Vaishnava Samhita. Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 19 - 25

Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 19 - 25

नारायणायेति सततं कीर्तयन् सुस्वरं मुनिः |

वादयन् कांस्यतालञ्च वीथ्यां वीथ्यां ननर्त सः ||

क्वचित्क्रीडति बालैक्ष्च क्वचिद्धावति सत्वरम् |

क्वचित्करोति हुङ्कारं क्वचिद्गायति नृत्यति ||

क्वचिद्दिगम्बरक्ष्चापि क्वचित्काषायवेष्टितः |

क्वचित्प्रज्ञानसंयुक्तः क्वचिदुन्मादचेष्टितः ||

क्वचिद्धसति सानन्दं क्वचिद्रोदिति बालवत् |

क्वचिद्गर्जति नामानि कृष्णस्य मधुराणि च ||

क्वचिन्मौनेन संयुक्तः क्वचित्प्रलपति स्वयम् |

क्वचिन्महाशनक्ष्चास्ति क्वचिच्चानशनाव्रतः ||

एवं निगूढमाहात्म्यं श्रीशुकाचार्यसंमितम् |

अवजानन्ति मूढाक्ष्च लौकिकाः पामरा नराः ||

शिश्याक्ष्च बहवस्तस्य सर्ववर्णेषु सन्ति हि |

तत्प्रभावविदो धन्यास्तकटाक्षैकजीवनाः ||

That saint used to sing the Divine Name 'Narayana' in a very sweet voice with the accompaniment of tala of cymbals and dance on the streets. At times, he used to play along with the children. He used to run at a head long speed or he would produce loud noise, sing in prose of the Lord and dance. Sometimes, he appeared a digambara. Sometimes he was lad in saffron. Sometimes he would behave like a sane person, and at other times conduct himself like a mad man. He would  at times laugh merrily and at other times weep like a child or shout the sweet Divine Names of the Lord. Either he would be silent  all the time  or he would lament continuously. Either he would swallow large quantities of food or he would fast continuously. Thus he had some secret power like Shri Shula Muni. But the mundane and foolish ones could not understand him and hence they disrespected him. Yet, there were many of his disciples belonging to different castes who have realized his greatness. They lived on this earth because of his grace. 

Thus ends Chapter Eleven entitled 'Aanandagiri Charitam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Sanhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 10 - 18

Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 10 - 18

विरहंस्तेन कृष्णेन बालकक्ष्च दिने दिने |

संप्राप्तपरमानन्दः पाठशालां न गच्छति ||

नित्यमाराधयन् कृष्णं केवलं बाललीललया |

तमेवात्मवशञ्चक्रे बालको भक्तवत्सलम् ||

गत्वा कावेरजातीरं कलभाषणतत्परः |

पप्रच्छ विविधान् धर्मान् कृष्णमेव जगद्गुरुम् ||

अचिरेणैव कालेन सर्वशास्त्रार्थवित्तमः |

बभूव बालकः सोऽपि कृपयैव श्रियःपतेः ||

संप्राप्तयौवनः सोऽपि कृष्णमेव भजन् गुरुम् |

विज्ञाय योगधर्मञ्च योगाभ्यासरतोsभवत् ||

कृष्णस्य कृपया सोयमूर्ध्वरेता बभूव ह |

विषयासक्तिरहोतो विरक्तो विजितेन्द्रियः ||

अनुज्ञां प्राप्य मातुक्ष्च भगवान् शङ्करो यथा |

तुरीयमाश्रमञ्चापि जग्राह विधिपूर्वकम् ||

पुत्रमेव स्मरन्ती सा माता कालगतिं गता |

आनन्दगिरियोगीति प्रख्यातिं प्राप भूतले ||

धर्मं परम्हंसानामवलंब्य महामतिः |

चचार स महायोगी जडोन्मत्तपिशाचवत् ||

The child used to play with the moorti in great joy. He stopped attending the school. The child used to playfully perform the Pooja of Shri Krishna daily. As a result, the Lord of the bhaktas, Shri Krishna came into his fold. On the banks of river Cauvery, the lisping young child learnt all dharmas from Shri Krishna, the Universal Preceptor. In a short time, because of the boundless mercy of Shri Krishna, that small boy became the best of all those who could understand the essence of all Shastras. Reaching adolescence, that boy started practicing yoga, taking Shri Krishna to be his guru, and learning yoga dharma from Him. Because of the grace of Lord Shri Krishna, he became an oordhvaretas. He was not interested in sense pleasures. He had complete control of the senses and had subdued all desires. Like Bhagavan Sadi Shankar, he too took to the Sanyasi with all rituals getting the permission of his mother. His mother, who had no thought other than of her son, expired in due course. Her son became very famous in the world and was known as Aanandagiri Yogi. The wise man, followed the paramahamsa dharma. That great yogi, who was a gnat roamed about the world like a lunatic, blockhead and a spirit.

Vaishnava Samhita. Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 1 - 9

Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 1 - 9


नारदस्याज्ञया लोके कलिं शमयितुं खलम् |

अवतीर्णो मध्वकुले प्रह्लादो भक्तपुङ्गवः ||

लक्ष्मीनृसिह्मशर्मेति पिता नाम चकार च |

शुक्लपक्षे चन्द्र इव ववृधे बालकस्तथा ||

कृत्वा चौलादिकं कर्म पिता कालगतिं गतः |

विधवां मातरं प्रेम्णा सान्त्वयामास बालकः ||

दारिद्र्यदुःखसंयुक्ता बालपोषणतत्परा |

सन्त्यक्ता बन्धुभिक्ष्चापि माताssसीद् दुःखिता भृशम् ||

पर्यटन्नग्रहारेषु क्षुत्क्लान्तजठरः शिशुः |

अन्नं प्रयाचते नित्यं पात्रमादाय सुस्वरम् ||

कैवल्यारामयोगीन्द्रः कदाचित्तं विलोक्य सः |

आक्ष्लिष्य गाढं सानन्दं प्रददौ कृष्णविग्रहम् ||

अकस्माद्योगिनं दृष्ट्वा भीतोपि च स बालकः |

विलोक्य कृष्णं सहसा सुप्रसन्नोsभवत्तदा ||

तत्रैवान्तरधाद्योगी कृतकृत्यो मुनीक्ष्वरः |

बालोऽपि कृष्णामादाय त्वरयाssयान्निजं गृहम् ||

सर्वं निशम्य जननी विलोक्य च शिशुं हरिम् |

परमानुग्रहं मेने बालके कस्यचिन्मुनेः ||

Commanded by Narada, Prahlada, the best of bhaktas, descended this earth in the Madhva Kula to defeat the wicked Kali. His father named him Lakshmi Narasimhan. The child grew gradually like the moon on the waxing phase. His father expired after performing the karmas like Choula. The boy was giving consolation to his widowed mother. The mother was very sad and had to undergo great troubles as she was poor, was not carried for her by her relatives, and had the great responsibility of bringing up the child. The child afflicted by hunger used to go out in the streets of the agrahara with a bowl begging for food in a sweet voice. Yogishwara Kevalram happened to meet him once. He embraced the boy with great joy and gave him a moorti of Lord Krishna. Though the small boy was startled to see the yogi unexpectedly, he became very happy looking at the moorti of Shri Krishna. As his job was over, the yogishwara disappeared. The happy child ran home holding the moorti. Looking at the moorti, hearing all detail from him. the mother learnt that some yogishwara had most favorably blessed the child.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 21 - 33

Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 21 - 33

योगीद्र उवाच

स्वामिन् सर्वजगन्नाथ शरणागतवत्सल |

मग्नमुद्धर गोविन्द भुवनं कलिकल्मषे ||

अल्पायुषो नराः सर्वे पापानुष्ठानतत्पराः |

अवजानन्ति कृष्ण त्वां नानादुःखभयाकुलाः ||

तस्मात्वमेव लोकेस्मिन्नवतीर्य कृपानिधे |

कलिकल्मषमत्युग्रं सांप्रतं शमय प्रभो ||


त्रियुगोस्मि महायोगिन्नवतारो न मे कलौ |

तस्मादर्चावतारेण क्रीडामि जगतीतले ||

अर्चावताररूपेण गूढोस्मि कृपया कलौ |

भक्ता एव हि लोकेस्मिन् जानन्ति मम वैभवम् ||

आराधयन्ति ये भक्त्या मामेकं कीर्तनादिभिः |

वसामि तत्र सुप्रीतो गूढरूपेण सन्ततम् ||

योगीन्द्र उवाच

एवञ्चॆत्तर्हि गोविन्द देवदेव सनातन |

अर्चावताररूपेण दर्शनं देहि मे सदा ||

अतिक्रंयैव सामर्थ्यं सर्वेषामपि शिल्पिनाम् |

स्वयंभूर्भव गोविन्द यतस्त्वं भक्तवत्सलः ||


इति संप्रार्थितो देवो गोविन्दो भक्तवत्सलः |

अर्चावतारं जगृहे सद्य एव कृपानिधिः ||

संभाषणं चकारासौ येन भावेन योगिना |

तेन भावेन रूपं स्वं जगृहे भगवान् हरिः ||

जगन्मोहनसौन्दर्यसारसर्वस्वविग्रहम् |

यमुनाया जलेनामुमभ्यषिञ्चन्महामुनिः ||

पूजयामास योगीन्द्रः प्रेमपूर्वं दिने दिने |

पुष्पैः फलोपहारैक्ष्च यमुनातीरसंभवैः ||

कीर्तयंस्तस्य नामानि चिन्तयंस्तस्य केलिकाम् |

अवसद्यमुनातीरे स महात्मा तपोनिधिः ||

The yogindra prayed

Oh! Swami! The Lord of all the worlds! The gracious father of those who have surrendered to You whole-heartedly! Oh, Govinda! Please uplift with grace the world that drowned in the evils of Kali. Oh! Krishna! Those people who are mortals, who indulge only in sinful activities, who are tossed by fears and sorrows of different kinds, do not respect You. Oh! Gracious! Oh! Lord! You please be born on this earth and conquer the ferocious Kali. 

Shri Bhagavan replied

Oh! Yogi! My incarnations are limited to the three yoga's only. In Kali, I am not taking an avatar. hence I come in the Archavatara form and carry on the divine play. Even in Kali, out of mercy, I invisibly reside in the Archavatara. Only the great bhaktas realize My presence and power. I always reside invisible in the Archavatara pleased with those bhaktas who worship Me with single-minded devotion, with Nama Sankirtan etc.

The yogindra said

Govinda! Lord of the lords! Head of the devas! Oh! Sanatana (eternal)! In that case, please give me darshan always in the Archavatara form. As You are the BHaktavatsala, overpowering the talents of all the sculptors, You take a form of Your own (Swayambhoo) for the sake of the bhaktas.

Shri Sadguru said

Heeding the prayers of the yogi, Lord Govinda, the merciful and the Bhaktavatsala assumed the Archavatara form. Bhagavan Shri Hari took the Archavatara form with the same expression on the face that was there during this conversation with the yogi. The great yogi bathed the moorti that was the abode of all the world's beauties, and was quite alluring with Yamuna water. The yogi worshipped Him daily with the offerings of the flowers and fruits found on the banks of the holy Yamnua. He stayed on the banks of the Yamuna for a long time, singing His Divine Name and cherishing His Leela. 

Thus ends Chapter Ten entitled 'Kevalrama Yoginra Charitam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 16 - 20

Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 16 - 20


किं वृथा क्लिश्यसे तात घोरेण तपसा कलौ |

दुःखाक्रान्तं जगत्पश्य कलिकल्मषपीडितम् ||

कलिं नाशयितुं लोके तपसा नैव शक्नुयाः |

मन्नियोगादयं लोकं सर्वत्र व्याप्य तिष्ठति ||

कलेर्दोषनिधेर्ब्रह्मह्यन्नस्ति ह्येको महान् गुणः |

कीर्तनादेव मे सत्यं मुक्तदोषः परम् व्रजेत् ||

कुरु कारय लोकेस्मिन् नामसङ्कीर्तनं मम |

तत्प्रभावेणैव सत्यं सर्वं दुःखं विनश्यति ||

वर्तते फल्गुबुद्धिस्तु यावन्मन्नामकीर्तने |

तावत्कलिकृतं दुःखं विविधं नैव नश्यति ||

Shri Bhagavan said

My child! Why do you unnecessarily torture yourself, doing such severe penance in this Kaliyuga? Look at this miserable world afflicted by Kali. The evils of Kali cannot be controlled by penance. Only taking My command this Kali is enveloping this entire world. In this Kali, amidst all these evils, there is a great blessing. It is an unquestionable truth that one can get rid of all these evils and attain salvation only with the help of Nama Sankirtan. On this earth you chant My Divine Name incessantly. And make others also do the same thing. It is an undefeatable truth that all miseries will come to an end because of the power of Nama Sankirtan. The miseries of Kali will not get eradicated as long as the world does not develop faith in the power of Nama Sankirtan.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 8 - 15

Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 8 - 15

अचिरेणैव कालेन सुप्रीतो भगवान् हरिः |

पीताम्बरधरः श्रीमानाविरासीत्कृपानिधिः ||

कुटीलालकसंयुक्तः कोमलाधरपल्लवः |

कर्णान्तदीर्घनयनः कपोलजितदर्पणः ||

कण्ठशोभितहारक्ष्च कर्णलंबितकुण्डलः |

हरिचन्दनलिप्ताङ्गः कस्तूरीतिलकाञ्चितः ||

कनकाम्बरधारी च कटिशोभितशृङ्खलः |

कटिन्यस्तकरक्ष्चैव कालांभोधरसन्निभः ||

कोटिमन्मथलावण्यः कूजत्कनकनूपुरः |

वनमालाधरो देवो वेणुवादनतत्परः ||

सर्वलोकशरण्यक्ष्च सर्वाभरणभूषितः |

रासनाट्यरसोन्मत्तो राधिकारमण प्रभुः ||

तं विलोक्य घनश्यामं रसिकेन्द्रं श्रियः पतिम् |

मूर्च्छामवाप योगीन्द्रो दर्शनानन्दविभ्रमात् ||

तमुत्थाय मुनिं कृष्णः कृपया ब्रह्मचारिणम् |

अवोचन्मधुरं वाक्यमर्थवत्प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

After some time, pleased with the tapas, Shri Bhagavan (Bhaktakolahala) appeared before him as follows:

He was clad in an exquisite yellow silk. He was having black and curly locks dangling. He stood before him, with lips like the tender leaves; His eyes so long that they almost touched His ears; His cheeks shining so long that they almost touched His ears; His cheeks shining like a mirror; His neck beautified by necklaces; His ears decorated with mandalas; His person rubbed with Hari Chanda; Kasturi Tilak smiling on his forehead; His upper cloth decked with golden threads; His waist adorned with kinkiness; His hands resting on His hips; His body shimmering like dark blue colored clouds and beautiful like a crore of Manmathas. He appeared before him with the enchanting flute and studded with varied ornaments like the anklets. Lord Radharamana appeared as the refuge of all, engaged in the holy Raasa dance with Goddess Radha. Having this darshan of the Lord colored as dark blue clouds, the Lord of Radha and the head of all rasikas, the yogi found himself in an ecstatic state beyond description and fainted. Lord Shri Krishna lifted the seer who was a great brahma Chari, with great mercy and said these sweet and meaningful words. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 5 - 7

Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 5 - 7

कलिनैव समाक्रान्तं पापचारपरायणम् |

जगद्विलोक्य योगीन्द्रो न लेभे शान्तिमात्मवान् ||

धर्मोपदेशं लोकस्य कुर्वन् श्रान्तोsभवन्मुनिः |

भारतेस्मिन् कलिव्याप्ते धर्मं कोपि न पृच्छति ||

गोवर्धनगुहामाप चिन्ताशोकसमाकुलः |

तत्र घोरं तपक्ष्चक्रे जगन्मङ्गलहेतवे ||

That yogi who was an aatmagnani was much disturbed to see the world afflicted by Kali and had unrighteousness as its only aim. He became tired of preaching dharma to this world. No one paid heed to the preachings of dharma as this holy Bharat was clouded by Kali. Sad and aggrieved, he reached the cave of Govardhana Hill. He did very severe penance there, praying for the well-being of this universe.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 1 - 4

Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 1 - 4


आसीद घूर्जरदेशे तु कक्ष्चिद्योगी दृढव्रतः |

बृहद्व्रतधरो धीरो विरक्तो विजितेन्द्रियः ||

कैवल्यारामयोगीन्द्र इति विख्यातवैभवः |

जटिलो दण्डपानिक्ष्च वल्कलाजिनवेष्टितः ||

उपवासकृशः शान्तो दिव्यचक्षुःसमन्वितः |

आत्मदर्शी जितक्रोधस्तपस्वी तत्ववित्तमः ||

नष्टं सनातनं धर्ममुद्धर्तुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

स महात्मा तपः कुर्वन् चचार जगतीतले ||

Shri Sadguru said

In the Ghurjara kingdom, there was a reputed yogi called Kaivalyaram (popularly know as Kevalram). He was an unswerving man of faith and was very courageous. He strictly adhered to brahmacharya, had complete control of all senses, and was a man of renunciation. He presented a very tranquil appearance bearing a staff, wearing a dress made of the barks of a tree and the hide of a deer and with matted hair. He was calm, lean due to fasting and had conquered anger fully. He was an aatmagnani and had gnana drishti. He was a great tapasvi and was the greatest of the people who had mastered the Shastras. That mahatma trod the earth with penance and with an unshakeable determination to revive the Sanatana Dharma.

Vaishnava Samhita. Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 27 - 35

Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 27 - 35

अचिरेणैव कालेन सर्वमान्यो बभूव सः |

महान् मोहनदासस्तु विरक्तो वैष्णवोत्तमः ||

बन्दीकृतोपि पाक्ष्चात्यैर्बहुधा हिम्सितोपि च |

सत्याग्रहं न तत्याज धीरचित्तस्तपोनिधिः ||

निरायुधाकरेणैव पाक्ष्चात्यास्तु पराजिताः |

भारतं तु परित्यज्य स्वदेशं प्रति दुद्रुवुः ||

एवं भारतदेशं तु पाक्ष्चात्यकबलीकृतम् |

उद्धृत्य पालयामास महात्मा वैष्णवोत्तमः ||

पठेच्च भगवद्गीतां रामनाम जपेत्तथा |

अहिंसकः सत्यनिष्ठः समदर्शी भवेन्नरः ||

एवं भागवतं धर्मं स्थापयामास भारते |

सर्वत्र सञ्चरन् धीरः कृपया वैष्णवोत्तमः ||

वर्णाश्रमाभिमानेन जातं द्वेषं जने जने |

शमयामास कृपया प्रवदन समदर्शनम् ||

वर्णाश्रमकुलाचारे नास्य द्वेषस्तु विद्यते |

अनार्जवं वैदिकेषु दूषयामास वैष्णवः ||

प्रेमभावस्य मुख्यत्वं लोके प्रकटयन् महान् |

रामनाम स्मरन्नन्ते वैकुण्ठं प्राप वैष्णवः ||

The mahatma Mohandasa, a man of detachment and a great vaishnava soon came to be adored by all. This courageous man of penance never wavered from Satyagraha even when he was improsoned and tortured by the British. Thus defeated by this unarmed Mohandasa, the White had to leave Bharat, and retreat back to their country. Thus the great vaishnava, mahatma Mohandasa uplifted and rescued this holy land Bharat almost swallowed by the White people. A Hindu must study Bhagavad Geeta, must chant Rama Nama, go in search of non-violence, truth and equality. These are the different aspects of Bhagavata Dharma. Courageous and the greatest of the vaishnavas, the mahatma toured all over India and mercifully established these facts. He removed the animosity among people born out of the caste system, and taught them the ideal of equality. He was not against the Varnashrama Dharma as such. As a true vaishnava, he condemned the unwanted rituals of the vaidikas. He preached that mutual poem was very important. This great vaishnava and mahatma attained Vaikuntha chanting the Divine Name of Rama even at the last minute of his life. 

Thus ends Chapter Nine entitled 'Mohandasa Charitam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 18 - 26

Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 18 - 26

हरे माधव गोविन्द राम कृष्णेति वैष्णवाः |

कीर्तयन्ति रसोन्मत्तास्त्वास्मिन्नेव हि भारते ||

वैकुण्ठादपि कैलासात्पारमेष्ठ्यात्सुरलयात् |

अयं भारतदेशस्तु सर्वथाप्यतिरिच्यते ||

पुण्ये भारतदेशेस्मिन् जन्म वाञ्छति देवताः |

अत्रैव भगवान् विष्णुर्गीयते वैष्णवोत्तमैः ||

रक्षिते भारते देशे रस्खितं सकलं जगत् |

विनष्टे भारते देशे विनष्टं सकलं जगत् ||

धन्यं धान्यं गृहं पत्नीं पुत्रंक्ष्च पितरौ तथा |

प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वापि धैर्येण भारतं परिपालयेत् ||

आसीन्मोहन्दासाख्यो महात्मा वैष्णवोत्तमः |

अहिंसाधर्मनिरतः सत्यसन्धो महामतिः ||

विलोक्य भारतं देशं परमं पावनं महान् |

पाक्ष्चात्यैर्यवनैक्ष्चापि पीडितं दुःखीतोsभवत् ||

मातृभूमिमां पुण्यं रक्षितुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

चक्रे सत्याग्रहं धीरः सत्यसन्धो महामतिः ||

अहिंसया च सत्येन त्यागेन क्षमाया तथा |

रञ्ज्यामास सकलं महात्मा भारतं जनम् ||

Vaishnavas intoxicated with Bhakti sing these Divine Names of Hari viz. Madhava, Govinda, Rama and Krishna in this country alone. This country Bharat is, in all ways, superior to Vaikuntha (the abode of Vishnu), Kailasa (the abode of Shiva) and Satyaloka (the abode of Brahma) and the Devaloka (the abode of the devas). Even the devas long to be born on this land of Bharat, as the great vaishnavas sing in praise of Lord Vishnu here alone. If Bharat is saved and kept intact, all worlds are saved and kept intact. If Bharat is destroyed, all worlds are destroyed. This country Bharat is to be protected courageously at the cost of all death and property, wife and children, father, mother, house and even life. There was a great mahatma called Mohandasa. He was a staunch believer in ahimsa. He was avowed to be truthful in all ways. The mahatma became very sad to find this holy land occupied and controlled by the christians and muslims. Taking an oath to rescue his mother land from foreign control, that great man of truth, courage and wisdom adopted Satyagraha. This mahatma captivated the hearts of all the people of India with his noble qualities of truth, sacrifice, endurance and belief in non-violence. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 11 - 17

Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 11 - 17

वेदं रामायणञ्चैव महाभारतमेव च |

श्रीमद्भागवतञ्चापि पठन्त्यत्रैव भारते ||

अरुन्धत्यनसूयापि कौसल्या जानकी तथा |

एवं पतिव्रता नार्यः सञ्जाता भारते किल ||

राघवः केशवक्ष्चापि व्यासक्ष्च कपिलस्तथा |

अवतारा ह्यसंख्यो जायन्ते भारते किल ||

वरदो रङ्गनाथस्य वेङ्कटेशक्ष्च विट्ठलः |

अर्चावतारा बहवः क्रीडन्ति किल भारते ||

मध्वो रामानुजक्ष्चापि निम्बार्कः शङ्करस्तथा |

रामानन्दादयक्ष्चापि ह्यवतीर्णास्तु भारते ||

भगवान् कृष्णचैतन्यो वल्लभाचार्य एव च |

ज्ञानेक्ष्वरदयक्ष्चापि ह्यवतीर्णास्तु भारते ||

अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधं ब्रह्मचर्यं दयापि च |

एवं बहुविधो धर्मो भारतेस्मिन् प्रकाशते ||

The holy Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Shrimad Bhagavatam, etc are read by the people of this country alone. Chaste women like Arundhati, Anasuya, Kousalya and Janaki were born on this land only. Is not Bharat the birth place of many incarnations of the Supreme Being like Rama, Krishna, Kabila, Vyasa and many others? Is not the divine play of the Archavataras like Venkatesha, Varadaraja, Ranganatha and Panduranga taking place in India? Great preachers like Madhava, Ramanuja, Nimbharka, Shankaracharya and Ramananda were born in India alone. Even those great men like Bhagavan Krishna Chaitanya, Vallabhacharya and Gnaneshwara were born in the same country Bharat. Righteous values like non-violence, truth, brahmacharya, mercy and many virtues shine bright on this land only.

Vaishnava Samhita. Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 1 - 10

Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 1 - 10


अस्य भारतदेशस्य माःत्म्यं परमाद्भुतम् |

यः स्मरेत्प्रातरुत्थाय स हि धन्यः स पावनः ||

नानाविधानि कर्माणि क्रुत्वास्मिन् भारते नराः |

परलोकान् प्राप्नुवन्ति कर्मभूमिरियं स्मृता ||

इयं भारतभूमिस्तु साक्षात्सुरभिरेव हि |

यां दुदोह महाराजः पृथुः पुण्यवतां वरः ||

गङ्गा च यमुना चैव नर्मदा च सरस्वती |

गोदावरी च कावेरी ह्यस्मिन्नेवास्ति भारते ||

हिमवानपि कैलासो गोवर्धनगिरिस्तथा |

विन्ध्याचलो वेङ्कटक्ष्च ह्यस्मिन्नेवास्ति भारते ||

एवञ्च नैमिषारण्यं दण्डकारण्यमेव च |

बृन्दारण्यं महारण्यस्मिन्नेवास्ति भारते ||

बहूनाञ्च महर्षीणां भूदेवानां तपस्विनाम् |

पुण्याश्रमाक्ष्च सन्त्यत्र पुण्ये भारतमण्डले ||

मनुर्यातिर्मान्धाता भारतक्ष्च पुरूरवाः |

अन्ये राजर्षयक्ष्चापि भारतेस्मिन् विरेजिरे ||

विक्ष्वामित्रो वसिष्ठक्ष्च गौतमः काश्यपो भृगुः |

अन्ये ब्रह्मर्षयोsप्यत्र तपक्ष्चक्रुर्हि भारते ||

Sri Sadguru said

He is the meritorious and he is thee most fortunate who thinks of the glory of this wonderful land Bharat, early morning. In this land, people are able to perform many divine acts, and reach the sacred abode of God. Hence it is called the Karma Bhoomi. This holy land was milked like a cow by emperor Pruthu. In fact this Bharat is a real Kamadhenu (the celestial cow that gives all that one longs for). The holy rives. Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Saraswati, Godavari and Cauvery water this holy land. The sacred mountains of the Himalayas, the Kailasa, the Govardhana, the Vindya and the Tirumala are situated on this land only. Great forests like Nymisharanyam, Danda karanyam and Brindavan are found in this country. Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya, Kashi, Shrirangam, Kanchi - these holy cities are found only in this country. Most of the deities, saints and seers and serene hermitages known to the world are connected with Bharat only. Great saintly kings like Manu, Mandate, Bharat and may others shone on the horizon of Bharat only. Vishwamitra, Vasishta, Gautama, Kashyapa, Bhrugu and many other saints led their lives of penance only in Bharat.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 28 - 34

Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 28 - 34

श्रीरामकृष्ण उवाच

आवयोः संगमो बाल नित्य एव न संशयः |

भेदबुद्धिं परित्यज्य पश्यतां किं न रोचते ||

भगवद्दर्शनं कर्तुं काङ्क्षया जातमुत्तमम् |

तापं तवापि जानामि तस्माद्बन्धुर्भवान् मम ||


इत्य्क्त्वा रामकृष्णस्तु निर्व्याजकृपया तदा |

तस्यैव शिरसि प्रेम्णा हस्तदीक्षां चकार च ||

प्रददौ राममन्त्रं च तस्य कर्णे जगद्गुरुः |

यन्नित्यं वायुपुत्रेण शिवेनापि च जप्यते ||

सद्य एव नरेन्द्रोपि समाधिस्थितिमाप च |

ददर्श परमानन्दं ब्रह्मज्योतिः सनातनम् ||

एवं गुरुकटाक्षेण परिपूर्णोsभवन्महान् |

सर्वेपि संशयाः सद्यो नाशं प्रापुः स्वयं तदा ||

तस्माद्भगवतो यस्य दिदृक्षा हृदि वर्तते |

सर्वसङ्गं परित्यज्य सद्गुरुं शरणं भजेत् ||

Shri Ramakrishna replied

My child! Our relationship is eternal. No doubt in it. Those who have a balanced approach to everything, can know things easily. I know you yearn to have a darshan of God, and that you are tormented by that unfulfilled lofty desire. So you are my close relative.

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus with inexplicable love and mercy, Ramakrishna placed his abaya hasta on his head then and there. Jagadguru Shri Ramakrishna gave him the upadesha of the Divine Mantra 'Rama', which is chanted by Hanuman and Lord Shiva uninterruptedly. Immediately, Narendra entered the stage of samadhi. He had the darshan of the serene light that is eternal. Thus, Narendra, got fulfillment with the merciful glanced of the guru. All his doubts had a natural death at that very moment. So, he, who has got the urge to see and realize God, should give up everything else and take refuge in a Sadguru. 

Thus ends Chapter Eight entitled ‘Sri Ramakrishna Charitam VII’ of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 16 - 27

Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 16 - 27

अप्र्राप्य सद्गुरुं श्रेष्ठमास्तिक्ये क्रुतहेलनः |

बभूव नास्तिकप्रायो नरेन्द्रो बुद्धिमानपि |

तथापि तस्य चित्तेपि निर्मले तु स्वभावतः |

भगवद्दर्शनालाभाद्ववृधे दुःखमुत्तमम् ||

रामकृष्णस्य माहात्म्यं श्रुत्वा सन्दिग्धमानसः |

नितरां दुःखितः प्राप दक्षिणेशपुरञ्च सः ||

तत्र गङ्गातटे रम्ये शाद्वलश्यामलस्थले |

वटवृक्षस्य मूले तु निषण्णं मृदुलासने ||

रामकृष्णं महात्मानं नरेन्द्रः संददर्श च ||

तस्य दर्शनमात्रेण तस्मिन् विक्ष्वासमुत्तमम् |

संप्राप्य परमानन्दमुग्धोsभूद्गतसंशयः ||

नरेन्द्रं प्राञ्जलिं तत्र प्रणम्य च पुरः स्थितम् |

विलोक्य रामकृष्णक्ष्च पप्रच्छ प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

श्रीरामकृष्ण उवाच

स्वागतं ते महाभाग गङ्गातीरे दिने दिने |

प्रतीक्षमाणस्त्वामेव निषण्ण्नोस्मि महामते ||

तथापि त्वं मामुपेक्ष्य वृथा भरामसि भूतले |

मरुभूमौ पर्यटनात्किं जलं प्राप्यते नरैः ||


इत्येवं रामकृष्णस्य श्रुत्वा सुमधुरं वचः |

नरेन्द्रो विस्मयं प्राप्य तदा वचनमब्रवीत् ||

नरेन्द्र उवाच

भगवन् मां विलोक्याद्य दृष्टपूर्वं यथा नरम् |

करोषि कुशलप्रक्ष्नं प्रेमभक्तञ्च मय्यहो ||

अहं करोमि ते स्वामिन्नद्य प्रथमदर्शनम् |

तथापि वर्धते स्नेहस्तत्र कारणमुच्यताम् ||

Though very wise, Narendra started ridiculing the belief in the existence of God, as he could not find a sad guru who could enlighten him on that point. But yet, as he was, by nature, very pious, his heart was immersed in sorrow born out of the inability to realize God. he had heard of Shri Ramakrishna. But he could not accept all that he heard. Hence he came to Dakshineshwaram with a heart full of sorrow. There, on the banks of the holy Ganga, he saw Shri Ramakrishna seated on a soft asana on the grass under a Banyan tree. Narendra had the darshan of Shri Ramakrishna, the mahatma who was capable of bestowing immense happiness, who was in a serene mode, and was spreading lustre around him. The very sight of him dispelled all darkness of doubts from the mind of Narendra and made him develop high esteem of Shri Ramakrishna with strong faith in his holiness. He was immersed in untold bliss. Shri Ramakrishna looked at Narendra standing before him with folded hands and said the following with prem. 

Shri Ramakrishna said

Oh! Blessed youth! Intelligent man, you are welcome. I am waiting on the banks of the holy Ganga, anticipating your arrival only. But you are wandering all over the earth, leaving me waiting for you. Will people get water in a desert, however much they roam about?

Shri Sadguru continued

Narendra was taken by pleasant surprise at the sweet words of Shri Ramakrishna. Then he said:

Narendra said

Oh! Bhagavan! It is quite surprising to see you expressing such love and affection for me as though you knew me for the past many years. Swamiji! I meet you for the first time only now. But my love for you knows no bound. Kindly give me a reason for that.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 6 - 15

Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 6 - 15

नरेन्द्र इति विख्यातः कक्ष्चीदासॆन्महामतिः |

विचारशीलो धीरक्ष्च सर्वविद्याविशारदः |

युवा च सुन्दरः श्रीमान् वाग्मी सच्चरितव्रतः |

परोपकारी गम्भीरः सत्यसन्धो जितेन्द्रियः ||

भगवद्दर्शनं कर्तुं हृदये तस्य निर्मले |

बभूव महती काङ्क्षा धीराणामुचिता परा ||

आस्तिकानां मूढबुद्धिं कापट्यं भक्तमानिनाम् |

अत्याचारं कर्मठानाम शुष्कवादञ्च शास्त्रिणाम् ||

विलोक्य नितरां खिन्नो भगवद्दर्शनातुरः |

नैवाप शान्तिं लोकेस्मिन् येनकेनापि वर्त्मना ||

अनवाप्य गुरुं श्रेष्ठं तवपरोक्षज्ञानिनं क्वचित् |

वञ्चितो बहुधा लोके साधुवेषधरैरभूत् ||

तस्मात्सनातने धर्मे प्राप्योपेक्षां महामतिः |

पाक्ष्चात्यमतविभ्रान्तस्तच्छासत्राणि पपाठ च ||

तत्रापि शान्तिं परमामनवाप्य कुमारकः |

प्राप ब्रह्मसमाजञ्च ब्रह्मदर्शनकांक्षया ||

तत्र ब्रह्मसमाजेपि विवादं तु विवेकिनाम् |

उद्योगं निष्फलञ्चापि दृष्ट्वा दुःकमवाप सः ||

एवं सर्वमतानाञ्च सत्यं द्रष्टुमियेष सः |

जनानां मूढविक्ष्वासं दृष्ट्वोपेक्षं चकार च ||

Narendra was a great intellectual and a rational man. He was youthful, a Master of Arts, handsome, a good orator, altruistic, majestic, truthful, rich and had complete control of the senses. His pious splendid heart was throbbing with the holy desire to see God, a desire which is felt by the courageous alone. Troubled with the unfulfilled desire to have the darshan of Shri Bhagavan and saddened by the blind devotion of the theists, the prevention of the seeming devotees, the show of those interested in rituals and the drab arguments of the Shastra gnats, he could not find peace on this earth. When he set out in search of a great guru who was an aparoksha gnat, he was deceived in many ways by those who pretended to be sadhus. Due to all these, he lost faith in The Hindu religion. Attracted by the christian faith, he started perusing the literature of that religion. Young Narendra could not find solace in that faith also and hence he became a member of the Brahma Samaja. He became highly dissatisfied with the pedagogic arguments of the intellectuals in the Samaja which could not achieve any goal. Thus, he wanted to find out the real essence of all the religions. He was intent on removing the superstitions and blind faith of people.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5

Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5


दुःखं तु सर्वसामान्यं दृष्ट्वा जगति संभृतम् |

अधीराः संशयं सद्यः प्राप्नुवन्ति महेक्ष्वर ||

केचित्कर्मं स्वभावञ्च केचित्कालमणूंस्तथा |

जगतः कारणं प्रहुस्तत्तद्बुद्धिबलेन वै ||

धीरा एव महात्मान कवीनां कविमीक्ष्वरम् |

यथातथैव जानन्ति दृढविक्ष्वाससंयुताः ||

अदृष्टविषयग्यानेन प्रमाणं शास्त्रमेव हि |

परोक्षवादं शास्त्रं तु तस्मान्मुह्यन्ति सूरयः ||

अपरोक्षज्ञानिनस्तु कृपयैव कथञ्चन |

साक्षात्कर्तुं परम् ब्रह्म शक्न्युयाद्भाग्यवान् क्वचित् ||

Shri Sadguru said

All over the world, people who do not have the courage to face sorrow, become skeptical of God whenever they are in difficulty. The origin of the universe is identified differently by people according to their level of intelligence. Some name it as Nature while some as Karma. Some name it as time and some as the atom. Only those exalted men who have insurmountable faith and courage realize the true nature of Eashwara who is the Lord of all intellectuals. The Shastras are the testimony to know that which is not known. But Shastras put forth things indirectly. So even the learned people get perplexed. Only with the grace of an aparoksha gnani (man of wisdom who dispels doubts clearly), the fortunate one is able to see the Supreme Soul face to face. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 23 - 35

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 23 - 35

भर्तारञ्चात्मनक्ष्चैव भर्तारं जगतामपि |

विलोक्य विस्मिता तत्र तस्थौ बद्धन्च्जलिर्मुदा ||

दृष्ट्वा परमहंस सा बाष्पपूरितलोचना |

मम भर्ताsयमेवेति चिन्तयन्ती स्म तिष्ठति ||

तदा त्रत्रैव तिष्ठन्ति प्रतिमामिव तां प्रियाम् |

विलोक्य रामकृष्णोपि कृपयाsन्तिकमागमत् ||

निपत्य चरणोपान्ते रुदतीं शारदां प्रभुः |

सान्त्वयामास सरसं सहसा करुणानिधिः ||

श्रीपरमहंस उवाच

स्वागतं ते जगन्मातुर्दुःखं मा स्म गमः प्रिये |

त्वदधीनमिदं सर्वमहञ्च तवद्वशोस्मि च ||

धर्मं पारमहंस्यं मे दृष्ट्वा चिन्ताञ्च मा कुरु |

यथेच्छसि तथाहञ्च भवामि जगदीक्ष्वरी ||

जगदम्बास्वरूपेण पश्यामि स्त्रीजनं त्वहम् |

तथा त्वामपि पश्यामि तस्मात्पूजयासि मे ननु ||


भगवन् करुणामूर्ते तवत्कृपापात्रमस्म्यहम् |

अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यं तव दास्येन मे प्रभो ||

नाहमिच्छामि लोकेस्मिन् तुच्छं शारीरकं सुखम् |

तव कैङ्कर्यमिच्छामि सत्यं सत्यं वदाम्यहम् ||

भक्तां पतिव्रतां दॆनमनन्यशरणां प्रभो |

मा निराकुरु दासी मां माहात्म्यं तव वेद्म्यहम् ||


इत्युक्त्वा शारदादेवी रामकृष्णपदाब्जयोः |

निपत्य दण्डवद्भक्त्या प्ररुरोद च सुस्वरम् ||

तदा परमहंसोपि तस्याः शिरसि सादरम् |

निधायाभयहस्तञ्च सान्त्वयामास च प्रभुः ||

तदाप्रभृति सा देवी तत्रैव निवसन्त्यपि |

चकार पत्युः कैङ्कर्यं जितकामा जितेन्द्रिया ||

Looking at Shri Ramakrishna, her lord and the lord of the world in such a position, she stood there with folded hands, full of surprise and joy. Looking at the paramahamsa, she shed tears. She took genuine pride in the thought that he, the great gnani, was her husband. Ramakrishna after some time looked at his wife standing before him as a statue and approached her with great mercy. Ramakrishna, the gracious, consoled with all affection, Shri Sharada Devi, who was lying at his feet and crying.

Shri Paramahamsa said

Oh1 Mother of the world! You are welcome. Oh! Dear! Don't feel sad. All my possessions are yours. I myself am in your control. Don't get disheartened at my life as a Paramahamsa. Oh! Goddess of the world! I would become what you want me to be. I behold all women in the form of the mother goddess. I see you also as the mother. Hence you are fit to be worshipped by me. 

Shri Sharada said

Oh! Bhagavan! Oh! Merciful! I am lucky to be blessed by you. My Lord! What a great fortune it is to serve you. How lucky I am! I am not after mean worldly pleasures. I long to be of service to you. I am ready to take a vow again and agin to serve you. Oh! Lord! I know your divinity. I am poor, simple and am having no other refuge. I am chaste and am your servant and devotee. Please do not ignore me. 

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, Shri Sharada Devi fell at the lotus feet of Ramakrishna like a staff, and cried, out of Bhakti in a sweet voice. Then, Shri Ramakrishna places hi abhaya hasta on her head, gave her refuge and consoled her. From that time Sharada stayed with Ramakrishna subduing all her senses, and devoted to the service of Shri Ramakrishna

Thus ends Chapter Seven entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam VI' of Book X of Shri Vaishnavca Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 14 - 22

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 14 - 22

श्रीमती शारदादेवी तस्य पत्नी पतिव्रता |

स्वकीये पितृगेहे तु जयरामपुरेsवसत् ||

परिणीताsतिबाल्ये सा रामकृष्णेन धीमता |

अद्यैव यौवनं प्राप्ता जगन्माता तु शारदा ||

प्राणान् दधार नित्यं सा भर्तृदर्शनकाङ्क्षया |

अवरुद्धा बन्धुभिक्ष्च शारदा न्यवसद्वहे ||

एवं प्रेमरसोमत्तं श्रुत्वा भर्तारमुत्तमम् |

स्वयं ससंभ्रमं देवी रामकृष्णमुपाययौ ||

यथाकथञ्चित्सया देवी प्रस्थिता पादयात्रया |

दक्षिनेशपुरञ्च्जागात्पतिदर्शनकौतुकात् ||

तत्र सा वातवृक्षस्य समीपे शान्तविग्रहम् |

ध्यानमीलितनेत्राब्जमासीनञ्च सुखासने ||

कोटिसूर्यप्रकाशञ्च जटिलं मलिनं कृशम् |

संसारतारकं देवं सर्वलोकेक्ष्वरम् ||

साक्षाद्गदाधरञ्चाद्य पालयन्तं जगद्गुरुम् ||

सर्वसद्गुण संयुक्तं कृष्णप्रेमस्वरूपिणम् |

ज्ञानिनामगरगन्यञ्च भर्तारं संददर्श ह ||

The chaste wife Sharada Devi was living at Jayarampadi with her parents. The holy mother Sharada was given in marriage to the gnat Shri Ramakrishna even when she was a child. Just then, she had reached adolescence. She was alive just induced by the desire to meet her husband. But she had to stay at Jayarampadi as she was presented by her relatives from going to Dakshineshwaram. When mother Sharada learnt that her husband and great gnaw Shri Ramakrishna had got maddened with the Bhakti towards Lord Krishna, she was excited and with great anxiety, she reached Dakshineshwaram to meet Shri Ramakrishna. She walked all the distance to Dakshineshwaram taking a lot of pains induced by the desire to see her husband. There she saw Ramakrishna sitting under a Banyan tree in a posture of sukhasana, quite peaceful, his lotus eye closed in dhyana. He was as bright as a cluster of suns. His hair was matted. He was lean and his body was covered with dust. She saw him as the lord of all worlds, as the God who rescues people from the ocean of samsara, as Lord Narayana who takes incarnations as part of the divine Leela, as the savior of the dharma of the self renounced paramahamsa, as the universal preceptor, as the abode of all cherish able qualities, as the very embodiment of Krishna poem, and as the greatest of the gnanis. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 6 - 13

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 6 - 13

महात्मा रामकृष्णस्तु श्रीकृष्णदर्शनम् |

प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मत्तो बभौ लोकविलक्षणः ||

क्वचिन्नृत्यति सानन्दं क्वचिद्रोदिति सुस्वरम् |

क्वचिद्धावति सर्वत्र क्वचिद्विलुठति क्षितौ ||

कृष्ण गोविन्द गोपाल माधवेति च कीर्तयन् |

भक्तानाक्ष्लिष्यति प्रेम्णा परमानन्दपूरितः ||

अग्रे पश्यामि गौराङ्गं नित्यानन्दसमन्वितम् |

उभौ तौ भ्रातरौ प्रेम्णा मामत्राप्युपगच्छतः ||

इत्येवं प्रलपन्नुच्चैर्गङ्गातीरमुपागतः |

नृत्यन् गायति सानन्दं राधेकृष्णेति सन्ततम् ||

तं मेनिरे जनाः सर्वे रामकृष्णं जगद्गुरुम् |

तत्प्रभावमविज्ञाय पित्तोन्मादसमन्वितम् ||

शरीरसेवां सन्त्यज्य मलिनो जटिलः कृशः |

चचार गङ्गाकान्तारेष्वपन्नविवर्जितः ||

परिचर्यां तस्य कर्तुं तत्र कोपि न विद्यते |

तस्माच्चचार योगीन्द्रो जडोन्मत्तपिशाचवत् ||

The great mahatma Ramakrishna had had the darshan of Shri Krishna. He was always immersed in prima Bhakti, and stood untouched by this worldly life. He used to dance with joy sometimes and shed tears singing in praise of Shri Bhagavan in a sweet voice at other times. He used to run like a mad man here and there and roll about in joy on the earth. With great joy, he used to embrace the bhaktas present there chanting the Divine Names of the Lord like 'Krishna, Govinda, Gopala and Madhava'. He would repeatedly say in a loud voice, "I behold before me Shri Gauranga accompanied by Shri Nityananda. Those two brothers are coming towards me here with perm". Shouting thus, he would run to the bank of the holy Ganga and dance there in joy chanting the Name of Shri Radhakrishna. Those people who could not understand his divinity considered him to be a lunatic. He used to roam about the banks of the Ganga paying no attention to his physical well being. His clothes were dirty and hair got matted. There was none to take care of him. Hence the yogishwara wandered like a fool or lunatic or a spirit. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 5

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 5

स्त्रीणां शुद्धचरित्राणां भर्ता हि परमा गतिः |

तमेव भगवद्बुद्ध्या पूजयन्ति हि योषितः ||

स्वपतिं या परित्यज्य पतिमन्यञ्च काङ्क्षते |

सा भवत्युभयत्रापि विनष्टा लोकगर्हिता ||

राक्षात्वमपि प्राप्तं मदयन्ती पतिं यथा |

भर्तारं या परिचरेत्सा भवेल्लोकपूजिता ||

अङ्गहीनं दरिद्रं वा मूढबुद्धिञ्च रोगिणम् |

भर्तारं पूजय्त्साध्वी परलोकसुखेच्छया ||

भर्ता हि परमं भाग्यं सुगुणो दुर्गणोपि वा |

यस्य जीवितमात्रेण भाति नारी सुमङ्गला ||

Shri Sadguru said

For the chaste women, their husbands are the final refuge. Such women worship husbands as gods. A woman who forsakes her husband, and falls in love with another man is despised by the world. She finds no happiness on this earth and in the other world too. She who follows her husband like Madayanti, who worshipped her husband despite being a demon in nature, is adored by people in the world. A chaste woman with her eyes set on the happiness in store in the other world, should adore her husband even if he is handicapped or poor, or afflicted by some disease or even if he is a fool. The greatest fortune of a woman is her husband whether he is good or bad-natured because she is worshipped as a sumangali only when her husband is alive.