Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 29 - 30

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 29 - 30


श्रुत्वैवं महताम् वाक्यं कबीरो विस्मयान्वितः |

लीलां श्रीरघुवीरस्य मेने भक्तसुखाप्रदाम् ||

आपृच्छय जग्मुः सन्तक्ष्च स्वावासं परेमपूर्वकम् |

कबीरोपि रघुश्रेष्ठं ध्यायन्नास गृहे स्वके ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Listening to the sadhus, Kabir was quite surprised. He thought that it was the Leela of the Lord, who blesses the bhaktas always with happiness. All the sadhus took leave of Kabir, quite happy and contented. Kabir spent his days at home all the time engaged in Rama-dhyana.

Thus ends Chapter One entitled ‘Kabirdasa Charitam I’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 27 - 28

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 27 - 28

साधव उवाच

तवाज्ञयैव भगवन् वयनात्र समागताः |

त्वयैव पूजिताः सर्वे तृप्ताःस्मः साधुसत्तम ||

एवं किन्तु ब्रवीषि त्वं गर्वलेषविवर्जितः |

साधूनां हिं स्वभावोsयं विनयः प्रीतिवर्धन ||

The sadhus said

Oh! Illustrious sadhu! We all came here only at your invitation. We were all attended to by you only. And hence we are all very much satisfied. Thus you seem to be utterly selfless and humble. You are capable of making our affection for you, leap beyond bounds. This modesty goes with great men always.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 23 - 26

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 23 - 26

साधव उचुः |

कबीर्दास महाभाग दरिद्रोपि महामनाः |

कथं नः पूजयस्येवमागतांक्ष्च सहस्त्रशः ||

लोकेस्मिन् त्वादृशो भक्तो न भूतो न भविष्यति |

तव भक्त्या श्रद्धया च राघवोपि वशीकृतः ||

कबीर उवाच

किमप्यहं न जानामि किक्ष्चिन्तो निर्भरोस्मि च |

अहञ्च पूज्तोस्म्यत्र केनाचिद्धर्मिकेण तु ||

तं धार्मिकं महात्मानं विचित्यैवात्र पश्यत |

यस्याज्ञया प्रेमपूर्वं यूयमत्र समागताः ||

The sadhus said

Oh! Kabir, the fortunate! Though poor, you are large hearted and philanthropic. How could you take care of us all, who have come in thousands to your house ? On this earth, there had been no bhakta equal to you in the past and there will not be any in future too. Even Lord Rama was bound by your devotion and dedication.

Kabir said

I am not aware of anything. I am free from worries and fears. Hence, I am also attended to by a great service-minded person. Please find out who that great mahatma and righteous person is. You have all come here only in response to his holy and loving command

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 19 - 22

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 19 - 22

ते सर्वे रामभक्ताक्ष्च रामचिन्तनतत्पराः |

चक्रुर्भागीरथीतीरे रामानामानुकीर्तनम् ||

तदा स्वयं रघुपतिः सीतया च समन्वितः |

कबीर्दासस्वरूपेण पूजयामास तान् मुदा ||

अन्न्वस्त्रादिदानेन पादप्रक्षामलेनन च |

यथाक्रमम् प्रेमपूर्वं सर्वान् साधूनपूजयत् ||

ते सर्वे पूजिताः साधु राघवेण महात्मना |

कबीर्दासं मन्यमानाः तुष्टुवुस्तमुपागताः ||

All those bhaktas, who had Rama-dhyana as the only aim of life, assembled on the bank of the holy Ganga and started chanting the Divine Name of Lord Rama. At that time, the gracious Lord Rama along with Devi Sita appeared in the disguise of Kabirdasa, (and his wife) and attended to all the sadhus very happily. The Lord gave them all feet-wash and then offered them food and clothings and thus systematically paid them respect. All the sadhus, worshipped thus by the Supreme Being, felt happy. Thinking that Kabir had done all these, they praised him highly.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 18

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 18

धनेन दुर्मदान्धास्तु दृष्ट्वैव ग्रुहमागतम् |

अतिथि क्रोधसंयुक्ताः भषन्ति क्ष्वसमा नराः ||

कदाचिद्धनिकाः केचित् कबीर्दासे महात्मनि |

असूयासंयुताक्ष्चक्रुरपराधं सुदुर्मदाः ||

आगच्छत महात्मानः कबीर्दासानुशासनात् |

वाराणसीमहाक्षेत्रे सत्सङ्गो भविता महान् ||

इति पत्रं विलिख्यैव दिक्षु सर्वासु लीलया |

महाद्भयः प्रेषयामासुर्धनिका द्वेषसंयुताः ||

तदृष्ट्वैव महात्मानः कुतूहलसमन्विताः |

वाराणसीमुपाजग्मुः कबीर्दासगृहं तथा ||

सहस्त्रं रामभक्तानामागतञ्च यदृच्छया |

विलोक्यापि कबीर्दासो निक्ष्चिन्तो निर्भरोsभवत् ||Normally, those who are proud of their riches and wealth get annoyed whenever they are put in a position to help the poor. They bark like dogs seeing the guests who come for alms. Once some wealthy and hence proud men got envious of mahatma Kabir, and committed an offense against him. They perpetrated an abominable scheme against the mahatma. Those inimical men prepared copies of a message that there was going to be convened a great assembly of sadhus at holy Kashi, and sent them to the sadhus all over the country. On receipt of the invitation, the sadhus became happy and thronged in thousands to the residence of Kabir at Kashi. Kabir remained totally unperturbed even at the sight of an unexpected crowd of Rama bhaktas.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 10 - 12

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 10 - 12

तस्य प्रेमपरां भक्तिं विलोक्य रघुनन्दनः |

चकार तस्य कैन्कर्यं गूढरूपो दिने दिने |

विस्मृत्य लौकिकं कर्म रामध्यानं प्रकुर्वतः |

उवाह शिरसा तस्य योगक्षेमं कृपानिधिः ||

दरिद्रोsपि महात्माsयमुदारगुणसंयुतः |

यथाकथाञ्चिदातिथ्यं चक्रे प्रेम्णा दिने दिने ||

Shri Rama was very much pleased with his deep loving devotion. And hence, His invincible hands carried on all activities for the benefit of Kabir. Kabirdasa was so deeply engrossed in chanting the Divine Name of Lord Rama that he forgot all his earthly duties. Hence Lord Shri Rama took it to be His responsibility to look after the welfare of Kabirdasa. Though poor, Kabir was philanthropic, somehow daily he managed to host very kindly all the noble guests who came to his house.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 7 - 9

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 7 - 9


आसीत्कबीरदासाख्यो महाभागवोत्तमः |

ज्ञानवैराग्यसंपूर्णो रामभक्तिपरायणः ||

तुरुष्ककुलसंभूतो महाशान्तो दृढव्रतः |

अचिन्तितकुलाचारो रामनामजपप्रियः ||

वैष्णवाराधानापरोपरो विवेकी विनयान्वितः |

सर्वसद्गुणसंपन्नः सत्यसन्धो महामतिः ||

तस्य प्रेमपरां भक्तिं विलोक्य रघुनन्दनः |

चकार तस्य कैङ्कर्यं गूढरूपो दिने दिने ||

Once there was an exalted, pious Bhagavatam named Kabirdasa born in a muslim clan. He was very intelligent and was adorned with noble qualities like truthfulness, modesty and wisdom. He took pleasure in hosting the vaishnavas with great respect. He as immersed all the time in chanting the Divine Name ‘Rama’. he had given up the ways of his muslim clan. A man of unflinching faith, a withdrawn attitude, and a clan disposition. Kabirdasa considered devotion to Lord Rama to be the only object of his life.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 4 - 6

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 4 - 6

लोकवेदपराणां तु वैष्णवानां महात्मनाम् |

चरित्रश्रणेनैव प्रेमभक्तिः प्रजायते ||

प्रेमभक्त्या प्रसन्नः स्याद्दृढविक्ष्वासयुक्तया |

भगवान् जानकीनाथो भक्ताकर्षणतत्परः ||

तस्मात्तद्दासदासानां चरित्रं परमाद्भुतम् |

अनुवर्णय सानन्दं सद्गुरो करुणानिधे ||

Prema Bhakti is cultivated in one’s mind only the one listens to the sublime life-stories of the great vaishnavas who stand above the earthly life and even the Vedas. Bhagavan, Shri Rama, the Lord of Devi Janaki, always cherishes the divine will of drawing the bhaktas to Him. He is propitiated only by premature Bhakti coupled with unflinching faith. Oh! Gurunatha! You are the ocean of mercy. Please be kind enough to present to us a blissful description of the wonderful stories of the devotees of Lord Shri Rama.

Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 1 -3

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 1 -3

भागवता उचुः

रामानन्दस्य शिष्याणां वैभवं वद विस्तरात् |

वयं तु पातुमिच्छामस्तवैव वचनामृतम् |

व्यर्थं ग्राम्यकथाभिर्हि नीयते दुर्लभं वयः |

क्षणार्धमपि साधूनां सङ्गमस्तु सुखावहः ||

हरेक्ष्च हरिदासानां चरित्रश्रवणेन सुखावहः |

जायते परमानन्दो ब्रह्मादिसुरदुर्लभः ||

The bhagavatas said

Please give us, in detail, the glorious account of the disciples of Shri Ramananda. We desire to drink in the nectar of your words. This invaluable life is wasted idly. To be blessed with the company of sadhus even for a moment is a great pleasure. When we listen to the sacred story of Lord Shri Hari and His bhaktas or haridasas, we get a great deal of divine joy that is unattainable even to the devas.

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 21 -25

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 21 - 25

विंशे ते साधुसङ्गेन सेनानायी विमोहितः |

राजसेवां चकारापि कृपया रुक्मिणीपतिः ||

एकविम्षे रुक्मिणीशो भक्तपालनतत्परः |

रैदासस्यैव रक्षार्थं पादरक्षां चकार च ||

एवमष्टमभागस्य प्रोक्ताक्ष्चाध्यायसङ्ग्रहः |

पठतां शृणवताञ्चापि स्मरणाय पुनः पुनः ||

यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यमिमां वैष्णवसम्हिताम् |

स याति परमं धाम शाक्ष्वतं श्रॆपतेर्ध्रुवम् ||

मङ्गलम् सद्गुरुभ्योस्तु वैष्णवेभ्योस्तु मङ्गलम् |

मङ्गलं माधवायास्तु प्रेमिकायास्तु मङ्गलम् ||

When Senanayee forgot himself and his duty, as he was in the company of sadhus, Lord Panduranga Himself engaged in the service of the king due to His untold mercy. This episode is found in the Twentieth Chapter. In Chapter Twenty One, Lord Panduranga, the benefactor, made shoes in order to serve His bhakta. In order tor fresh readers and listeners memories, the contents of Book VIII has been given in a nutshell here. He who reads with reverence and devotion the Vaishnava Samhita, reaches the Final Abode of Lord Shripati certainly. Glory unto the Sadguru! Glory unto the vaishnavas! Glory unto Lord Madhava! Glory unto Premika!

Thus ends Chapter Twenty Two entitled ‘Katha Sangraham’ of Book VIII os Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Mahaprabhu who revels in the luscious sweetness of the divine bliss emanating from the lotus feet of Shri Bhagavannama Bodhendra Swamigal who descended the earth as the savior of all beings, the universal pretor, the parivrajaka (a wandering saint) and the Paramahamsa (a realized soul)

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 16 - 20

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 16 - 20

अथ पञ्चदशे राजा शिवाजिर्धर्मवत्सलः |

म्लेच्छनार्यामाहृतायां मातृभावञ्चकार ह ||

षोडशेपि शिवाजिस्तु तुकाराममुपाश्रयन् |

सर्वं म्लेच्छबलं क्रूरं नाशयामास लीलया ||

एवं सप्तदशे बालः कोराकुंभेन नर्तने |

मर्दितः पाण्डुरङ्गेन पुनरुज्जीवितो बत ||

अष्टादशे नरहरिः शिवभक्तिपरायणः |

भेदभावं परित्यज्य पाण्डुरङ्गमुपागतः ||

एकोनविंशे गोविन्दं सखीदेवी च सुन्दरी |

वशीकृत्य प्रेमभावाद्ददर्श प्रियमच्युतम् ||

In Chapter Fifteen, the righteous king Shivaji treated the muslim women, who was brought to him as a captive exactly like his mother. King Shivaji approached Shri Tukaramand earned his mercy. With the strength of his blessings he found it a child’s play to destroy the muslim army. This is the gist of Chapter Sixteen. In Chapter Seventeen, the child who was killed in the course of the blissful dancing of Korakumbha was brought back to life by the mercy of Lord Panduranga. The devotee of Shri Shiva, Narahari, gave up his enmity and duality and came close to Lord Panduranga in Chapter Eighteen. In the Nineteenth Chapter, Sakhidevi bound Lord FGovinda with her love and devotion, and gained His darshan.

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 12 - 15

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 12 - 15

एकादशे महात्मानमेकनाथमुपागतः |

शिष्यो भूत्वा कृपासिन्धोः कैङ्कर्यमकरोत्प्रभूः ||

द्वादशे त्वेकनाथस्य शिरसि म्लेच्छको मुहुः |

गण्डूशं कृतवान् दुष्टो न तत्याज क्षमाञ्च सः ||

त्रयोदषेप्येकनाथः पथि दृष्ट्वा तु गर्दभम् |

गाङ्गेयेन जलेनापि तोषयामास तं महान् ||

चतुर्दशे रामदासं परमैकान्तिनं प्रभुः |

आनीय प्रददौ रङ्गो रामरूपेण दर्शनम् ||

Lord Krishna, the springholle of mercy became the disciple of the revered Shri Ekanatha and served him in the Eleventh Chapter. In Chapter Twelve, Shri Ekanatha was seen unperturbed even when a mleccha spat on his head many times. In the Thirteenth Chapter, mahatma Ekanatha offered holy Ganga water to a donkey on his way and made him happy. Shri Ramadasa was a very staunch devotee of Lord Rama. Lord Panduranga took him very close to Himself and gave him darshan in the form of Shri Rama. This is the subject matter of Chapter Fourteen.

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 7 - 11

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 7 - 11

षष्ठेपि रुक्मिणीकान्तो नामदेवगृहं गतः |

जनामानन्दयामास विविधैः प्रेमचेष्टितैः ||

सप्तमे नामदेवस्य सङ्कीर्तनविमोहितम् |

कबीरः सान्त्वयामास नृत्यन्तं विट्ठलं प्रभुम् ||

अष्टमे नामदेवस्तु हरिकीर्तनलोलुपः |

उपेक्ष्यामि च वैकुण्ठं तुकारामोsभवत्पुनः ||

नवमे तु तुकारामो भार्यया ताडितोपि सः |

क्षमया पृथिवीतुल्यः सान्त्वयामास तां पुनः ||

दशमेपि तुकारामो विरक्तो विपिनङ्गतः |

तत्राप्यनुगतां पत्नीं सान्त्वयामास बोधयन् ||

Chapter Six tells us that the Lord of Devi Rukmini came to Namadeva’s house and provided great joy to Janabai. Lord Vitthala had almost lost Himself in the sweet music of Shri Namadeva. Shri Kabirdasa made Him collect His calm. This episode is given in Chapter Seven. According to Chapter Eight, Shri Namadeva ignored even Vaikuntha since he was bewitched by Hari-kirtan and was born again on this earth as Tukaram. Tukaram who possessed endurance equal to that of Mother Earth, was beaten up by his wife, and later pacified her. This incident is given in Chapter Nine. In Chapter Ten, the dejected Tukaram was followed by his wife to the forest and there he made her calm preaching her and thus conferring nana on her.

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 6

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 6


ततक्ष्चाष्टभागस्य वक्ष्याम्यध्यायसङ्ग्रहम् |

यत्र पण्डरीनाथस्य माहात्म्यमभिवर्ण्यते ||

प्रथमे पण्डरीक्षेत्रे भगवान् रुक्मिणीपतिः |

पुण्डरीकाय भक्ताय वरं दातुमुपागमत् ||

द्वितीये ज्ञानदेवोपि विट्ठलध्यानतत्परः |

महिषस्य मुखेनैव सामगानमकारयत् ||

तृतीये शार्ङ्गदेवोपि योगसिद्धिमतं वरः |

मुक्तादेवीप्रसादेन हरिभक्तिमवाप च ||

चतुर्थे नामदेवस्य दृढभक्तिवशीकृतः |

दुग्धं पपौ पाण्डुरङ्गो भगवान् भक्तवत्सलः ||

पञ्चमे नामदेवस्य समदृष्टिं परीक्ष्य च |

सारमेयस्वरूपेण विट्ठलो मुदितोsभवत् ||

Now, I am preceding to give you the essence of Book VIII that speaks of the glory of Lord Pandarinatha. In the First Chapter Shri Bhagavan, the Lord of Devi Rukmini came to bless Pundarika. Gnanadeva who had meditation on Shri Vitthala as the only object of life, made a buffalo recite the Same Veda, in Chapter Two. In the Third Chapter, yogi Sharngadeva attained deep devotion to Lord Hari due to the mercy of Muktabai. Lord Panduranga, the benefactor of the bhaktas, drank the milk offered by young Namadeva, compelled by his firm devotion. This is described in Chapter Four. In the Fifth Chapter, Shri Vitthala came in the disguise of a dog and was pleased to note the equanimity of Shri Namadeva.

Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 25 - 28

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 25 - 28

रैदास उवाच

तादृशी न हि मे भक्तिर्यादृशी करुणा तव |

कृतघ्नोहं कृपासिन्धो भक्तवत्सल विट्ठल ||

क्वेयं मे गर्हिता वृत्तिः क्व त्वं वैकुण्ठभूपतिः |

निशि जागरणेनैव पादुकानां शतं कृतम् ||

नूनं मे हृदयं वज्रमश्मसारमयं हि वा |

तव लीलां विलोक्यापि भिद्यते नैव विट्ठल ||

एवं संस्मृत्य संसृत्य बहुधा प्रलपन्नपि |

उन्मत्तवच्चचारायं रैदासो वैष्णवोत्तमः ||

Raidasa lamented

Heh, fountain-head of mercy! Benefactor of the bhaktas! Vitthala! I am a cheat. I do not have Bhakti matching your mercy. Oh! What a great disparity is there between me and my mean job and You, the Lord of the Vaikuntha? Oh! You have made hundred pairs of shoes, keeping awake throughout the night. Definitely, I am hard-hearted as hard as a stone or vajra (thunderbolt, the weapon of Indra). It is still unbroken and is intact even after experiencing this merciful Leela of Yours. Thus thinking repeatedly about the mercy of the Lord and lamenting about his incapacity, the distinguished vaishnava Raidasa wandered all over like a lunatic.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty One entitled ‘Raidasa Charitm’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 21 - 24

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 21 - 24

विट्ठलेपि तु नायाते गत्वा पुण्यं नदीतटम् |

आगच्छ रङ्ग रङ्गेति चुक्रिशोच्चैः पुनः पुनः ||

अनागते तदा तस्मिन् शङ्कां प्राप्य तु वैष्णवः |

इतस्ततो विचिन्वंस्तं परिवाव्राज संभ्रमात् ||

ज्ञात्वा तं सर्वलोकेशं साक्षाच्छ्रीरुक्मिणीपतिम् |

बहुधा प्रलपन्नेव मूर्च्छितो न्यपतद्भुवि ||

रैदासं गृहमानीय तस्य पत्नी पतिव्रता |

बहुधा सान्त्वयामास प्रेमभाषणपूर्वकम् ||

When he found that Ganga Vitthala was not back home, Raidasa reached the bank of the holy river and shouted in a loud voice, “Oh, Ganga! Oh, Ganga!”. When Ganga Vitthala was not to be found, Raidasa was perturbed and many doubts cropped up in his mind about the young man. He ran here and there in search of him. Realizing the truth that the one who came as Ganga Vitthala was the Lord of the worlds and spouse of Devi Rukmini, Raidasa lamented much and fell on the ground. His beloved wife brought him home, and very affectionately consoled him with many soothing words.

Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 17 - 20

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 17 - 20


रैदासेन ततो रात्र्यां भुक्त्वाsयं रङ्गविट्ठलः |

पादुकानां शतं चक्रे कैङ्कर्यायानुमोदितः ||

समाप्ते तु स्वकैङ्कर्ये स्नानार्थञ्च नदीङ्गतः |

तत्रैवान्तरधात्क्षिप्रं लीलया रङ्गविट्ठलः ||

आदाय स्वयमागत्य पादुकानां शतं नृपः |

पादुकानां धनं दत्वा प्रददौ पारितोषिकम् ||

तत्सर्वं विट्ठलायैव प्रदातुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

प्रतीक्षामाणः सानन्दं तं नापश्यत्सतां वरः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Ranga Vitthala who was permitted to do the job immediately by Raidasa, had his supper that night with him, and then completed the work of making hundred pairs of shoes. Completing the work, Ganga Vitthala went to the river to have a dip. Thus finishing His Leela, He vanished. The king came in person, got all the shoes paying their cost and some money over and above the cost as a special reward to Raidas. Raidas had decided to give all the money to Ganga Vitthala and hence he was waiting for his arrival. But he was absconding.

Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 10 - 16

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 10 - 16

स होवाच

पादुकाकृदहञ्चापि भवन्तं शरणं भजे |

न मे माता पिता चैव न मे बन्धुर्न मे गृहम् ||

तस्मात्वमेव सर्वं मे दास्यं मे देहि सन्ततम् |

पितृवत्प्रेमभावेन परिपालय मां प्रभो ||

रैदास उवाच

एवमस्तु महाभाग स्वागतं ते भवत्विह |

ममोपकारं कर्तुं हि प्रेषितोसि परात्मना ||

आग्यापितोस्मि राज्ञाहं पादरक्षां सहस्त्रशः |

निर्मातुं ध्यानमग्नत्वाच्छक्तिर्मे न हि बालक ||

कस्माद् देशादागतोसि नाम किं ते महामते |

ज्ञातुं कौतूहलेनैव पृच्छामि प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

स होवाच

जन्मभूमिः पण्डरी मे नाम्नाहं रङ्गविट्ठलः |

इतस्ततः परयातटंक्ष्च त्वामद्य शरणङ्गतः ||

अस्यामेव निशायां तु पादुकानां शताधिकम् |

शक्तिर्ममास्ति निर्मातुं सहर्षं तव पश्यतः ||

The young man said

Oh! Swami! I too am a cobbler. I surrender to you. I do not have my parents, relatives or any money. Hence you are all in all for me. Please take me as your servant and guard me with all affection as a father takes care of his son.

Raidasa replied

Oh, fortunate one! Yes I shall do as you want. You are welcome. I believe the Supreme Lord has sent you to help me, indeed. My child! The king has ordered me to Mae hundred pairs of shoes. I am not capable of doing it as I get immersed in dhyana often. Oh! Wise man! Where are you coming from? What is your name? I want to know these, for I have developed a love for and interest in you. Please answer me.

The young man said

My native place is Pandaripuram. My name is Ganga Vitthala. I roamed about many places and finally came to you. I have the capacity to make more than a hundred shoes overnight. You can remain watching me joyfully.

Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 6 - 9

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 6 - 9

संप्राप्ते समरे तत्र योधानां वैष्णवोत्तमम् |

कर्तुमाज्ञापयामास पादुकानां शतं नृपः ||

आज्ञां तु म्लेच्छराजस्य रैदासो भक्तपुङ्गवः |

हरिध्याननिमग्नत्वात्कर्तुं नैव शशाक सः ||

करिष्यति शिरश्च्छेदमाज्ञा न क्रियते यदि |

एवं ज्ञात्वापि भक्तास्तु हरिध्यानरतोsभवत्||

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे कक्ष्चिद्युवा दिव्याङ्गसुन्दरः |

रैदासं समुपागत्य बद्धाञ्जलीपुटोs वदत् ||

Once there broke out a war in that kingdom,. Hence the king ordered the distinguished vaishnava to get ready with hundred pairs of shoes for use of the soldiers. But the greatest bhakta Raids who had Hari-kirtan and dhyana as the object of his life, could not complete the work as commanded by the moral king. Knowing well that the king would cut off his head if he did not work out his order, the bhakta continued to meditate upon Lord Hari. In the meantime, a handsome young man approached Raidas and told him the following with folded hands.

Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 4 - 5

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 4 - 5

रैदासो नाम पादॊकृदासीद्गुणवतां वरः |

रामानन्दस्य शिष्यक्ष्च हरिध्यानपरायणः ||

यदृच्छयैव लब्धेन स्वकुटुम्बं प्रवर्तयन् |

कालक्षेपं चकारायं सङ्कीर्तनपरायणः ||

There was a cobbler named Raids who was an exalted personality. He was the disciple of Swami Ramananda and had Hari-dhyana as the only object of his life. As he was always immersed in singing the Divine Names of God he could not earn a lot. He pulled on his life with the income he got unplanned and unexpected