Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 5
प्रेमैव साधनं नूनं दर्शनाय रमापतेः |
विशुद्धप्रेमरहितान्नरान् हरिरुपेक्षते ||
किं विद्यया किं तपसा किं धनेन जनेन च |
येषां तु हृदयेन नास्ति कृष्णप्रेम सुनिर्मलम् ||
तस्मात्सर्वं पत्रित्यज्य कुलं मानं धनं जनम् |
प्रेम कुर्याद्गोकुलेशे तन्मुखाब्जादिदृक्षया ||
प्रतिक्षणं वर्धमाना विरहाग्निसमुज्ज्वला |
प्रेमरूपा भक्तिरेव कृष्णसायुज्यकारिणी ||
श्रीकृष्णाविरहेणैव क्रन्दन् क्रन्दन् क्षणे क्षणे |
कालक्षेपं यः कुरुते लोकेस्मिन् स हि भाग्यवान् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Unquestionable loving devotion is the only device helping in the effort to reach Shri Bhagavan, the spouse of Goddess Lakshmi and have His darshan. Shri Hari ignores one who does not have such dedicated Prem. If blemishes love for Lord Krishna is not present in one’s heart, what use then he has of education, penance, wealth and men supporting him? If one has a longing to see the divine countenance of Shri Krishna, he should nurture untold Prem for Him, giving up the pride of high-birth, prestige, wealth and his people. Only prema-bhakti, that grows every second and becomes more and more intense and lustrous due to the agony of separation from the Lord, will rant the boon of union with Shri Krishna. He who spends each second of his life on this earth suffering the pain and grief of his separation from Shri Krishna, is the only fortunate person.