Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 27 - 33

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 27 - 33

अप्रदायैव मे किञ्चिद् भुक्त्वा रोटीञ्च सर्वशह |

किं रोदिषीति मां दृष्ट्वा पृच्छस्येवं वृथा प्रभो ||

इत्य्क्त्वा पुनरेवासौ रुरोद स हि बालकः |

सान्त्वयामास तं भक्तमाक्ष्लिष्य प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

सहसा जानकीदेवी तत्रागत्य स्वयं तदा |

कृपया प्रददौ रोटीं स्वकरेणैव कल्पितान् ||

स्वीकृत्य रोटीं सानन्दं दत्तं प्रेम्णैव सीतया |

तत्रैव भक्षयामास बालकः सन्निधौ तयोः ||

रोटीभक्षमात्रेण सर्वज्ञोsभवदर्भकः |

कीर्तनं कर्तुमारेभे मधुरैर्ललैतैः पदैः ||

जगतः पितरौ तौ च प्रेमवात्सल्यसम्युतौ |

बालकं लालयन्तौ तं परमं सुखमापतुः ||

सीतया लालितो बालस्त्वभूल्लवकुशानुजः |

सार्थमेव हि तन्नाम धन्यः पितृमतां वरः ||

“Oh, Lord! You have eaten all the Roti. You did not give me even a bit. And now, You are unnecessarily asking me to say why I am crying.” Saying so, that boy, once again started crying. With great affection, Shri Bhagavan, hugged the bhakta and consoled him. Devi Sita, who appeared there at that time mercifully gave him the ‘Roti’ prepared by Her. Accepting with great joy, the ‘Roti’ given by Devi Sita, he started eating it right in front of Them. The moment he ate the ‘Roti’, he acquired wisdom. He started doing bhajan, singing sweet and melodious songs. Shri Rama and Devi Sita, the parents of the entire universe, derived great pleasure in fondling the child with all love and affection. Thus, fondly caressed by Devi Sita, Dhyana became the brother of Lava and Kusha (the sons of Shri Rama and Sita). His holy name is quite precious and glorified. Dhyana is indeed very fortunate.

Thus ends Chapter Eight entitled ‘Dhyana Charitam’ of Book IX os Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 20 - 26

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 20 - 26


ईत्य्क्त्वा बालको धन्यो दृढविक्ष्वासपूर्वकम् |

प्रतीक्षमाणः श्रीनाथं सुस्वरं प्ररुरोद ह ||

भगवान् करुणासिन्धुर्बालभक्तिवषीकृतः |

आवेरासीज्जगन्नाथो जानकीपतिरादरात् ||

अतसीकुसुमभासः सरसीरुहलोचनः |

उपविश्यासने तत्र सुप्रसन्नोsभवत्प्रभुः ||

तं दृष्ट्वा पुरुषश्रेष्ठं रामं देवशिखामणिम् |

रोटीमादाय सानन्दं प्रददौ बालकः स्वयम् ||

धन्येन बालकेनैव दत्तां रोटीमशेषतः |

अभक्षयत्प्रेमपूर्वमयोध्याधिपतिः प्रभुः ||

अशेषेण च रोटीं तां राघवेणैव भक्षिताम् |

विलोक्य बालको धन्यो रुरोद पुनरेव च ||

सहसा रघुथोपि स्वाङ्कमारोप्य तं शिशुम् |

पप्रच्छ सान्त्वयन् प्रेम्णा किमर्थं रोदिषीति च ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, sweetly, the child Dhanya started crying again with very firm faith and expectation of the arrival of Lord Shrinatha. Captivated by the affection and devotion of the boy, the Jagannatha, the Lord of Janaki, and the ocean of mercy, Shri Bhagavan appeared in His original form with all kindness. The lotus-eyed Lord Shri Rama, lustrous blue in complexion, resembling the Atasi flower, appeared there and got seated comfortably. The boy was excited to see Shri Rama, the Purushottama, and the Deva Shikhamani (the best of the devas). He fed the Lord with the ‘Roti’ himself. The lord of Ayodhya, Shri Rama, ate the whole of the ‘Roti’ offered with great affection by that child Dhanya. Seeing that Lord Raghava had exhausted all the ‘Roti’ the child Dhanya started crying again. Immediately, Lord Raghunatha took the child on His lap, consoled him, and asked him to give the reason for his crying.

Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 12 - 19

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 12 - 19

प्रस्थिते तीर्थयात्रायै रामानन्दे जगद्गुरौ |

धन्यक्ष्च स्वगृहे तिष्ठन् पूजयामास केशवम् ||

विविक्तं स्थानमागत्य शालग्रामं निधाय च |

कपाटबन्धनं कृत्वा पूजार्थमुपचक्रमे ||

अर्घ्यपाद्यादिकं दत्वा संस्नाप्य च यथाविधि |

अलञ्चकार सानन्दं पुष्पचन्दनकुङ्कुमैः ||

रोटी निवेदयामास बालकः प्रेमपूरवकम् |

देवो न भक्षयामास धन्योपि प्ररुरोद च ||

धन्य उवाच

त्वदर्थं रचितां रोटीं जनन्यैव मम प्रभो |

न भक्षयसि किं नाथ मया दत्तामिहादरात् ||

गुडमिश्रं घृतञ्चासि दुग्धञ्चेदं गृहाण भोः |

क्षुत्क्लान्तजठरोसि त्वं कालक्षेपेण किं वृथा ||

ममैव गुरुणा दत्तमक्ष्नासि फलमप्यहो |

मया दत्तामिमां रोटीं भगवन् किमुपेक्षसे ||

फलञ्च शबरीदत्तं पुरा भक्षितावानसि |

इति मात्रापि कथितं श्रुतं ते चरितं मया ||

Jagadguru Shri Ramananda started on a pilgrimage to holy places. Dhanya stayed at home and worshipped Lord Keshava. He sat in a lonely place, closed the doors, and started the Pooja of the shulagramam. He offered arghya and paddy and did abhisheka. Very gladly he decorated the Lord with kumkum, Chandan and flowers. Then very affectionately he offered the Lord ‘Roti’ to eat. The Lord did not eat that. Dhanya cried bitterly.

Dhanya cried

Oh! Lord! Katha! Why are You not eating the “roti’ offered by me which is specially prepared by my mother for You. Swami! Here are milk, ghee and sugar. Please accept them all. What benefits do You derive from starving? Oh! Bhagavan! You accept anything like fruits offered by my guru. Why do You hate ‘Roti’ given by me? I have heard from my mother that long back You had eaten the fruits offered bu Shabari

Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 6 - 11

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 6 - 11

कक्ष्चिदासीद्बलाकस्तु नाम्ना धन्य इति श्रुतः |

विवेकी दृढविक्ष्वासः सुन्दरो लोकरञ्चकः ||

स एकदा ददर्शापि यतिं स्वगृहमागतम् |

शिष्यमण्डलसंसेव्यं रामानन्दं जगद्गुरुम् ||

पितृभ्यां सहितो बालो बद्धाञ्जलिपुटस्तदा |

प्रणनामा यतीन्द्रं तं विस्मयायतवीक्षणः ||

तस्मिन्नेव गृहे योगी भिक्षायै प्रार्थितो महान् |

विष्णोराराधनञ्चक्रे रामानन्दो यथाविधि ||

तत्सर्वं श्रद्धया दृष्ट्वा बालकः प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

शालग्रामं ययाचे च पूजां कर्तुं दिने दिने ||

धन्यस्य परमां भक्तिं विलोक्य यतिपुङ्गवः |

कृत्वा मन्त्रोपदेशञ्च शालग्रामं ददौ महान् ||

There was a handsome boy named Dhanya, who was discreet, firm and was capable of captivating all hearts. Once, he had a darshan of Jagadguru Shri Ramananda who came to Dhnaya’s house with his disciples. Along with his parents, that child offered his venerations to Shri Ramananda, with palms held together as a token of respect and eyes widened by surprise. As yogi Ramananda was requested to have food at Dhanya’s house, he stayed there itself and performed the Pooja of Shri Vishnu systematically. The boy watched all these with ardent interest. Then he requested Swami Ramananda to present him with a Shalagramam. Very much pleased with Dhanya’s sincere devotion, Shri Ramananda taught him the mantra and gave him a Shalagramam too.

Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5


आरभ्य बाल्यात्प्रभृति प्रेमभक्तिं जनार्दने |

सिद्धिञ्च परमां प्राप्ता ध्रुवकायाधवादयः ||

बालानां निर्मले चित्ते विक्ष्वासो जायते दृढः |

अतः सत्संगतिस्तेषां सफला भवति ध्रुवम् ||

कालेन ह्रियते मर्त्यः परागो वायुना यथा |

अकस्माल्लभ्यते ह्यात्र शुभदः साधुसङ्गमः ||

साधूनां सङ्गमेनैव साधुर्भवति बालकः |

दुष्टानां संगमेनापि दुष्टो भवति हि स्फुटम् ||

पितृभ्यां बालकानां तु कर्तव्यः साधुसंगमः |

अन्यथा पितरौ तेषां द्रोहिणौ नहि संशयः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Dhruva, Prahlada and the like gained suitable rewards as a result of premature Bhakti systematically developed from their childhood. The association of sadhus becomes quite fruitful in the case of children, as firm faith develops in their flawless hearts. As dust particles are blown away by wind, man is taken away by time. In this world, he acquires the beneficial company of sadhus unexpectedly. A child grows into a sadhu only due to his association with sadhus. In the same way, he becomes a wicked one owing to his association with such people. Hence the parents should put children in the company of sadhus. Otherwise, certainly they do not remain the well-wishers of the children.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 27 - 34

Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 27 - 34


इत्य्क्त्वा सा महादेवी स्वभक्तं कृपयैव हि |

कोटिविद्युत्समानाङ्गी सहसान्तर्दधे तथा ||

राजापि श्रद्धया युक्तो देवीवचनचोदितः |

रामानन्दं महात्मानं पूजयामास भक्तिमान् ||

अवाप वैष्णवीं दीक्षां तमेव शरणङ्गतः |

रामभक्तिं ययाचेपि ज्ञानवैराग्यसंयुतः ||

उपेक्षया स्वराज्येपि पुत्रमेवाभिषिच्य सः |

प्रतस्थे वैष्णवैः सार्धं कथाश्रवणकौतुकात् ||

सीतासहाचरीनांनी तस्य भार्या पतिव्रता |

भक्त्या तमेव भर्तारमनुवव्राज सद्गुणा ||

विरक्तौ तौ महात्मानौ राजभोगेषु दम्पती |

सह भागवतैर्नित्यं चक्रतुर्हरिकीर्तनम् ||

विनयाअद्बहुमानाच्च प्रनयादपि वैष्णवाः |

राघवं जानकी चापि सस्मरुर्दर्शरनात्तयोः ||

एवं सर्वेऽपि देवाक्ष्च सम्यगाराधिता यदि |

रामभक्तिं प्रयच्छन्ति वञ्चयन्ति न चाश्रितान् ||

Shri Sadguru continued

The Devi, with a form bright as a crore of lightning streaks, stated to Her devotee as above, out of Her mercy, and vanished immediately. Motivated by the words of the Devi, the king approached Shri Ramananda and attended to him with great dedication. He surrendered to Shri Ramananda completely and became a vaishnava. With dispassionate wisdom, he begged for Rama Bhakti. The king lost interest in ruling over his kingpin and so he coronated his son as the new king. He joined the vaishnavas and left his kingdom with a desire to listen to the discourse on the glory of the Lord. His devoted wife, Sitasahachari, also followed the king, her husband, with true devotion. The pious couple got disinterested in all the royal pleasures and luxuries and spent their time in Hari kirtan along with the other bhagavatas. All the vaishnavas who came into contact with them considered the two to be the personifications of Shri Rama and Devi Sita, as they were so humble, kind and benevolent. Thus, if worshipped sincerely, all deities will bestow Rama Bhakti upon the devotees without misleading them

Thus ends Chapter Seven entitled ‘Pipajiraja Charitam’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi SWamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 16 - 26

Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 16 - 26


एवं स्तुता नरेन्द्रेण भवानी भक्तवत्सला |

कराभ्यामभयं दत्वा प्रोवाच मृदुभाषिणी ||


भद्रमस्तु महाराज सावधानमिदं शृणु |

भक्तोसीति प्रवक्ष्यामि तवैव परमं हितम् ||

चलामि यत्कटाक्षेण जडशक्तिरहं सुत |

तमेव पराम्त्मानं जानीहि मम कारणम् ||

तस्यैव रामचन्द्रस्य भक्तानां खलु सन्निधौ |

तिष्ठामि प्रणता नित्यं लज्जिता गूढवैभवा ||

महामायां तु मां साक्षाद्ब्रह्मादिसुरदुर्जयाम् |

लीलया परिभूयैव हृष्यन्ति किल वैष्णवाः ||

रामानन्द इति ख्यातो रामभक्तो यतीक्ष्वरः |

तवेदं नगरं राजन्नागतोस्ति यदृच्छया ||

वैष्णवानां सहस्त्रेण संयुतं यतिपुङ्गवम् |

अनाराध्यैव ते पूजां नेच्छामि पृथिवीपते ||

क्षुत्कालान्तजठराः सर्वे कुर्वन्ति हरिकीर्तनम् |

त्वरया तान् समानीय पूजां कुरु महीपते ||

आराधनानां सर्वेषां विश्नोराराधानं परम् |

तस्मात्परतं प्रोक्तं तदीयाराधनं नृप ||

भोगैक्ष्वर्यदां मां च त्यक्त्वा सद्यो महीक्ष्वर |

ज्ञानमोक्षप्रदं रामं भज सद्गुरुमाश्रितः ||

अबोधबालकं वात्सल्याद्रामे भक्तिं सदा कुरु ||

Shri Sadguru said

Prayed thus by the king, the soft-spoken Devi Bhavani, the adorer of the devotees, appeared in person with Her hand in the ‘Abhaya’ posture, and started speaking.

Shri Devi said

Oh king! May all good be with you. Listen to Me carefully. As you are My bhakta, I am telling you the truth that will help you. Know that the Supreme Soul that activates Me, a passive force, is the root cause of Me. Concealing My glory, I stand, head bent in shame, before the bhaktas of Lord Shri Rama. I am the Maya, unconquered even by the devas like Brahma. Yet do the vaishnavas not derive pleasure in playfully ignoring Me? Oh King! A yeti and a great Rama bhakta named Ramananda has come to your kingdom unexpectedly. Unless you pay reverence to that great yeti, who is accompanied by thousands of vaishnavas, oh king, I will not accept your Pooja. Oh, king! They are all engaged in Hari bhajan with empty stomach. Invite them and attend to them without any delay. Worshipping Lord Vishnu is superior to adoring all other deities. Paying respect to His devotees is superior to even the worship of Lord Vishnu. Oh, king! Leave Me, who will bestow pleasure and wealth upon you. Approach a noble guru, and engage in the bhajan of Shri Rama, who is capable of extending wisdom and salvation ultimately. Oh, king! Out of my affection, I am explaining all this to you as a mother teaches her innocent child. Be always nurturing firm devotion to Shri Rama alone.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 11 - 15

Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 11 - 15


नमस्ते परमेशानि जगन्मातर्नमोस्तु ते |

अपराधं क्षमस्वेवं बालस्य तु ममाम्बिके ||

पूजां स्वीकुरु मे देवी भवानि परमेक्ष्वरि |

त्वां विना शरणं नास्ति पाहि मां सर्वमङ्गले ||

कुपुत्रो जायते लोके कुमाता न हि जायते |

तस्मान्मयि कृपां कृत्वा दर्शनं देहि वैष्णवि ||

नमस्तेस्तु महामाये सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारिणि |

ब्रह्मादयोपि मुह्यन्ति सर्वेपि तव सन्निधौ ||

परम् सत्यं स्वयंज्योतिस्त्वयैव पिहितं शिवे |

तत्तत्वं नैव जानन्ति ब्रह्माद्या जीवकोटयः ||

Oh! Jaganmatha! Parameshwari! Ambika! My venerations to You. Please forgive me, your child, for my mistakes. Devi! Bhavani! Parameshwari! Bestower of all good! Please accept my Pooja. I have none other than You to help me. Please save me. Vaishnavai! There are bad children in this world. But there is no bad mother. Hence please shower mercy on me and give me Your darshan. My venerations to You, Oh Mahamaya, the causal force of the three important acts of creation, maintenance and absorption. Even the devas like Brahma stand enchanted before your sanctum. Oh! Consort of Shri Shiva! Even the Supreme Being which is self-luminous is concealed by You. Even the divas like Brahma are not able to realize the Supreme Being because of You

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 6 - 10

Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 6 - 10

आनर्तदेशाधिपतिः पीपाजिरिति विश्रुतः |

आसील्लोकेषु विख्यातः सत्यधर्मपरायणः ||

भवान्याः कृपया लब्धं खड्गमादाय संयुगे |

कृतान्तमिव तिष्ठन्तं दृष्ट्वा म्लेच्छाः प्रदुद्रुवुः ||

भवानी भूपतेस्तस्य परां पूजां दिने दिने |

साक्षादागत्य कृपया स्वीकरोति च मन्दिरे ||

एवं राजा महाशाक्तो दृढभक्त्या महॆक्ष्वरीम् |

वशीकृत्य जयं लेभे सर्वत्र म्लेच्छमण्डले ||

कदाचिच्छ्रद्धया देवी पूज्यमानापि च स्वयम् |

नाङ्गीचकार तां पूजां राजा दुःखमवाप ह ||

The kingdom called Aanartadesha was ruled by a king named Pipaji, who was deeply rooted in truth and righteousness and was very famous. The muslims took to their heels at the sight of Pipaji, when he stood in the battlefield like Yama, holding the sword got by him due to the mercy of Devi Bhavani. Appearing in Her original form, Devi Bhavani used to accept mercifully the Pooja offered by him daily in the temple. Thus that great worshipper of Shakti earned the favor of Devi Maheshwaro owing to his firm devotion and won a number of victories over the territory of the muslims. One day, even when the Pooja was performed with all dedication, the Devi did not come in person to accept it. The king became very sad.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 5

Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 5


वेदे रामायणे चैव पुराणेष्वपि भारते |

सर्वत्र कीर्त्यते सद्भिर्माहात्म्यं राघवस्य तु ||

नास्ति रामात्परं दैवं मायादोषविवर्जितम् |

पपूर्णं सनातनं ब्रह्म रामनाम्ना प्रकीर्त्यते ||

आदित्या वसवो रुद्रा ब्रह्माद्या लोकपालकाः |

विक्ष्वेदेवा राघवस्य दासभूता न संशयः ||

तस्माद्देवाक्ष्च मुनयो गन्धर्वाः सिद्धचारणाः |

रामभक्तं पूजयन्ति सर्वे सर्वत्र सर्वदा ||

राम एव परं ब्रह्म राम एव परं तपः |

राम एव परं लक्ष्यं राम एव परा गतिः ||

Shri Sadguru said

The magnificence of Shri Rama is sung everywhere, in all scriptures including the holy Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Puranas by the sadhus. There is no deity greater than infallible Shri Rama, who is free from Maya. The Omnipresent, immortal Supreme Being alone is denoted by Rama Nama. Undoubtedly, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the guards of the directions like Brahma and the Vishwedevas are all the slaves of Shri Rama. Hence, the devas, the saints, the gandrvas, the siddhas and the chaaranas worship Lord Shri Rama always and at all places. Shri Rama alone is the Supreme Being; Shri Rama is the greatest tapa; Shri Rama is the only object of life; Shri Rama is the ultimate refuge.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 26 - 30

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 26 - 30

सद्य एव कमालोsपि प्रणम्य पितरं पुनः |

पण्डरीक्षेत्रमागत्य ददर्श धनिकञ्च तम् ||

प्रदाय रत्नं तस्मै च तस्मादादाय तारकम् |

पुनक्ष्च स्वगृहं प्राप्य पितुक्ष्चरणमग्रहीत् ||

तमाक्ष्लिष्य कबीरोsपि प्रेमवात्सल्यपूर्वकम् |

सान्त्वयामास तनयं विरक्तन्चात्मनः समम् ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव न कुर्याद्धरिकीर्तनम् |

स्वनामकीर्तनपरं श्रीपतिः किमुपेक्षते ||

एतत्तत्वमविज्ञाय केचिद्वैष्णवमानिनः |

विक्रीय हरिनामानि कुर्वन्त्युदरपोषणम् ||

Immediately, paying respect to his father, he went to Pandaripuram. There he met the rich man. Kamaal gave that gem to the rich man and got back the Taraka Mantra. He returned home and prostrated himself before his father. Kabirdasa kindly embraced his worthy son, and consoled him. One need not do Hari bhajan in order to earn money. Will Lord Sripati desert a bhakta who chants His Name? Not understanding this blissful secret, some who consider themselves to be vaishnavas earn their livelihood, selling the Divine Name of Lord Shri Hari.

Thus ends Chapter Six entitled ‘Shri Kamaal Charitam’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 21 - 25

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 21 - 25

कबीर्दास उवाच

बहिर्गच्छ गृहात्तूर्णं त्वया पापं कृतं महत् |

न त्वं पुत्रः पिता नाहं त्वां तु धिक्कुलपांसनम् ||

मम प्रानधनं ह्येतद्रामनाम सुमङ्गलम् |

तद्विक्रीय च निर्लज्जः किमत्रागतवानसि ||

न वैष्णवो न भक्तोसि न साधुरसि दुर्मते |

विक्ष्वद्रोही मम द्रोही रामद्रोही त्वमेव हि ||


अपापलेशं सत्पुत्रं विरक्तं वैष्णवोत्तमम् |

तिरस्कृत्य कबीरेण गुरुणा धिक्कृतोsप्ययम् |

न तत्याज क्षमां धीमान् विज्ञाय हृदयं पितुः ||

Kabirdasa said

Get out of the house. You have committed a great sin. I do not consider you to be my son. I am not your father too. I have disowned you as you seem to be born to mar the reputation of our family. Why have you come here shamelessly after selling the Divine Name of Shri Rama, the life-giving gem of mine? Oh, wicked one! You are not a vaishnava, you are not a bhakta;n nor are you a sadhu. You are a traitor in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of Shri Rama and mine.

Shri Sadguru said

Thus abandoning that a good son Kamaal, who was feeling very sad. Even when he was deserted by the mahatma, his guru Kabirdasa, the wise Kamaal could understand his heart and hence remained patient.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 13 - 20

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 13 - 20

तं दृष्ट्वा धनिकः कक्ष्चिच्छिष्यभावमुपेत्य च |

प्रपेदे शरणं तस्य चरणौ लोकपावनौ ||

कृपयैव कमालोsपि तस्मै सद्गुणशालिने |

ददौ तारकमन्त्रं तु सर्वमङ्गलदायकम् ||

सोपि संप्राप्तकामस्तु महार्घं रत्नमुत्तमम् |

कमालाय ददौ प्रेम्णा गुरुभक्त्याsमलाषयः ||

तन्न जग्राह धीरोsयं कबीर्दासात्मजो महान् |

पुन पुनः पप्रार्थितोsपि विरक्तो धनिकेन सः ||

तथापि धनिकः सोsयं कमालस्य महात्मनः |

सञ्चिकायां निचिक्षेप रहसि प्रेमपूरवकम् ||

निक्षिप्तं तदविज्ञाय कमालो गृहमागतः |

ददर्श सञ्चिकायां तद्रत्नं वैराग्यसंयुतः ||

सर्वं विज्ञापयामास कबीरस्य महात्मने |

रत्नञ्च दर्शयामास निक्षिप्तं धनिकेन तत् ||

सहसा कुपितो योगी कबीर्दासो महामतिः |

उवाच पुत्रं खेदेन बद्धाञ्जलिमुपस्थितम् ||

A rich man approached him and became his disciple. He surrendered to Kamaal’s holy feet that purge the earth of sins. Showering mercy on that virtuous man, Kamaal taught him the Taraka Mantra, which bestows all good and happiness on all. As his desire was fulfilled, the rich man honored Kamaal, his guru, presenting him with a very valuable gem as a token of his love and dedication to him. in spite of the repeated requests of the rich man, mahatma Kamaal, the brave son of Kabir did not accept it as he was disinterested in wealth. However, the affectionate and devoted rich man put that gem into the box of Kamaal secretly. Unaware of that, Kamaal came home. To his dismay he found that gem in his box. he narrated all that had happened, to mahatma Kabir. He showed Kabir the gem kept in his box by that rich man. At that instant, looking at his sad son standing with folded hands, the wise, yogi Kabir said the following.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 8 - 12

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 8 - 12

तच्चापि भगवन्नाम विक्रेतुं कृतनिक्ष्चयाः |

अहो चरन्ति लोकेsस्मिन् भक्तवेषेण केचन ||

अर्थ सम्पादनायैव ये गायन्ति हरिं परम् |

न वैष्णवा न भक्तास्ते सज्जनद्रोहिणी हि ते ||

महात्मनः कबीरस्य रामभक्तशिखामणेः |

कमालो नाम तनयक्ष्चासीत्सज्जनसम्मतः ||

स कदाचित्तीर्थयात्रायां कुर्वन् भागवातोत्तमः |

पण्डरीक्षेत्रमागत्य विट्ठलं सन्ददर्श ह ||

तत्रैव तु महाद्वारे नाम सङ्कीर्तनं चरन् |

उन्मत्तवन्ननर्तायं बाष्परोमाञ्चभूषितः ||

It is a pity that some people have decided to make capital out of Nama kirtan too and are roaming about the earth in the disguise of bhagavatas. Those who sing in praise of Lord Hari, the Supreme Soul, just with an intention of making money are not real vaishnavas, nor they are true bhaktas. They are the traitors of the group of true sadhus. Kabirdasa, the best of the devotees who was held in high esteem by the sadhus. A great bhagavata as he was, Kabirdasa once went on a pilgrimage and on his way, reached Pandaripuram and had the darshan of Lord Vitthala. He stood in front of the temple excitedly angered in Nama kirtan shedding tears. He also danced like a mad man.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 1 - 7

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 1 - 7


अर्थ एव परम् दैवं परमर्थाजनं तपः |

अर्थार्थिनां लौकिकानां साधुवेषोपजीविनाम् ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव पूजां पूजासारस्ततो गतः |

देवालयेषु सर्वेषु पूजासारस्ततो गतः ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव कथयन्ति कथाः शुभाः |

पौराणिकाः समाजेषु कथासारस्ततो गतः ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव सर्वत्र ब्राह्मणाः कलौ |

पठन्ति वैदिका वेदान् वेदसारस्ततो गतः ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव मन्त्रसारस्ततो च |

गुरवोपि कलावस्मिन् मन्त्रसारस्ततो गतः ||

एवं कलौ सर्वसार्मर्थरूपो महासुरः |

विनाशयति लोकेस्मिन्नशुभं दातुमिच्छया ||

एवं विचार्य मुनयो नामसङ्कीर्तनं हरेः |

द्रव्यान्तरानपेक्षत्वान् सुलभं प्राहुरुत्तमम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Money is everything, including the Supreme Lord, for those greedy people of this world who earn their livelihood in the disguise of sadhus. Making money is their greatest penance. In all the temples, the priests perform Pooja to the Lord just for the sake of money. Hence Pooja has lost its sanctity. In great assemblies, exponents of the Puranas give discourses only to gather wealth. hence such holy discourses have lost their essence. in this Kaliyuga, the Vedic Brahmanas recite the Vedas just to get money. Hence the Vedas have lost their spirit. In this Kaliyuga even great preachers teach mantras for the sake of money only. Hence the mantras have lost their vigor. Thus in the Kaliyuga, the great demon called money destroys the life-essence of everything and spreads unrighteousness. Analysing these facts the seers have found that Harinama kirtan is easy, simple and independent of everything. Hence they said that it is the best of all efforts to reach God.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 24 - 30

Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 24 - 30


इत्युक्तास्तु जनाः सर्वे रामानन्देन योगिना |

निर्भया निर्भराः प्रापुः स्वगृहं रामचिन्तकाः ||

निशान्तराले यवना विविषुर्णगरीं बत |

क्रूरवृत्ता दुरात्मानो विविधायुधापाणयः ||

रामानन्दो महात्मापि ध्यायन् श्रीरघुनन्दनम् |

दिव्यं शङ्खं प्रदध्मौ च शत्रुसेनाभयङ्करम् ||

शङ्खध्वनिमुपाकर्ण्य यवना जातवेपनाः |

दुद्रुवुः सर्वतो भीतास्त्यक्त्वा वाराणसीपुरीम् ||

प्रभाते यवनेन्द्रोपि रामानन्दमुपागतः |

विज्ञाय तस्य माहात्म्यं प्रार्थयामास च क्षमाम् ||

देवालयानां रक्षार्थं गोब्राह्म्णहिताय च |

म्लेच्छानाज्ञापयामास रामानन्दो यतीक्ष्वरः ||

निर्भयैक्ष्च जनैः सर्वैः सन्ततं परिपूजितः |

काश्यामेवावसद्योगी रामध्यानपरायणः ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Receiving the above advice of yogi Ramananda, the people got rid of all worries and apprehensions. They all went home meditating upon Shri Rama. Alas! At midnight the wicked and devilish muslims entered the town armed with various destructive weapons. Mahatma Ramananda, with sincere prayers to Lord Shri Rama, blew the holy conch that is capable of creating great fear amidst the armies of the foes. Hearing the dreadful sound of the conch, the muslims became dumb-found with fear and just started running pell-mell in all directions. The next morning, realizing the greatness of Shri Ramananda, the leader of the muslims approached him and begged for mercy. Saint Ramananda ordered him to protect the temples, cows, and the Brahmanas. Ramananda spent the rest of his life in Kashi, all the time engaged in meditating upon Lord Rama, and worshipped by all the people who were free from fear, after that incident.

Thus ends Chapter One entitled ‘Ramananda Charitam’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 12 - 23

Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 12 - 23

श्रीरामानन्द उवाच

गृहं सर्वं परित्यज्य गङ्गातीरमुपेत्य च |

के यूयं वदत क्षिप्रं किमर्थं रोदनं कृतम् ||

सन्तः परोपकाराय चरन्ति किल भूतले |

दुःखं परिहरिष्यामि युष्माकं यदि मे बलम् ||

जना उचुः

त्वं न जानासि योगीन्द्र महाद्भयमुपस्थितम् |

काशीपुरीं प्रवेक्ष्यन्ति यवनाः क्रूरबुद्धयः ||

ब्राह्मणान् मारयिष्यन्ति हरिष्यन्ति तथा धनम् |

दारांक्ष्च दूषयिष्यन्ति बलात्कारेण वैदिकान् |

चूर्णयिष्यन्ति देवानां मन्दिराणि महायुधैः ||

यावन्म्लेच्छबलं सर्वं नगरीं संप्रवेक्ष्यति |

तावत्सर्वे प्रवेक्ष्यामो जाह्नवीं धर्मरक्षकाः ||

स्वधर्मनाशे संप्राप्ते जीवितेन तु किं फलम् |

स्वधर्मं पालयेद्धीरः प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वापि दुस्त्यजान् ||

श्रीरामानन्द उवाच

भयं नश्यतु सर्वत्र युष्माकं भद्रमस्तु च |

सर्वलोकेक्ष्वरो रामः कृपया पालयिष्यति ||

यद्यस्ति मम विक्ष्वासो जानकीरमणे दृढः |

पालयेत्स हि युष्मांक्ष्च कृपया धर्मवत्सलः ||

यथा पूर्वं जनस्थाने पिशिताशनपीडितान् |

तापसान् पालयामास तथा वः पालयिष्यति ||

युष्माकं दृढविक्ष्वासाद्धर्मे मयि च राघवे |

वदामि करमुद्धृत्य सत्यमेव न संशयः ||

तस्मात्स्वमेव भवनं गत्वा निर्भयमेव हि |

स्त्रीबालवृद्धैः सहिताः कुरुध्वं नामकीर्तनम् ||

Shri Ramananda asked

Who are you? Why have you all come here leaving your home? Why are you all standing here on the bank of the Ganga and crying? Tell me soon. Saints go around the earth only with the intention of helping their fellow beings. I shall do all that is in my capacity to help you.

The people replied

Oh! The greatest of the yogis! Don’t you know that a great danger is awaiting is? The fiendish muslims are going to enter Kashi. They are going to kill the Brahmanas; they are going to loot all our property; they are going to molest our women and kill our children. They are going to fore the Hindus to get converted to Islam. They are going to demolish our temples with the help of the guns. We plan to drown in the holy Ganga and save our dharma before the muslim army enters the town. What is the use of keeping alive when one’s swadharma is at stake? A courageous man should protect swadharma even at the cost of his precious life.

Shri Ramananda said

Let the world be rid of fears. May you all be blessed. Shri Rama, the savior of all the souls in the universe, will protect you all with boundless mercy. If my devotion to Lord Shri Rama is staunch and deep, He who is interested in protecting dharma will definitely save you all with mercy. He will protect you also, as He protected once the saints of Janasthana who were troubled by the rakshasas. You all have unshakable faith in me and Lord Shri Raghava. Hence lifting my hand, I give you this promise that you will be definitely saved. There is no doubt in it. So, shed all fears and all of you return home. Along with the elders, women and the young ones, sing in praise of the Lord and carry on Rama Nama Kirtan.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 9 - 11

Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 9 - 11

सप्तमोक्षपुरीश्रेष्ठा विक्ष्वनाथकेतना |

महाभागवतैः सेव्या जाह्नवीजलपावना ||

श्रीकाशीनगरी हन्त स्मरणात्पापनाशिनी |

आक्रान्ता यवनैर्दुष्टैर्धर्महिंसापरायणैः ||

भीतबीता जनाः सर्वे धर्मनिष्ठापरायणाः |

गङ्गातीरमुपागत्य रुरुदुर्दुःखिताशयाः ||

तान् दृष्ट्वा दुःखितान् सर्वान् मरणे कृतनिक्ष्चयान् |

रामानन्दः कृपासिन्धुः पप्रच्छ यतिपुङ्गवः ||

The holy land of Kashi is the head of the seven holy cities that are leading to moksha. It is the abode of Lord Vishwanatha and is revered by all sages and bhagavatas. Purified by the holy waters of the Ganga, it is capable of eliminating all sins of a devotee, the moment he thinks of the Kashi kshetra. Alas! This sacred abode of the Lord was surrounded and occupied by the wicked muslims who had the destruction of dharma as their only object. All the people of the land who were interested in saving dharma were startled, reached the bank of the Ganga and stood there shedding tears. Looking at those people who were ready to sacrifice even their lives for the sake of dharma, Ramananda, the gracious and the greatest of the yogis, put the following questions to them:

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 1 - 8

Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 1 - 8

भागवता उचुः |

रामानन्दस्य चरितं रामभक्तशिखामणेः |

कृपया गुरुराजेन्द्र सङ्कीर्तय सतांवर ||


अयं सनातनो धर्मः साक्षान्नारायणात्मकः |

तस्मात्सम्मान्यते सद्भिः सर्वमङ्गलकारकः ||

असुरैः पीडितं पूर्वं धर्मं परमवैदिकम् |

नानावतारभेदेन पालयामास केशवः ||

अथापि राक्षसैः क्रूरैः पीडितं धर्ममच्युतः |

लोके दाशरथिर्भूत्वा पालयामास चादरात् ||

एवमेवासुरप्रायैः क्षत्रियैर्द्वापरे हरिः |

पीडितं परमं धर्मं ररक्ष यदुनन्दनः ||

अद्यापि कलिदोषेण पीडितं यवनैः खलैः |

रामानन्दादिभिः सद्भिर्धर्मं पालितवान् प्रभुः ||

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भूतले |

तदा तदाsवतीर्यैवं धर्मं पालयति प्रभुः ||

सप्तमोक्षपुरीश्रेष्ठा विक्ष्वनाथनिकेतना |

महाभागवतैः सेव्या जाह्नवीजलपावना ||

The bhagavatas said

Oh! Gurunatha! The best of the saints! Please graciously let us know the pious history of Ramananda, the greatest of the Rama bhaktas.

Shri Sadguru said

The Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion of ours, has come to us straight from Lord Narayana Himself. It is capable of bestowing all good and hence it is adored by the saints. In the ancient past, when the Vaidika Dharma was eclipsed by the wicked deeds of the asuras, Lord Keshava rescued it, taking different incarnations. Again Lord Achyuta incarnated as Lord Rama on this earth and protected the dharma that was afflicted by the actions of the cruel rakshasas. In the Dwapara Yuga, our holy dharma was shadowed by the misdeeds of kings who acted almost like asuras. At that age, Shri Bhagavan came as Lord Krishna and saved the dharma. In this Kaliyuga, Shri Bhagavan safeguarded dharma from the hands of the wicked foreigners who had caused distress to it due to the natural tendency of Kali. The Lord came as Ramananda and other saints to achieve that aim. Whenever there appear hurdles in the path of dharma in the world, the Lord takes different avatars and protects it.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 29 - 31

Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 29 - 31


इत्युक्त्वापि कबीर्दासः श्रीरामपदपद्मयोः |

कृतन्च्जलीपुटो भक्त्या चकारात्मनिवेदनम् ||

भक्तमालिंग्य सानन्दं भगवान् रघुनन्दनः |

परमां निर्वृतिं लेभे परमानन्दविग्रहः ||

एवं हि प्रेमभक्तास्तु साक्षात्कृत्यापि राघवम् |

न कञ्चिद्वारमिच्छन्ति तेन दत्तमपि स्फुटम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Having thus spoken with great devotion, Kabirdasa surrendered to Shri Rama with folded hands. Bhagavan Shri Rama, the very embodiment of divine bliss became very much pleased, embracing the devotee with great love. Thus, the prema bhaktas certainly are not desirous of any boon given by the Lord when they meet Him face to face. For them devotion is selfless.

Thus ends Chapter Four entitled ‘Kabirdasa Charitam IV’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.