Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 16 Shlokas 24 - 31
इत्येवं सान्त्वितो राजा तुकारामेण धीमता |
निर्भयं कीर्तयामास विट्ठलं रुक्मिणीपतिम् ||
खड्गपाणिं म्लेच्छराजमवमत्य महीपतिः |
वीनापाणिं तुकारामं बहुमेने महाबलः ||
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रात्र्यां यवनैर्बहुभिः सह |
आययौ तत्र दुर्बुद्धिर्यवनेन्द्रो महाबलः ||
तदा तत्रैव भगवानाविर्भूय स्वमायया |
शिवाजिरूपं संगृह्य हयमारुह्य निर्ययौ ||
तं दृष्ट्वा रुक्मिणीकान्तं पाण्डुरङ्गं कृपानिधिम् |
शिवाजिं मन्यमानास्ते तमेव हयनुदुद्रुवुः ||
मायाशिवाजिरूपोसौ समागत्य महावनम् |
सहसान्तर्दधे तत्र विष्णुर्मायाविनां वरः ||
तत्र तत्रापि यवना विचिवन्तः पुनः पुनः |
अप्राप्य शिवराजं ते स्वमेव नगरं ययुः ||
निश्चिन्तो निर्भयो राजा तुकारामेण कीर्तितम् |
शुश्राव निशि सानन्दं पाण्डुरङ्गस्य वैभवम् ||
Thus pacified by the wise Tukaram, the king devoid of fears, carried on the praise of Shri Vitthala, the Lord of Devi Rukmini. The king ignored the muslim king holding the sword, and respected Tukaram holding the even. The same night, the courageous and wicked moral king came there along with many other morals. At that time, Shri Bhagavan appeared there due to His Maya in the form of Shivaji and went out riding on a horse. Those mogals considered the treasure chest of compassion, the spouse of Devi Rukmini, Shri Panduranga who had come in the form of Shivaji, to be the true Shivaji, and chased Him. The greatest of the exponents displaying magical arts, Lord Vitthala, who had come in the disguise of King Shivaji entered the thick forest, and disappeared. The aliens searched for Him here and there for a long time, and failing to capture Him, they returned to the town. But the real Shivaji was engaged in singing and listening to the glory of Shri Panduranga in great joy throughout the night free of concerns.
Thus ends Chapter Sixteen entitled Shivajiraja Charitam II of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.