Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 16 - 26
एवं स्तुता नरेन्द्रेण भवानी भक्तवत्सला |
कराभ्यामभयं दत्वा प्रोवाच मृदुभाषिणी ||
भद्रमस्तु महाराज सावधानमिदं शृणु |
भक्तोसीति प्रवक्ष्यामि तवैव परमं हितम् ||
चलामि यत्कटाक्षेण जडशक्तिरहं सुत |
तमेव पराम्त्मानं जानीहि मम कारणम् ||
तस्यैव रामचन्द्रस्य भक्तानां खलु सन्निधौ |
तिष्ठामि प्रणता नित्यं लज्जिता गूढवैभवा ||
महामायां तु मां साक्षाद्ब्रह्मादिसुरदुर्जयाम् |
लीलया परिभूयैव हृष्यन्ति किल वैष्णवाः ||
रामानन्द इति ख्यातो रामभक्तो यतीक्ष्वरः |
तवेदं नगरं राजन्नागतोस्ति यदृच्छया ||
वैष्णवानां सहस्त्रेण संयुतं यतिपुङ्गवम् |
अनाराध्यैव ते पूजां नेच्छामि पृथिवीपते ||
क्षुत्कालान्तजठराः सर्वे कुर्वन्ति हरिकीर्तनम् |
त्वरया तान् समानीय पूजां कुरु महीपते ||
आराधनानां सर्वेषां विश्नोराराधानं परम् |
तस्मात्परतं प्रोक्तं तदीयाराधनं नृप ||
भोगैक्ष्वर्यदां मां च त्यक्त्वा सद्यो महीक्ष्वर |
ज्ञानमोक्षप्रदं रामं भज सद्गुरुमाश्रितः ||
अबोधबालकं वात्सल्याद्रामे भक्तिं सदा कुरु ||
Shri Sadguru said
Prayed thus by the king, the soft-spoken Devi Bhavani, the adorer of the devotees, appeared in person with Her hand in the ‘Abhaya’ posture, and started speaking.
Shri Devi said
Oh king! May all good be with you. Listen to Me carefully. As you are My bhakta, I am telling you the truth that will help you. Know that the Supreme Soul that activates Me, a passive force, is the root cause of Me. Concealing My glory, I stand, head bent in shame, before the bhaktas of Lord Shri Rama. I am the Maya, unconquered even by the devas like Brahma. Yet do the vaishnavas not derive pleasure in playfully ignoring Me? Oh King! A yeti and a great Rama bhakta named Ramananda has come to your kingdom unexpectedly. Unless you pay reverence to that great yeti, who is accompanied by thousands of vaishnavas, oh king, I will not accept your Pooja. Oh, king! They are all engaged in Hari bhajan with empty stomach. Invite them and attend to them without any delay. Worshipping Lord Vishnu is superior to adoring all other deities. Paying respect to His devotees is superior to even the worship of Lord Vishnu. Oh, king! Leave Me, who will bestow pleasure and wealth upon you. Approach a noble guru, and engage in the bhajan of Shri Rama, who is capable of extending wisdom and salvation ultimately. Oh, king! Out of my affection, I am explaining all this to you as a mother teaches her innocent child. Be always nurturing firm devotion to Shri Rama alone.