Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 3

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 3


साहाय्यं कुरुते कृष्णो दुष्करे गृहकर्मणि |

भक्तानामेकनिष्ठानामनन्यमनसां प्रभुः ||

अग्रतः पृष्ठतक्ष्चापि पार्क्ष्वतक्ष्चापि सर्वतः |

तिष्ठन् पण्डरिनाथास्तु भक्तं पालयति प्रभुः ||

गर्हिताण्यपि कर्माणि कुरुते करुणानिधिः |

स्वगौरवञ्च विस्मृत्य भक्तरक्षणदीक्षितः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Lord Krishna helps the bhaktas in many ways. He shares the burden of even the household chores of those bhaktas who have no other thought other than of the Lord and have unaltered faith in him. Lord Pandarinatha stands in front of, behind, at the sides of and at all places and helps His bhaktas. The Lord, the boundless ocean of mercy, who is the avowed guardian of the bhaktas engages Himself even in mean jobs forgetting His glory for the sake of Hiss devotees.

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 33 - 37

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 33 - 37


इत्येवं प्रलपंस्तत्र ताडयन्च्छिरसि स्वयम् |

मूर्च्छामवाप भक्तक्ष्च विट्ठलस्य कृपां स्मरन् ||

विज्ञाय कृष्णकारुण्यं भक्तमाहात्म्यमीदृशम् |

श्रद्धया स्वानुभूत्यापि प्ररुरोद नराधिपः ||

सहसा संपरित्यज्य राजसेवां दृढव्रतः |

प्रतस्थे वैष्णवैः सार्धं सादरः पण्डरीपुरम् ||

केशप्रसाधानं कुर्वन् वैष्णवानां महात्मनाम् |

तत्र नित्यमुवासैव सकुटुम्बो महामतिः ||

एवं हि बहवो भक्ता रक्षिता विट्ठलेन हि |

योगक्षेमवहेनैवं भक्तानां भक्तबन्धुना ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus Senanayee beat himself pondering over the mercy of Shri Vitthala. He wept bitterly and fainted at last. The king also wept bitterly realizing through his experience the compassion of Lord Shri Krishna and the greatness of His devotee and attaining true faith. The firm believer Senanayee at once, quit the service of the king and left for Pandaripuram along with his wife another vaishnavas. The great gnaw stayed at Pandaripuram carrying on his profession and thus helping the exalted vaishnavas. Thus many bhaktas were protected by Shri Panduranga the closest kinsman of the bhaktas and the patron and guardian of them all

Thus ends Chapter Twenty entitled ‘Sennayee Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 26 - 32

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 26 - 32

सेनानयी उवाच

वैष्णवाराधने हृष्टो हरिकीर्तनलोलुपः |

त्वत्कैङ्कर्यम् न सस्मार गृहे तिष्ठन्नपि प्रभो ||

प्राप्ते महति दुःखेपि कर्तव्यं राजशासनम् |

मयैवं जानताप्येवं तव दास्यं तु विस्मृतम् ||


अनालोक्य मयैवाद्य केवलं ग्यातिवाक्यतः |

बन्दीकृतोसि व्यर्थं हि महत्पापं कृतं मया ||

अत्रैव पूर्वमागत्य विधायापि प्रसाधनम् |

किं वृथा क्लिश्यसे साधो त्यज राजभयं पुनः ||

सेनानयी उवाच

अहं नागतवानत्र किमेवं वदसि प्रभो |

तत्र भागवतैः साकं चकार हारिकीर्तनं ||

नूनं स एव भगवान् तव चक्रे प्रसाधनम् |

तत्करस्पर्षमात्रेण भाग्यवानसि पार्थिव ||

पापिष्ठो वञ्चकोsहं निर्दयोsहञ्च दुर्भगः |

मन्निमित्तमिदं कर्म कृतं तेनापि गर्हितम् ||

Senanayee said

Oh! Master! I forgot my duty and stayed at home as I was engaged in attending on the vaishnavas. I took great pleasure in that. I was enchanted by Hari-kirtan. Though I know very well that on my account the king’s order has to be obeyed. I forgot my duty

The king replied

Without giving second thought to my decision I arrested you unnecessarily just carried away by the words of your relatives. I have become a great sinner, no doubt. You were here to do what I wanted and finished dressing up my hair. Why do you feel sorry unnecessarily? Oh! sadhu, do not be afraid of me.

Senanyee said

Oh! King! certainly Shri Bhagavan only has dressed you up. You are very fortunate and have become blessed as Shri Bhagavan has touched you with His hands. I am a sinner. I am deceitful. I am hearted. I am unfortunate. Oh, the Lord has done this mean job on behalf of me.

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 18 - 25

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 18 - 25

अलङ्कारविधिञ्चक्रे तस्य म्लेच्छस्य विट्ठलः |

नूनन भक्तपराधीनो न करिष्यति किं प्रभुः ||

तत्करस्पर्शसौख्येन विमुग्धो मन्त्रबलं तदा ||

अन्तर्दधे सद्य एव भगवान् रुक्मिणीपतिः |

सेनानायीति विलपन्नरेन्द्रोप्यगमत्सभाम् ||

बन्दीकृत्य समानीतं सेनानायिनमादरात् |

विलोक्य राजा प्रोवाच मुच्यतां मुच्यतामिति ||

उत्थाय चासनात्सद्यस्तमालिङ्ग्य पुनः पुनः |

प्रेम प्रकटयामास परमाक्ष्चर्यमोहितः ||

म्लेच्छराजं विलोक्यैनं सेनानायी कृतान्च्जलिः |

अपराधं क्षमस्वेति प्रार्थयामास भक्तिमान् ||

केवलं ज्ञातिवाक्येन तव बुद्धिमजानता |

मया बन्दीकृतोसि त्वमपराधं क्षमस्व मे ||

इति स्मप्रार्थितो राज्ञा पुनः प्राह च वैष्णवः |

राजभक्तिं प्रकटयन् विनीतो विहिताञ्जलिः ||

Shri Vitthala had finished doing the hair of the King. What will the Lord who has deliberately made himself a slave of His devotees, not do for their sake! The muslim king was enchanted by the pleasure he received at the magic, divine touch of Shri Bhagavan. He doubted whether it was the result of the strength given by some mantras, or some magic-spell. Shri Bhagavan, the Lord of Devi Rukmini disappeared immediately. The king reached the court repeatedly chanting the name of Senanayee. At that time he saw the captive Senanayee there. With great kindness he ordered the soldiers to release him. The bewitched king got up from his seat and embraced Senanayee again and again with great affection. Seeing the king’s action, the bhakta Senanayee sought his pardon with folded hands. “Carried away by the words of your relatives, I failed to understand you and hence I improsoned you. Only you should excuse me”. Thus pleaded the king. The vaishnava replied with folded hand, with humility and loyalty to the king.

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 13 - 17

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 13 - 17

सत्सङ्गमे तु संप्राप्ते कृष्णनाम प्राकीर्तयन् |

राजकृत्यं न सस्मार सेनानायी दृढव्रतः ||

तदा तु ज्ञातयः केचिदसूयापीडिताशयः |

राज्ञे विज्ञापयामासुः सेनानायिकथां बत ||

कुपितो म्लेच्छराजोपि भटानाज्ञापयत्तदा |

बन्दीकृत्य तमद्यैव सभां प्रापयतेति च ||

तावत्साक्षात्पाण्डुरङ्गो भक्तबन्धुर्जगत्प्रभुः |

सेनानायिस्वरूपेण प्राप म्लेच्छसभां हरिः ||

यस्यैव निगमं मूर्ध्ना वहन्ति गिरिशादयः |

स एव भगवानत्र म्लेच्छराजमुपागतम् ||

The staunch devotee Senanyee thus continued to engage in Krishna-kirtan as he had got the unattainable company of the sadhus. Hence he forgot his royal duty. In the meantime some of his envious relatives reported the matter to the king. At once the angry king ordered his soldiers to arrest Senanayee and bring him to the royal court. At the same time, the Lord of the world and the savior of the bhaktas, Shri Panduranga reached the court of the muslim king in the disguise of Senanyee. Now, Shri Bhagavan whose command is immediately obeyed by Rudra and all other devas with very great respect, stood near the muslim king.

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 9 - 12

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 9 - 12

कदाचिद्बहवो भक्ताः कीर्तयन्तो जगत्पतिम् |

आजग्मुस्तद्गृहद्वारं पण्डरीपुरयात्रिकाः ||

यदृच्छयैव तान् दृष्ट्वा सेनानायी च वैष्णवान् |

गृहमानीय सहसा पूजाञ्चक्रे यथाविधि ||

हरे वीट्ठल रामेति कृष्ण कृष्णेति सुस्वरम् |

कीर्तयन्तो महात्मानो ननृतुः परया मुदा ||

तेषां मध्ये महात्माsयं सेनानायी सतां वरः |

मदोन्मत्तो गज इव ननर्त प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

Once, some pilgrims, on their way to Pandaripuram stood outside his house singing the glory of Shri Panduranga. Seeing those unexpectedly arrived vaishnavas, Senanayee took them inside the house immediately and paid due respect to them all. Those sadhus became very happy and they started dancing with melodious songs calling out the Divine Names of the Lord as ‘Hari’ “Krishna’ and ‘Vitthala’. In their midst stood the exalted personality mahatma Senanayee and started dancing uncontrollably like an elephant that has gone amuck.

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 6 - 8

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 6 - 8

सेनानायीति विख्यातो महाभागवोत्तमः |

नियुक्तो म्लेच्छराजेन शिखालङ्कारकर्मणि ||

स्वजातिधर्मं रचयन् श्रद्धयैव दिने दिने |

हरिमाराधयामास कुटुम्बी विजितेन्द्रियः ||

रामाननदस्य शिष्योsयं कृष्णभक्तिमतां वरः |

सन्ततं चिन्तयन् क्रिश्नमास्ते लोकविलक्षणः ||

A great bhagavatottama named Senanayee was appointed the barber of a muslim king. He was nurturing deep devotion to Lord Hari with a withdrawn attitude. He engaged daily in his hereditary job with all sincerity. He was a disciple of Shri Ramananda. He was noted among the Krishna bhaktas. He was worldly in his outlook and attitude and was always engaged in Krishna dhyana.

Vaishnava Samhita. Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 1 - 5

Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 1 - 5


भगवद्भजनानन्दसागरे मग्नचेतसाम् |

प्रवृत्तिर्लोकविषये विनष्टा भवति ध्रुवम् ||

लोकवेदातिक्रम्य कुर्वद्भिर्हरिकीर्तनम् |

आत्मनः श्रेयसे लोके किं कर्तव्यमितः परम् ||

सन्त्यक्तलोकधर्माणां सदा कृष्णैकचेतसाम् |

योगक्षेमं वहत्येव भगवान् स्वयमेव हि ||

अस्ति भक्तचरित्रेषु प्रमाणं तु सहस्त्रशः |

चिन्ता नास्ति तदीयतानां लौकिके पारमार्थिके ||

तस्मात्सर्वत्र सन्त्यज्य ममतां सर्वदा हरिम् |

निर्भयो निर्भरो भक्त्या चिन्तयेद् दृढनिष्ठया ||

Shri Sadguru said

Those who remain drowned in the blissful ocean of Hari Bhakti are never inclined to engage in the worldly affairs. What necessity do those who are beyond the worldly affairs and the precepts of the Vedas, have to do anything for selfish gains? Shri Bhagavan Himself takes care of the well being of the sadhus who have given up all worldly deeds and are always engaged in the dhyana of Lord Shri Krishna? There are thousands of evidences in the life stories of the bhaktas that will prove this fact. His devotees have nothing to worry over on the worldly and spiritual planes alike. Hence, at all places and at all times we should meditate upon Lord Hari free of all concerns and worries and with staunch faith and rid of pride.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 35 - 37

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 35 - 37

तावदन्तर्दधे देवः सखीदेवीस्वरूपधृत् |

तामपश्यन् कृष्णशर्मा नितरां विस्मितोsभवत् ||

सखीदेव्याः प्रेमभक्तिं प्रभावं विट्ठलस्य च |

दुर्भाग्यमात्मनक्ष्चापि स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा रुरोद सः ||

गोपीभावेन संयुक्ता सखॆदेव्यपि विट्ठलम् |

संप्राप परमानन्दं विमुक्ता भवबन्धनात् ||

Meanwhile, Shri Pandarinatha, who was present there in the form of Sakkubai had vanished. Seeing her not present there, Krishna Sharma was astounded. He realized the depth of Sakkubai’s prema-bhakti and the glory of Shri Vitthala. Pondering on them and thinking about his won misfortune, he felt very sad and cried. Sakkubai who was endowed with true topi Prem got rid of the earthly life and the cycle of births and deaths. She attained Shri Vitthala and experienced divine bliss eternally.

Thus ends Chapter Nineteen entitled ‘Sakhidevi Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 29 - 34

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 29 - 34

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे सापि सखॆदेवॆ हरिप्रिया |

ददर्श विट्ठलं देवं पण्डरीपुरमागता ||

कटिन्यस्तकराम्भोजं कण्ठशोभितकौस्तुभम् |

कालमेधनिभं कृष्णं कमलाक्षं ददर्श सा ||

तत्पदाम्बुजमाक्ष्लिष्य प्रेमतापसमन्विता |

त्यक्त्वा शरीरं सहसा तमेव प्राप भामिनी ||

विलोक्य तस्याः सुदृढां प्रेमभक्तिं तु वैष्णवाः |

परमं विस्मयं प्राप्तास्त्वाब्रुवन् साधु साध्विति ||

वृत्तान्तं तु सखीदेव्याः कक्ष्चिद्भागवतः पुनः |

नगरं प्राप्य तद्भर्त्रे दुःखितोपि न्यवेदयत् ||

कृष्णशर्मापि तच्छ्रुत्वा तद्विचार्य पुनः पुनः |

सखीदेवीं द्रष्टुकामो विवेशान्तर्गृहं तदा ||

In the meantime, Sakkubai reached Pandaripuram and had the darshan of Shri Panduranga. She saw Panduranga having His hands on His hips, wearing the gem of Koustubha, having a lustrous complexion of the black rain bearing cloud and with eyes as charming as the lotus flowers. With unsurpassed love and grief of separation suffered for such a longtime, she enriched His feet with her hands and died. Leaving behind the cage of her body she reached Him. The vaishnavas were very much excited with divine joy to see her unshaken devotion and they all appreciated her saying that hers was the best of all achievements. A bhagavata who came back to the place of Sakkubai narrated this story with sorrow to Krishna Sharma. Having listened to it. Krishna Sharma plunged into deep thinking and at last he went inside his house to see Sakkubai who was present there.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 23 - 28

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 23 - 28


इत्येवं बहुधा देवी प्रलपन्ती पुनः पुनः |

निबद्धा गृहपाशेन रुरोद हरिवल्लभा ||

अथार्धरात्रे सा देवी प्रियदर्शनसंभ्रमात् |

येनकेनप्रकारेण विमुक्त्वा पण्डरीं ययौ ||

तदा तत्रैव गोविन्दस्तस्या रूपमुपेयिवान् |

स्तम्भे निबद्धो ददृशे करुणासिन्धुरच्युतः ||

कृपया कृष्णशर्मापि विमुमोच प्रियाञ्च ताम् |

सान्त्वयामास सरसं कुर्वन् सल्लापमादरात् ||

तद्भवामनुसृत्यैव गृहकृत्यन्चकार सा |

एवं क्ष्वश्रूर्ननान्दा च तस्यां प्रेमैव चक्रतुः ||

एवं मायासखीदेवी श्रीमती परदेवता |

मोहयामास भर्तारं जगन्मोहनतत्परा ||

Shri Sadguru continued

The devotee of Shri Hari, Sakkubai was thus lamenting while she remained tied to the pillar at home. At nigh, somehow she freed herself and left for Pandaripuram with the yearning to see Lord Panduranga. At that time, the merciful Lord Panduranga assumed the disguise of Sakkubai and was seen bound to the pillar. Krishna Sharma sympathized with her and hence released her. Fondling her with great love he consoled her. She went on attending to the household chores as wished by him. Her mother in-law and sister-in-law also treated her very kindly. The Supreme Being capable of bewitching the whole world coming in the disguise of Sakkubai was alluring her husband too.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 18 - 22

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 18 - 22


हा कृष्ण रुक्मिणीकान्त राधिकाराधित प्रभो |

गोपीवल्लभ गोविन्द भामारमण माधव ||

पाहि मां पण्डरीनाथ पाञ्चालीलामानरक्षक |

यमुनालोल गोपाल यशोदानन्दवर्धन ||

लौकिकं वैदिकं कर्म न जानामि यथातथा |

तथाप्यस्मिन् कुटुम्बेहं सीदामि बहुपीडिता ||

संसारसागराद् घोरान्मामुद्धर कृपानिधे |

निधेहि तव पादाब्जे किङ्करी शरणागताम् ||

किं गृहेण च कान्तेन किं धर्मेण धनेन किम् |

त्वामेव मे प्रियतमं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि विट्ठल ||

Heh! Krishna! Lord of Rukmini ! Consort of Devi Radha! Oh Lord! the mate of the hopis! Govinda! Spouse of Devi Satyabhama! Madhava! Pandarinatha! Oh! Rescuer of Paanchali! Oh! The one who carried on divine sport on the bank of river Yamuna! Son of Yashoda! Please save me. I’m ignorant of the worldly code. I do not know the Shastras either. Yet I am caught in the net of the family life and am in distress. Oh! Treasure chest of compassion! Please lift me. Your devotee, up to your holy feet from the sea of earthly sorrows into which I have fallen. I surrender to you completely. What use do objects like home and wealth and the husband and the righteous code have for me? I long to see only You, my beloved.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 14 - 17

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 14 - 17

सा कदाचित्सखॆदेवॆ सलिलानयनाय तु |

ययौ तटाकं सानन्दं स्मरन्ती विट्ठलं प्रभुम् ||

यदृच्छया सखीदेवी गच्छतः पण्डरीपुरम् |

विलोक्य वैष्णवान् मुग्धा तैर्ययौ केशवप्रिया ||

तच्छ्रुत्वा कृष्णशर्मापि मध्येमार्गं विलोक्य ताम् |

पीडयंस्ताडयन् क्रुद्धस्त्वानिनाय गृहं प्रति ||

पत्या क्ष्वश्र्वा ननान्द्रा च ताडिता सा पुनः पुनः |

बद्धा गृहान्तरस्तम्भे प्रललाप हरिप्रिया ||

One day, she went to the pond to fetch water, meditating upon Shri Panduranga. Unexpectedly she met some vaishnava pilgrims who were going to Pandharipuram. Totally oblivious of herself she joined them and went towards Pandaripuram. When he heard of this, Krishna Sharma chased her. Cathing hold of her on the way to Pandharipuram, he beat her with great anger and brought her home. Sakkubai was tied to a pillar at home and was beaten heartlessly by her husband, mother-in-law and sister-in-law. She wept bitterly with pain and grief.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 11 - 13

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 11 - 13

सखीदेव्याः प्रेमभावं पाण्डुरङ्गे विलोक्य सः |

तद्रहस्यमविज्ञाय तां मेने ग्रहपीडिताम् ||

तथा क्ष्वश्रू: क्रूरचित्ता नानाभर्त्सनताडनैः |

गृहकृत्यं शिक्षयन्ती चक्रे हिंसा दिने दिने ||

सा दोहनेsवहनने लेपने शोधनेपि च |

विट्ठलं चिन्तयामास पचने परिवेषणे ||

सा कदाचित्सखीदेवी सलिलानयनाय तु |

ययौ तटाकं सानन्दं स्मरन्ती विट्ठलं प्रभुम् ||

Watching this peculiar behavior, Krishna Sharma thought she was under the spell of some evil spirit. He did not realize the fact that Sakkubai had such a deep devotion to Shri Panduranga. Her mother-in-law also had the same idea. She was torturing Sakkubai compelling her to do a lot of work at home daily. She used to scold her and beat her badly. But Sakkubai was unintermittently thinking of Shri Panduranga even while she was engaged in different jobs like milking the cow, removing the hay from the corn, sweeping the floor, cleaning the house, cooking and serving food to the family members.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 6 - 10

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 6 - 10

समीपे पण्डरीपुर्याः कस्मिंक्ष्चिन्नगरे पुरा |

कक्ष्चिदासीद् ब्राह्मणस्तु कृष्णशर्मेति विश्रुतः |

कदर्यो धनिको मूर्खः कामी परमकोपनः |

स्वप्ने कृत्वाप्यन्नदानमुपवासपरो हि सः ||

तस्य पत्नी महासाध्वी सखीदेवीति विश्रुता |

प्रेमभावेन सम्युक्ता बाल्यात्प्रभृति विट्ठले ||

औदार्यगुणसंयुक्ता सर्वाजीवदयापरा |

सच्चरित्रेण सम्युक्ता पतिसेवापरायणा ||

क्वचिद्ध्यायति गोविन्दं क्वचिन्नृत्यति गायति |

क्वचिद्रोदिति सा देवी क्वचिद्धसति नन्दति ||

There was a brahmana named Krishna Sharma in a place near Pandharipuram. He was a very rich yet stingy man. He was lustful and had a very hot temperament. He was so miserly that he would starve the next day if he had a dream of gifting food to others this day. His wife was named Sakkubai (Sakhidevi). She was having a very good conduct. She was generous, philanthropic and compassionate. From her childhood she had developed deep premature Bhakti towards Lord Vitthala. She was always engaged in serving Shri Krishna. Sometimes she would engage in meditating upon Shri Govinda, sometimes she would sing in praise of Him. At times she would dance, laugh, cry or feel happy incessantly thinking about Him.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 5

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 5


प्रेमैव साधनं नूनं दर्शनाय रमापतेः |

विशुद्धप्रेमरहितान्नरान् हरिरुपेक्षते ||

किं विद्यया किं तपसा किं धनेन जनेन च |

येषां तु हृदयेन नास्ति कृष्णप्रेम सुनिर्मलम् ||

तस्मात्सर्वं पत्रित्यज्य कुलं मानं धनं जनम् |

प्रेम कुर्याद्गोकुलेशे तन्मुखाब्जादिदृक्षया ||

प्रतिक्षणं वर्धमाना विरहाग्निसमुज्ज्वला |

प्रेमरूपा भक्तिरेव कृष्णसायुज्यकारिणी ||

श्रीकृष्णाविरहेणैव क्रन्दन् क्रन्दन् क्षणे क्षणे |

कालक्षेपं यः कुरुते लोकेस्मिन् स हि भाग्यवान् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Unquestionable loving devotion is the only device helping in the effort to reach Shri Bhagavan, the spouse of Goddess Lakshmi and have His darshan. Shri Hari ignores one who does not have such dedicated Prem. If blemishes love for Lord Krishna is not present in one’s heart, what use then he has of education, penance, wealth and men supporting him? If one has a longing to see the divine countenance of Shri Krishna, he should nurture untold Prem for Him, giving up the pride of high-birth, prestige, wealth and his people. Only prema-bhakti, that grows every second and becomes more and more intense and lustrous due to the agony of separation from the Lord, will rant the boon of union with Shri Krishna. He who spends each second of his life on this earth suffering the pain and grief of his separation from Shri Krishna, is the only fortunate person.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 28 - 32

Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 28 - 32

स्पर्शने शिवरूपेण विष्णुरूपेण दर्शने |

संस्थितं विट्ठलं ज्ञात्वा परां भक्तिमवाप सः ||

शिव एव हरिः साक्षाद्धरिरेव तथा शिवः |

एवं ज्ञात्वा नरहरिर्भेदभावं तथा जहौ ||

अयं देवः शिवो वास्तु विष्णुर्वास्तु यथातथा |

अकारणक्रुपासिन्धुर्विट्ठलः शरणं मम ||

इति स्मृत्वा पाण्डुरङ्गे दृढभक्तिमवाप्य सः |

काञ्चीं समर्पयामास ताञ्च जग्राह माधवः ||

द्वेषं त्यक्त्वाsन्यदेवेषु परमैकान्तमानसः |

आश्रयेदिष्टदैवं तु शैवो वा वैष्णवोsपि वा ||

When Narahari touched Him, He was in the form of Shri Shiva and when he looked at Him, Shri Vitthala was in the form of Shri Vishnu. Realizing the truth ultimately, Narahari attained unsurpassed strength of devotion. “Shiva is Vishnu Himself and Vishnu Himself is Shiva”—realizing this truth, Narahari abandoned his idea of duality and distinction. ‘Let this deity be Shiva. Let Him be Vishnu, only Shri Vitthala who showers mercy unsought is my sole refuge’. Thinking so, he developed unaltered devotion to Shri Panduranga and submitted the girdle to Him, Shri Madhava also accepted it. Be one a shiva or a vaishnava, One should have unflinching faith in the deity of his choice and worship Him, not developing any hatred towards other deities.

Thus ends Chapter Eighteen entitled ‘Narahai Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 23 - 27

Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 23 - 27

मायावी पाण्डुरङ्गोपि रसिको हि स्वभावतः |

भावं तस्यानुसृत्यैव शिवरूपोsभवत्तदा ||

जटां चन्द्रकलाञ्चैव तृतीयं लोचनं तथा |

कण्ठे नागं करे शूलं पस्पर्श न्रनृहरिर्महान् ||

अहो ममैव देवोsयमन्यैः कृत्रिमबुद्धिभिवः |

पूज्यते वनमालीति कपाल्येव न संशयः ||

इति स्मुत्वा सद्य एव नेत्रमुन्मील्य भक्तिमान् |

ददर्श पुण्डरीकाक्षं श्रीवत्साङ्कं श्रियः पतिम् ||

संप्राप्य विस्मयं सद्यो लीलारसविमोहितः |

पुनः पुनक्ष्च पस्पर्श ददर्श च पुनः पुनः ||

Is not Shri Panduranga an exponent of magical arts, very naught and a rasika by nature? So, he appeared before Narahari as Shri Shiva suited to his temperament. Narahari touched and felt the matted hair and the moon’s crescent on the Lord’s head; the third eye on His forehead, the snake in His neck and the Trishul in His hand. Narahari was startled. ‘Oh! This is my Lord only. The treacherous people worship my Shiva as Vishnu, wearing the garland of sylvan flowers. I am quite sure’. Thinking so, that devotee of Shiva opened his eyes. But he saw in front of him only Shri Panduranga, the lotus-eyed Lord of Devi Rukmini with the Insignia of Shri on His chest. The devotee was bewitched by this Leela of Shri Bhagavan. With great wonder, he touched Him and gazed at him again and again.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 15 - 22

Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 15 - 22


इत्य्क्तो धनिकः सोपि संप्राप्य मन्दिरम् |

नितम्बरिमाणां तदाजहार रमापतेः ||

तथा चकार काञ्चीञ्च शिवभक्तो हिरण्मयीम् |

अर्पयामास धनिकः सानन्दं विट्ठलाय ताम् ||

किन्तु सा पाण्डुरङ्गस्य निताम्बाद्गलिताsपतत् |

कटिप्रमाणादधिका काञ्ची रत्नमयी तदा ||

काञ्चीमादाय सहसा नितरां दूनमानसः |

न्यवेदयन्नृहरये शिवैकमनसे पुनः ||

यथाप्रमाणं विच्छिद्य प्रमानादधिकाञ्च ताम् |

तस्मै ददौ नरहरिः किन्चित्कोपेन सम्युतः ||

काञ्च्यां तु धार्यमाणायां कट्यां श्रीविट्ठलस्य तु |

अल्पत्वात् पतिमाणस्य नितरां निबिडाsभवत् ||

एवं पुनः पुनः कृत्वा कुपितो नृहरिस्तदा |

कटिप्रमाणमादातुं स्वयमेवाययौ बत ||

अनिच्छन् विट्ठलं द्रष्टुं प्रकुर्वन्नेत्रबन्धनम् |

उपेक्षयैव पस्पर्श पाण्डुरङ्गं क्रुपानिधिम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Having been instructed thus, the rich man went to the temple and got the measurement of the waist of the Lord of Devi Rukmini. Narahari, the goldsmith made a golden girdle exactly according to that measurement. Filled with hoy, the rich man offered it to Shri Vitthala. But as the gem-studded girdle was bigger in size, it slipped out of the waist of Shri Panduranga. The rich man became very sad and took back the girdle. He came again to Narahari who was immersed in Shiva-dhyana and reported to him what had happened. At that Narahari became a bit angry. He cut the extra length and made it exactly to coincide with the new measurement. Now, when it was offered to Vitthala again, it was found that the girdle had become very tight and that the measurement was yet not correct. The adjustment was done may times, but in vain. Narahari got angry. AT last, ironically enough, he had to come to the temple of Shri Panduranga in order to take the correct measurement. He covered his eyes (with a piece of cloth) as he did not want to see Shri Panduranga. WIth an indifferent attitude he touched the moorti of Shri Panduranga.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 9 - 14

Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 9 - 14

धनिक उवाच

अहं श्रीपाण्डुरङ्गस्य काञ्चीं कर्तुं हिरण्मयीम् |

इच्छामि रत्नखचितामनर्घ्यामतिसुन्दरीम् ||

तत्कर्मकुशलोसि त्वमिति श्रुत्वाssगतोस्म्यहम् |

अद्यैव काञ्चीं निर्मातुमारम्भं कुरु सत्वरम् ||

काञ्चीभूषणनिर्माणे विलोक्य तव कौशलम् |

बाहुमानं करिष्यामि तवाहं नात्र संशयः ||


अहं तु शिवभक्तोस्मि शिवध्यानपरायणः |

विष्णोस्ति भूषणं कर्तुं न शक्नोमि कदापि च ||

धनिक उवाच वेतनार्थं करोषि त्वं भूषणानि च योषिताम् |

तथा कुरु महाबुद्धे न दोषस्तव संभवेत् ||


एवञ्चेत्तस्य देवस्य पण्डरीक्षेत्रवासिनः |

नितम्बपरिमाणं त्वमाहराद्य यथातथा ||

The rich man said

I want to make a very expensive girdle of gold, studded with precious stones and gems, for Shri Panduranga. I came here learning that you are an expert in this job. Please start making a girdle now itself. Certainly, I shall reward you adequately befitting your skill and craftsmanship.

Shri Narahari said

I am a devotee of Shri Shiva, having Shiva dhyana as the only object of my life. I shall never make an ornament for the sake of Shri Vishnu.

The rich man said

Are you not making jewels for girls getting money in return? There is nothing wrong in doing the same way now.

Shri Narahari said

In that case you get me the exact waist measurement of the Lord who is residing in the holy Pandaripuram.