्विकल्पसमाधिञ्च प्राप सद्यो जितेन्द्रियः ||

आक्ष्चर्यं परमं लेभे यतीन्द्रः सिद्धसत्तमः |

अनायासेन तस्यैवं समाधिं वीक्ष्य सङ्गतम् ||

तेनैव साकं तत्रैव न्यवसत्स यतीक्ष्वरः |

शिष्यवात्सल्यसंयुक्तो रामकृष्णो जगद्गुरौ ||

रामकृष्णोपि तं भक्त्या गुरुभावेन सम्युतः |

पूजयामास सानन्दं नित्यं गङ्गातटे महान् ||

There was a sanyasi named Totapuri. He was wandering all over the earth like the spirits or the low witted or the lunatics, unclad and with matted locks of hair. He had complete control of the senses, had overcome anger, was always steady in samadhi and was a great yogi meditating on the indestructible Brahman. This great man providentially came to Dakshineshwaram and had the darshan of Shri Ramakrishna, the best of the prima Bhakti. The saintly Ramakrishna who had conquered all senses attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi on the magic touch of the hand of Totapuri. Totapuri, the greatest of the siddhas was surprised to see Ramakrishna entering samadhi without much efforts. The great saint developed a close attachment to the universal preceptor Shri Ramakrishna considering him to be his disciple, and stayed with him. Ramakrishna became very happy to have him as his guru and offered Pooja to him daily on the banks of the holy Ganga.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 6 - 9

Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 6 - 9

दुरत्यया हि तन्मया मुमुक्षूणां जितात्मनाम् |

तस्मात्सर्वस्वभावेन परमेक्ष्वरमाश्रयेत् ||

मुमुक्षवो भजन्त्येव साधवः पुरुषोत्तमम् |

मुक्ताक्ष्चापि भजन्त्येन साधवो रसवित्तमाः ||

अक्षरब्रह्मनिष्ठाक्ष्च सनकाद्याः शुकादयः |

भजन्ति तं प्रेमपूर्वमात्मारामाक्ष्च योगिनः ||

प्रेमभक्त्यास्तु माःत्म्यमजानन्तः कुयोगिनः |

निन्दन्ति भक्तियोगञ्च भक्तांक्ष्च प्राज्ञमानिनः ||

It is very difficult to overcome Vishnu Maya even for those seers who have complete control over themselves and who want to gain moksha. Hence they surrender completely unto the Supreme Soul, the ultimate Godhead. The seers who aim at moksha worship Lord Purushottama only. Even those sadhus who attained moksha already, worship Him as they know the joy of worshipping Him. Great yogis like Shri Shula and the Snakes who were one with the Lord and who had complete realization of the self to worship Him with prima Bhakti. Those sadhakas (those who strive for spiritual attainments) who are not quite advanced and mature and who take pride I themselves as men of realization, humiliate the bhaktas and despise Bhakti yoga. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 1 - 5

Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 1 - 5


अनामरूपं चिन्मात्रं निर्विकारञ्च निर्गुणम् |

सत्तामात्रं परम् ब्रह्म ध्यायन्ति ज्ञानयोगिनः ||

साकारं सगुनञ्चैव सर्वलौकैककारणम् |

संसारतारकं ब्रह्म ध्यायन्ति प्रेमिका जनाः ||

निराकारब्रह्मनिष्ठा ज्ञानिनो विजितेन्द्रियाः |

निरिविकल्पसमाधिस्थाः कैवल्यं प्राप्नुवन्ति ते ||

सगुणब्रह्मनिष्ठास्तु भक्तिमार्गपरायणाः |

भेदभावेन संयुक्ताः वैकुण्ठं प्राप्नुवन्ति हि ||

कैवल्यं प्राप्तुकामक्ष्च ये भजन्ति महेक्ष्वरम् |

तत्प्रसादेन ते सर्वे कैवल्यं प्राप्नुवन्ति हि ||

Shri Sadguru said

The great Gnana yogis meditate upon that Supreme Being, who is the very embodiment of wisdom, who is changeless and attribute less and who is the actual real entity. The prima bhaktas pray to that God who is the sole origin of the entire universe, who has attributes and form, and who is the ford maker from the ocean of birth and death. Those great saints with complete control over all senses dive deep in to transcendental bliss meditate upon the formless Brahman, and attain salvation ultimately. The bhaktas who distinguish between forms, enthusiastically march on the spiritual path aiming at some specific form and reach Vaikuntha at the end. Those who worship the Lord longing for Kaivalya attain that only with His grace.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 25 - 31

Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 25 - 31

मद्यञ्च मैथुनं मांसं मणिं मन्त्रं समाश्रिताः |

पूजयन्ति परां शक्तिं वामाचारेण दुर्जनाः ||

अशास्त्रविहितं घोरं तामसं कर्म दूषितम् |

विधाय स्वयमेवैते पतन्ति नरकेsशुचौ ||

दुर्मार्गेण कथं ब्रह्म प्राप्यते शुद्धमव्ययम् |

नाविरतो दुक्ष्चरितात्तदाप्नोति परम् पदम् ||

कण्टकव्याप्तमार्गेण ये गच्छन्ति नराः खलाः |

गच्छन्तु ते वयं याम सन्मार्गेण परम् पदम् ||

एवं दुर्मार्गगान् सर्वानाहूय परेमपूर्वकम् |

बोधयामास योगीन्द्रो रामकृष्णो जगद्गुरुः ||

रामकृष्णमतं ज्ञात्वा सात्विकं सर्वसम्मतम् |

सदाचारेण संयुक्तैः कर्तव्यं भजनं हरेः ||

अन्यथा दुर्लभो विष्णुः कलावस्मिन्न संशयः |

अहिंसया च सत्येन ब्रह्मचर्येण तं भजेत् ||

The wicked who follow the vamachara perform Pooja to Para shake offering her wine, flesh, pearls etc. along with mantras. They fall into hell performing the evil and dark sided, hated and dreadful act. How can one reach the blemishes and the eternal Almighty following this path? One who does not get out of the black evil path cannot reach the eternal abode of the Lord. Let the foolish continue to tread the thorny, misleading, wrong road. Let us reach the Almighty through the righteous path. Thus the universal preceptor and great yogi, Shri Ramakrishna with his kindness drew him all those who were marching on the unrighteous path and imparted true knowledge to them. The righteous ones have to learn the unquestionable and lofty doctrines of Shri Ramakrishna, and do Hari bhajan uninterruptedly. Undoubtedly, Lord Krishna cannot be sought in any other way in this Kaliyuga. The Lord's glory has to be sung with ahimsa, Satya and brahmacharya.

Thus ends Chapter Three entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam II' of Book X os Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 15 - 24

Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 15 - 24

तत्र नन्दवने रम्ये गृह्णणन्तं कुसुमानि तम् |

गायन्तं हरिनामानि रामकृष्णं ददर्श सा ||

सद्य एव हि वृद्धा सा प्रेमवात्सल्यसम्युता |

एहि पुत्रेति जल्पन्ती परिरेभे गदाधरम् ||

अङ्गमारोप्य तं देव पुत्ररूपं गदाधरम् |

आलिङ्ग्य प्रेमभावेन चुचुम्ब च पुनः पुनः ||

तस्यास्तु प्रेमभावेन निबद्धोsयं गदाधरः |

युवापि बालवत्क्रीडन् ददौ तस्याः सुखं परम् ||

पण्डितानां सभायां सा सर्वशास्त्राविशारदा |

रामकृष्णः परात्मेति चकार सुविनिर्णयम् ||

तथापि रामकृष्णोsयं अजानन्नात्मवैभवम् |

विजहार तया साकं बालरूपेण सन्ततम् ||

प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मत्ते रामकृष्णे महात्मनि |

समाधिस्थे तस्य देहं पोषयामास भैरवी ||

शरीरपोषणार्थं हि रामकृष्णस्य योगिनः |

भैरवी ब्राह्मणी सेयं सृष्टा देवेन वैष्णवी ||

वामाचारेण मार्गेण तस्याः पूजां करोत्ययम् |

इत्यूचुर्बहवो मूर्खाः परनिन्दाकुतूहलाः ||

रामकृष्णो महात्मा तु सदाचारसमन्वितः |

मातृभावेन संयुक्तः स्त्रीषु सर्वासु वर्तते ||

There she saw Shri Ramakrishna gathering flowers in a beautiful garden, singing in praise of Lord Shri Hari. The old woman embraced Shri Ramakrishna out of motherly love with the words, “Come, my dear child. You are welcome”. She kept the child, Shri Ramakrishna on her lap and fondled Him as her son and kissed him, out of affection. Shri Ramakrishna, moved by her love and affection, played with her happily and gave her serene pleasure. She, who was an adept in all Shastras, established in the assembly of learned men that Shri Ramakrishna was Brahman Himself. Even then, Ramakrishna played with her all the time unaware of his divinity. Bhaivari Brahmani took care of his physical form and its welfare whenever Ramakrishna became unconscious due to deep devotion and reached the state of samadhi in course of transcendental meditation. It thus appeared that Bhairavi Brahmani was created only to safeguard and feed that yogi Shri Ramakrishna. The foolish and those who were interested in gossiping talked ill of Ramakrishna and said he was worshipping Brahmanb following the vamachara tenets. The good-natured and pious Ramakrishna considered all women as mothers and moved with them only with that idea.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 9 - 14

Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 9 - 14

भैरवीति सुविख्याता ब्राह्मणी ब्रह्मचारिणी |

वैष्णवी योगिनो काचिदासीद्वैराग्यसंयुता ||

गार्गीसमाना सा देवी ब्रह्मविद्यापरायणा ||

जगत्तुच्छं स्मरन्ती सा बभूव श्रमणी सती ||

सा वृद्धा प्रेमसम्पूर्णा कौसल्यानन्दने विभौ |

वात्सल्यभावसंयुक्ता चक्रे भक्तिं परां सदा ||

श्रीरामदर्शनालाभाद्रुदती नितरां निशि |

श्रीरामविरहाक्रान्ता सुष्वाप च यदृच्छया ||

तदा तस्याः श्रमण्यास्तु स्वप्ने रामः कृपानिधिः |

रामकृष्णस्वरूपेण प्रददौ निजदर्शनम् ||

कोsयं महात्मा कुत्रास्ति स हि रामो न संशयः |

एवं मत्वा विचिन्वन्ती प्राप सा दक्षिणेक्ष्वरम् ||

There was a yogini called Bhairavi Brahmani who was a vaishnavite, endowed with an unwavering mind and strict control over her senses. The noble lady who was an equal to the great Gargi and who had learning the eternal transcendental truth as the only goal of her life, renounced the world and took to sanyasi. She worshipped Lord Shri Rama, with great motherly affection and Bhakti. One night, she slipped into slumber unconsciously, while she was lamenting over her separation from Lord Shri Rama as she could not get His darshan. That night Shri Rama, the merciful, appeared in her dreams in the form of Shri Ramakrishna. From that day, she started in search of Ramakrishna thinking, "Who is this divine personality? Where is he? No doubt, He is Shri Rama Himself" and finally reached Dakshineshwaram.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 1 - 8

Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 1 - 8


परदारान् मातृभक्त्या यः पश्यति महामनाः |

स एव वैष्णवो नूनं मार्गदर्शी नृणामिह ||

ब्रह्मचर्येण तीव्रेण सम्युतो विजितेन्द्रियः |

विचिन्वन् परमं ब्रह्म साक्षात्पश्यति कक्ष्चन ||

ब्रह्मचर्यं परो धर्मो ब्रह्मचर्यं परम् तपः |

ब्रह्मचर्यं परो योगो ब्रह्मचर्यं परम् व्रतम् ||

जपो योगस्तपो होमो वेदान्तपठनं तथा |

ब्रह्मचर्यविहीनस्य सर्व तन्निष्फलं भवेत् ||

ऊर्ध्वरेता भवेद्योगी ब्रह्मचर्यबलेन हि |

अनूर्ध्वरेतसां दिव्य दुर्लभं कृष्णदर्शनम् |

तस्मात्सर्वाप्रयत्नेन ब्रह्मचर्यं मुमुक्षुभिः |

रक्षणीयं यतिश्रेष्ठैः वनस्थैर्वणिभिस्तथा ||

ब्रह्मचर्यं गृहस्थोपि यथाशक्ति समाचरन् |

ध्यायन् भक्त्या जगन्नाथं लभते तस्य दर्शनम् ||

दीघमायुस्तथाssरोग्यं बुद्धिः सिद्धिर्नृणामिह ||

Shri Sadguru said

That noble-minded vaishnava, who regards the wife of another man as his mother, undoubtedly becomes the path-finder for the entire world. He who goes in search of the Brahman with celibacy meets Him face to face. Brahmacharya is the best of all dharma. It is the best of all forms of penance. It is the best of yoga. It is the best of vows. Papa, yoga, penance, home, learning Vedanta - all these become fruitless in the case of one who does not adhere to celibacy strictly. Only the strength of celibacy turns a yogi into a oordhvaretas. Getting Krishna darshan becomes impossible for one who is not an orodhvaretas. Hence those who continue as celibates, those who long to attain moksha and those who have accepted the Vanaprasta Ashram (spending the rest of the life in forest with the mind centered on Brahman) should guard their brahmacharya zealously. Even a householder who has considerable control over senses )and hence adopts continence) and who meditates on Lord Jagannatha can get the darshann of Shri Krishna. Men attain long life, health, physical well-being, happiness, strength, intelligence and siddhi only with the help of brahmacharya.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 21 - 30

Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 21 - 30


इत्युक्तो रामकृष्णस्तु प्रेमपूर्वं तु दुर्गया |

भेदभावं परित्यज्य पूजयामास चण्डिकाम् ||

महामायाप्रसादेन प्रेमभक्तिमवाप्य सः |

अचिरेणैव कालेन कृष्ण साक्षाद्ददर्श ह ||

नीलपीताम्बरधरौ नीरजायतलोचनौ |

ददर्श सुन्दराकारौ राधिकामुरलीधरौ ||

तौ दम्पती चारुरूपौ दर्शनानन्ददायकौ |

प्रविष्टौ श्रीभागवतं रामकृष्णकरस्थितम् ||

राधाकृष्णैकरूपं तच्छ्रीमद्भागवतं तथा |

श्रीरामकृष्णहृदयं प्रविवेश सुनिर्मलम् ||

तदाप्रभृति योगीन्द्रो दिव्यज्ञानमवाप्य सः |

शुद्धं भागवतं धर्ममुवाच मधुरं लघु ||

क्वचिद्रुदन् क्वचिद्गायन् क्वचिन्नृत्यन् क्वचिद्वदन् |

जगदानन्दयामास प्रेमभक्त्या महाप्रभुः ||

तमेव भावयामासुस्तत्वज्ञा वैष्णवोत्तमाः |

कृष्णभक्तिरसोन्मत्तं गौराङ्गं पुनरागतम् ||

एवं श्रीरामकृष्न्नस्य चरितं परमाद्भुतम् |

अविज्ञाय जनाः केचिद्वामाचारं वदन्ति तम् ||

यः पठेद्रामकृष्णस्य चरितं परमं शुभम् |

स प्राप्नुयात्पुरां भक्तिं ज्ञानं वैराग्यमेव च ||

Shri Sadguru continued

As Shri Ramakrishna heard Devi Durga utter these kind words, he gave up all difference and started doing the Pooja of the Devi. As a result of this, he was blessed with prima Bhakti by the Devi, and in due course he had the darshan of Lord Krishna in His True form. He had the darshan of the lotus-eyed Shri Krishna and Devi Radha in the most beautiful forms, adorned with beautiful blue and yellow garments respectively. The most exquisite and beautiful couple entered the book of the Shrimad Bhagavatam that Shri Ramakrishna had in his hands. Shrimad Bhagavatam that assumed the form of Shri Radhakrishnna entered the mind of Shri Ramakrishna and resided there. Ramakrishna, the head of the yogis, attained eternal wisdom and from that time, started teaching Bhagavata Dharma, in sweet and simple words. Immersed in prima Bhakti, Shri Ramakrishna made the whole world rejoice in his dance, music, his preachings and his laments of Bhakti. Great vaishnavite philosophers considered him to the the incarnation of Shri Gauranga who had become almost mad, immersed in Krishna Bhakti. Still some people who are not aware of the life-story of Shri Ramakrishna, consider him to be a Shaka. One who reads the pious life story of Shri Ramakrishna attains prima Bhakti, wisdom and detachment.

Thus ends Chapter Two entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam I' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 16 - 20

Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 16 - 20


मातरं मामनादृत्य क्लिश्यमानां क्षुधा त्विह |

देवपूजां करोषि त्वं दृढभक्त्या ममार्भक ||

वैष्ण्नवेन त्वया दत्तमहामिच्छामि बालक |

पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यत्किञ्चिद्विष्णवेsर्पितम् ||

वामाचारयुतानां तु क्रूररूपा भवाम्यहम् |

सदाचारयुतानां तु सौम्यरूपा भवामि च ||

उपेक्षां मा कुरु तामसीदेवतेति माम् |

कृष्णदास्यमवापुस्ता मत्प्रसादेन गोपिकाः ||

सर्वलोकेक्ष्वरं कृष्णं साक्षात्कर्तुं यदीच्छसि |

मातृभावेन मां नित्यमाराधय महामते ||

Shri Devi said

My child! You are performing deva Pooja paying no attention to Me, your mother, who is afflicted by hunger. My child! I would like to have anything like leaves, flowers, fruits or water, that which is the prasada of Lord Vishnu and that is offered by you, a devoted vaishnava. I express Myself in the dreadful form to those who adopt vamachara, and in the lovable form to those who adopt sadachara (holy path). Do not ignore me as the Goddess of cruelty. The Gopis could gain the joy of service to Lord Krishna only due to My blessings. Oh! Wise man! If you want to behold the sacred form of Lord Shri Krishna, the Lord of all worlds, worship Me as the holy mother.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 10 - 15

Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 10 - 15

श्रीरामकृष्ण उवाच

अहं तु विष्णुभक्तोस्मि ब्राह्मणो वैदिकस्तथा |

कालीपूजां कथं कुर्यां तन्त्रमार्गमुपाश्रितः ||

वामाचारं न जानामि सदाचारेण संयुतः |

न मे मन्त्रोपदेशोपि शाक्तदॆक्षा च मे न हि ||

तस्मादन्यं महाशाक्तं वृणीधवं देव्युपासकम् |

विसृज्य वैष्णवं मां तु वैदिकाचारसंयुतम् ||


इत्युक्तास्तु जनाः सर्वे रामकृष्णेन हि स्फुटम् |

विषण्णवदना दिने रात्रौ देवी वात्सल्यसंयुता |

स्वप्ने साक्षादाविरासीत्सौम्यरूपेण संयुता ||

जननी जगतां दुर्गा वैष्णवी प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

कोकिलस्निग्धकण्ठी सा रामकृष्णमुवाच ह ||

Shri Ramakrishna said

I am a devotee of Lord Shri Krishna and I am a brahmana following the path of the Vedas. How can I perform the Pooja of Goddess Kali as envisaged by the Tantriya Maria? As I follow only the simple and good path, I am not conversant with the black-sided, vamachara methods. I have not learnt the relevant mantras nor have I got the necessary training to do that. Hence appoint a trained Shasta priest who can perform Devi Pooja, and please leave me who is a vaishnava adopting the path shown by the Vedas. 

Shri Sadguru said

The people who heard Shri Ramakrishna say so, returned home sad. That night, the merciful, affectionate and graceful Devi appeared in Her true form in the dream of Shri Ramakrishna. Goddess Durga, the Vaishnavi, the mother of all words, spoke to Shri Ramakrishna in a very sweet voice like that of the nightingale.